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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
understandable tbh. hope everything is ok.not here and not feeling like playing rn
oh thank god we can stop being coy about thishmf was vig.
(disclaimer: "that we know about")no other role has been duplicated as both main & oneshot
The Last Will of JackPK said:Hi all! So as y'all can see, my 1-shot power was to write a last will.
I have to send this in before EOD, so I won't get to see who gets yeeted and how they flip. So I'm sorry if any of this ends up irrelevant when it actually gets posted.
My main role was doctor, and my role PM's flavor had no indication that there was any possibility of another doctor existing, so I have serious doubts about Emmy's claim as a result.
I am also skeptical of Butterfree's claim in #1593, as she claims to be immune to mafia recruitment, which is MY immunity (which I claimed in #386, and Butterfree didn't bring anything up about it back then). AFAIK we have not yet seen any pairs of people with the same immunity, so this makes me suspicious that Butterfree may be fakeclaiming and simply forgot that I had already claimed this immunity.
If it helps resolve any confusion over targets, my heals were n0 Seshas (purely bc of their profile posts asking whether they'd ever survive any game past D1), n1 tbh2, n2 kyeugh.
Good luck town! Go get 'em!