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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
only if it’s the ghost busbus drive me pls
the time between day end and votecount is free reignsimply stop posting tbh![]()
birds don't fear snakesyou should learn to fear my alien play
sorry, i feel like you haven’t really answered to my question. what information were you expecting to get?what information were you expecting to get?i just think we should have waited until D3 for more information about VM but it's fine otherwise
- rari
(longpost in the works btw)
i was hoping we could find out info on VM during D3, provided VM is Not a Mafia target N2 thereby possibly confirming him town but it basically is currently a theory atm
- rari
day 2 is now over
imagine having a sense of time tbhnext 15 minutes