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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

if my results aren't accurate, i want to say i'm insane. i'm kind of doubting that i'm paranoid here, because afaict that would probably just leave town with no investigative role? i don't really buy that tbh, it just makes my role worse than useless and doesn't even provide any ~drama~ about conflicting claims or anything for mawile's viewing pleasure.

if my results are reliable, well, we just yeet koko and butterfree and that's that i guess? if not, then i'm probably insane, and we're looking at something like:
  • Mist1422 - power duplicator?
  • Keldeo
  • storm - tracker
  • kyeugh - witness
  • IndigoEmmy
  • kokorico - town via my check
  • tbh²
  • Butterfree - town via my check
  • RedneckPhoenix - silencer, probably town?
  • Hydreigon25 - messenger
factoring in tone reads, i think my reads list (if i'm insane) is:
never yeet

prefer not to yeet

maybe yeet

the yeet zone
guess i'll put a vote on IndigoEmmy for now, since i don't really see how we're ever going to resolve her without a flip? @IndigoEmmy, come play bitte!
storm/tbh^2 being scum are certainly worlds

not fun ones but ones that are probably a good consideration to make?
okay, soooo, it seems like this is a good time to claim ...
we are the oracle tbh!
YES. Snowboards is manufacturer of snowboards.[1][2] It was founded in 2009 and is based in Europe.[3][4]

YES. Snowboards Inc.
IndustrySporting goods
Key peopleRomain De Marchi, JP Solberg, DCP
ProductsSnowboard equipment, apparel, accessories
Number of employees20
and according to king mawile, we're the Incarnation of Wikipedia or whatever. but especially of YES. Snowboards Inc. we can ask a question a night and mawile replies with a wikipedia article because of course he does.

on n0,
how many outgroup mafia-aligned slots are there?
to which mawile replied with
on n1,
how many distinct third-party wincons are there in the game?
to which mawile replied with
on n2,
how many roles are there in this game that may result in inaccurate cop results, (e.g. framers/godfathers/non-regular sanity cop)?
to which mawile replied with

most crucially (and the reason we're claiming now) is that the n2 answer seems to indicate that a) skylar is legit, and b) there is no miller or something like that in setup. so ... we won't be moving votes, bfree/koko should be the lock lynches right now.

so I was about to go "oh shit, it's a perfectly calculated fakeclaim" and vote for you, dreading the thought that you were probably just believable enough for this to be the final straw that would win the game for mafia

and then I re-read, realised this is exactly the sort of game where mawile would interpret your questions exactly and literally, and, well

on n2,
how many roles are there in this game that may result in inaccurate cop results, (e.g. framers/godfathers/non-regular sanity cop)?
to which mawile replied with

you may remember that kyeugh is not, in fact, a cop, but a witness

there are no "roles that may result in inaccurate cop results" because there are no cop results at all
i don’t NOT believe you, tbh², i’m just hesitant to believe i got two accurate redchecks, and koko’s point isn’t a bad one. i guess yeeting one of koko/bfree is as good a way to find out as any, though...?
i don’t NOT believe you, tbh², i’m just hesitant to believe i got two accurate redchecks, and koko’s point isn’t a bad one. i guess yeeting one of koko/bfree is as good a way to find out as any, though...?
maybe bfree getting flipped first makes more sense then, since you and mist separately got the check? and then figure things out from there

i got explicitly told butterfree's alignment after directly targeting butterfree with the ability

I don't see how that wouldn't be a cop
maybe bfree getting flipped first makes more sense then, since you and mist separately got the check?
we didn’t get them separately aiui, mist got my result.
i got explicitly told butterfree's alignment after directly targeting butterfree with the ability

I don't see how that wouldn't be a cop
i’m not technically a “““cop,””” i’m a witness. so there would be no cop checks, only witness ones.
the 3p thing is actually very helpful

it's a fair assumption to say that was VM right

so probably 3 group scum and maybe one outgroup?

how sure are we that tbh^2's claim is legit?

I think if bfree flips town I would maybe look at tbh^2 next
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