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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

hmmm, thinking about the kokoposts... well, they're also very like someone who's never played vs a cult, but I have a much less clear idea of kokorico's mafia experience level. hmmmmm

I suppose I agree that they were strange, but I don't know about "potentially scummy" strange. for one, I'm not sure that "attempting to waste town's time with bad tangents" is, like, an actual scum strategy that anyone's ever consciously used. that said.... hmm. well, at least, the kokorico wagon seems less like red-hot nonsense to me now. with luck, I'll have an actual conclusion on whether to pursue it or stay on seshas before EoD
I continue to be keldeo-paranoid
I haven't picked up a good vibe from them but that's probably because I haven't been paying attention to thread
I actually think the koko wagon having stood for so long is a decent look for em? I suppose the sizable opposition is... like... the existence of the Seshas push, but that seems villager-led. Maybe that's circular.
hmmmm, meh, it's ultimately not extremely weird. in retrospect, I remember what I originally thought of those posts: they were pretty reminiscent of kokorico in acnh mafia, at least as much of it as I've actually read
that was a crazy awesome play but unfortunately, I'm supposing it's very easy for hydreigon to just not post for the next 2h, huh

dunno if they're even online, lesseee......
wait so if you happened to attach a lie detector to a mafia member could you just force them to out all their buddies lol.
wait so if you happened to attach a lie detector to a mafia member could you just force them to out all their buddies lol.
or, well, they could just ignore the question; I'm assuming lies of omission don't count

(of course, refusing to respond to a simple alignment check would be quite a bit more directly alignment-indicative, so)
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