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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

i'm wondering if there are like. multiple people who even share any 'immunity'? raritini has a thus-far unique ""immunity"" ... i think if EVERYONE has differently-referenced ones it's likelier it's all just a ruse lol
confirming I also have a thus-far unique immunity tacked onto my role: immunity to being recruited by mafia

inb4 there isn’t actually a mafia
my immunity confirms that either mafia exists or immunities are bullshit (or both)
i'm wondering if there are like. multiple people who even share any 'immunity'? raritini has a thus-far unique ""immunity"" ... i think if EVERYONE has differently-referenced ones it's likelier it's all just a ruse lol
confirming I also have a thus-far unique immunity tacked onto my role: immunity to being recruited by mafia

inb4 there isn’t actually a mafia
my immunity confirms that either mafia exists or immunities are bullshit (or both)
i can’t tell if you’re being serious or not :'D
- rari
If you have any question about any reads I make feel free to ask, I'll try to clarify/work out/stuff
just I might answer later because tired

and no I do not think there is room in this town for a cult and a mafia that recruits people
i'm wondering if there are like. multiple people who even share any 'immunity'? raritini has a thus-far unique ""immunity"" ... i think if EVERYONE has differently-referenced ones it's likelier it's all just a ruse lol
confirming I also have a thus-far unique immunity tacked onto my role: immunity to being recruited by mafia

inb4 there isn’t actually a mafia
my immunity confirms that either mafia exists or immunities are bullshit (or both)
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