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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

Day 1's

Vote Count:

Seshas (4):



Despicable Meme

, Trebek, kokorico
kokorico (3): Seshas, Mist1422, kyeugh
Despicable Meme (1): Vipera Magnifica
RedneckPhoenix (1): Butterfree
tbh^2 (1): RedneckPhoenix

@Mist1422 @kyeugh what was your reason for voting with Seshas against kokorico & not against Seshas D1 ?
fucking STOP
of note: i still have the charge

i asked the gm "what if they die" and my response was "can't tell you that, fucker"

tinfoil time: the "recharge one-shot" ability is actually "turn a one-shot into a nightkill"
it kinda puzzles me why people were side-eyeing jack tbh
he was one of my highest townreads and, if flavour consistency is a thing, hmf seems to be the mafia kill – which means that he was likely vigged

of note: i still have the charge
maybe you shouldn’t have said this ಠ_ಠ

- rari
considering that rnp found him worthy of a public copcheck, i am inclined to believe there was something about him that people found suspicious that either we didn’t pick up on or we didn’t find scummy
if it wasn’t a vig, what do you think it could be?
- rari
i thought of someone who was unlikely to be killed but also wasn't afk for the entire game
Eyyy. I hope I'm not jinxing anything by saying this seems pretty sweet.

I trust kyeugh overall from her yesterday, but I'd be remiss not to say I'm hmming a bit at the actions' sanity cause I thought both Butterfree and koko were probably not partners with Seshas based on their d1s...

If the checks are true and we had w/w wagons all day 1, I really have no idea what mafia did ~nothing about it or why Butterfree seemed so something that EOD. Maybe one of w/w Seshas/koko would've been outgroup explaining the former, but it doesn't look like mafia really pushed either wagon as an alternative (Seshas wagon being mostly town, koko not going over). Could be an absent partner (= Emmy or Hydreigon or someone as the probable last one?) or I might just be misreading amount that mafia would self-preserve?

If the checks aren't necessarily trustworthy - if they're paranoid and say nothing about koko/Butterfree's alignments, I suppose I believe in koko/Seshas not w/w more than Butterfree/Seshas, so it could be that Butterfree is still mafia with koko being town? If they're insane and mean koko/Butterfree are v/v, I do think that condenses the POE a lot, so I'll look more into that after sleep.

universe brain tinfoil: i am paranoid/insane, mafia knows it, there is a mafia tracker (hence rnp's role), that tracker is mist, mist just watched me last night to see who i checked and came in here to preemptively validate my read to push along the mislynch at lightning speed
Honestly it's as plausible as anything anyone else has suggested. From my PoV, at least.

I would be interested to know if RNP used his claim-forcing-thing at all last night, because I would've thought I would be the obvious target, but nothing of the sort happened.

Butterfree, pending any additional information that comes out.
@kokorico I think you have a unique POV here that I'm not sure I understand right now, can you expand on why you're voting Butterfree?

I tracked keldeo last night, once again no targeting to report

sorry guys, I wish I had more I could contribute from that
Can confirm this report is accurate, ftr. @storm, actually, do you have any thoughts you've yet to share that aren't related to mechanics?

Day 1's

Vote Count:

Seshas (4):



Despicable Meme

, Trebek, kokorico
kokorico (3): Seshas, Mist1422, kyeugh
Despicable Meme (1): Vipera Magnifica
RedneckPhoenix (1): Butterfree
tbh^2 (1): RedneckPhoenix

@Mist1422 @kyeugh what was your reason for voting with Seshas against kokorico & not against Seshas D1 ?
fucking STOP
Come on, dude. I'm suspicious of them too and maybe their formatting could be better, but they don't deserve to continue to be sworn at...

I do actually wonder if this quoted post is TMIing koko as town because like... hmm. @Hydreigon25, why do you see voting for kokorico and not for Seshas as suspicious? What do you think kokorico and Butterfree's alignments are?

considering that rnp found him worthy of a public copcheck, i am inclined to believe there was something about him that people found suspicious that either we didn’t pick up on or we didn’t find scummy
if it wasn’t a vig, what do you think it could be?
- rari
I mean I thought Jack was pretty villagery at least on a surface level, but I feel like maybe other people didn't share that opinion. I'm not really sure what could account for a second death besides a vig, though? So I'd echo that question to kyeugh.

Also, just to make sure I'm understanding correctly, VM was probably a third party who bet on his own death yesterday and everything he claimed was BS, right. rip like all the mech analysis I did yesterday.

Does voting Butterfree make this a unanimous wagon besides Butterfree herself and Emmy, haha.
Oh, lol, oops.

i mostly hope vm flips red for his sake, because if he's actually town, he will either have to shell out or spend the rest of his life getting chased down by tcod loansharks. and you don't want to cross those guys, trust me.

qva: Hail, good forumgoers. I come to you with a simple query. I seek a read source for use in yeeting a mafia name from scratch. Knowst any from among your ranks of such an application?

Vipera Magnifica: God be with ye! I do know of such an implement, as chance would have it. It is called My Night 1 Red Check. Unfortunately, a single factor obstructs its convenient use: I first require the creation of an account linked to your forum persona.

qva: Forsooth? Tell me more of this "obstructing" factor.

Vipera Magnifica: First you will need to privately inform me of your forum username and password. Privacy is of the utmost importance, of course. Following this, I shall bestow upon you a Scumreades List, which will initiate the installation procedure.

qva: Be this all?

Vipera Magnifica: Nay! I have also a Nigerian bank account, holding 100 Australian dollars, from which I will transfer to you funds if my Reades are incorrect. Please send me your bank information, and I shall arrange a transfer posthaste.

qva: Oho! But of course, petulant troll. No matter, my "trustworthy" fiend - I will simply transfer my sensitive details to a true stranger in exchange for a dubious implement as well as one hundred dollarinoes which exist not. Preposterous! I hope dearly that this transgression leads to your yeeting from the premises, you miscreant.

Vipera Magnifica: Fret not! I can assure you in earnest that My Night 1 Red Check does in fact exist. Here is an etching my scribe created of my motion detector in action. Do feast your eyes upon it, good patron.

qva: Aäaäh, heavens to the virgin above! This is your best attempt at pulling the wool over my pure, unadulterated Childe Eyes? Pathetic as the clay beneath my vulgar feet, you writhing warlock. Your scribe's handwriting is abysmal! Laughable, I do declare! Ohohoho!
Right, so.

From my point of view, I think probably the simplest explanation is just that kyeugh really is paranoid/insane? Presumably Mist copying her action will act with the same sanity, and without explaining that it is insane/paranoid (I assume you were just told something like "Butterfree's alignment is mafia"?). I thought last night that this had to be more complicated than that but nah.

Presumably there can't have been redirection since we've seen what that looks like...? Don't have the spoons to go back and check but that was a thing we established, right, that if an inspection is redirected you see who you actually inspected.

I expect then the only other real possibility is either I'm an uninformed miller, or somebody, like, targeted me with a millerizing action, which I guess could exist in this game but is going a bit far with the speculation. Paranoid/insane seems more sensible.
@kokorico I think you have a unique POV here that I'm not sure I understand right now, can you expand on why you're voting Butterfree?
Oh, I don't think it's anywhere near as bizarre as you're imagining, haha. Earlier I said that the only way kyeugh's check lined up with my alignment was if there were shenanigans involving at least one of {sanities, redirectors, millers}. Mist's independent confirmation of kyeugh's check on Butterfree seemed to eliminate the first possibility, since two insane cops seemed a bit much even for this game, so I was figuring that the check on Butterfree was most likely legit, and the check on me was probably affected by something else.

But if Mist was just copying kyeugh's action, rather than using a copcheck of her own, then I guess she would copy kyeugh's sanity too. So we're back to square one, hmm.
I mean I thought Jack was pretty villagery at least on a surface level, but I feel like maybe other people didn't share that opinion. I'm not really sure what could account for a second death besides a vig, though? So I'd echo that question to kyeugh.
not too sure. if it's not a vig kill i suspect we probably won't find out what caused it until the end of the game. i was kinda just sounding off because it seemed like a weird target to me, though, especially since the vig didn't fire for the first two nights even though i or someone else might have been a more logical target n1 than jack was last night
I have to say, in hindsight, I'm a bit 🤔 about the suddenness with which the wagon gained traction. as was pointed out above, literally everyone is voting for bfree now except herself and rnp (and indigoemmy), so either the mafia are bussing for no good reason (we're not even sure kyeugh is sane!) or she is not in fact mafia.

I can't think of any better targets atm, though. Unless anyone wants to try to read anything into this:
A sign lies in the square, hammered into the ground, and reads as follows:
Hydra is likely aligned with town.
Someone clearly put it in the ground last night.
I'm thinking if bfree and koko are both scum there would be an attempt to discredit me/kyeugh somehow

maybe this is it
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