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Painful nostalgia.


off to save time and space
So, on a whim today, i went back the old Invisionfree forums and read through my posts from back then, and OH MY GOD how did any of you people put up with me? seriously. For example, i made at least two coughing cupboard threads called "..." and one of them was about i disaster that i just plain made up. Also, read my first post: "Hi! How are 'ya? i'm pokefan, and i'm lokin fowerd to meeting some new pepole"

that's verbatim. Good LORD. I didn't remember i called myself "pokefan111" when i first registered.

So, the point of this thread is... What are your embarrassing memories from when you first discovered internet message boards? Doesn't necessarily have to be this one, just stupid things you did as a kid on the internet. I'm sure lots of you have some pretty great stories.

EDIT: holy shit. apparently i registered on the Invisonfree forums on june 29th, 2004- SIX YEARS AGO. Where does the time go?
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When I was 11 I signed up on Pokebeach. My introduction thread was titled "Long time guest, Fisrt Time visitor."

Actually, I think the only not retarded thread I made on Pokebeach was that 'Important family members" thread. :B
First forum I ever went on was PKMN.NET as "Dragon Tamer Ash".

Though my first fuck-up was my introductions; I was in three different forums at the same time, welcoming people with the same sentence over and over. Which included giving them a cookie, a hard hat and a "I <3 HOUNDOOM SHIRT". Oh dear lord.

Though looking back, it would be nice to have that childlike wonder back. I feel too pessimistic and cynical when I come back here and read peoples' posts.
I remember thinking that i was hot stuff on the old forums, and here not so much. Going back i realize i only have about 90 more posts on invisionfree then i do here, but i was a lot more active on the invisionfree, while on here i just sort of went many months without posting anything.
Oh boy. Where do I start? Back on my first forum, I introduced myself with... ah... asking people to call me either 42 or Her Majesty. And multiple exclamation points on nearly everything I would post. Oh, and thinking that Internet = Serious Business. And typing with chatroom abbreviations in roleplays. And one-sentence RP posts. Thinking that random (as in monkeycheese) = funny.

I've come a long way since then. Looking back at that also convinces me that MOST people under 15 should not be on the internet. :l
I said most people. There are exceptions. Just making that clear.
My first forum.....I sucked at RPing and was pretty annoying. But I can't really get the archives to see how...the forum moved to a new server and the Wayback machine isn't getting my stuff.

Yeah, I used to post 1 sentence RP posts. That's something I just RECENTLY got out of.

But, I like seeing younger me. It's kinda cute how kinda idiotic I was.

EDIT: Speaking of pie, I'm surprised that one of my injokes still exists.
I think on the first forum I ever went on, I didn't use punctuation, often typed in all-caps, and acted like an idiot.

I improved a lot in two years, eh?

(Just to say, I happen to be thirteen, and I believe I should be on the internet.)
The list of my childish dickhattery goes on and on.

I came here when I was 11...? 12, maybe? as Scooter/NewbieWartortle. There was that time I made a thread for ASB without having a team, and upon noticing this, made a team without having a bank account, with every last one of them having sig attributes, and... ergh. I think it's still in my first couple dozen posts on here too, hence why I can't read anything from early last year without throwing up in my mouth a little. Or late last year.

I'm probably not much better now-a-days, but ohgod I hope I'm not that annoying/stupid still. D;
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The list of my childish dickhattery goes on and on.

I came here when I was 11...? 12, maybe? as Scooter/NewbieWartortle. There was that time I made a thread for ASB without having a team, and upon noticing this, made a team without having a bank account, with every last one of them having sig attributes, and... ergh. I think it's still in my first couple dozen posts on here too, hence why I can't read anything from early last year without throwing up in my mouth a little. Or late last year.

I'm probably not much better now-a-days, but ohgod I hope I'm not that annoying/stupid still. D;

I do really like the word "dickhattery".

Also, predating even here, was my brief time at the Mew's Hangout forums. I don't even want to THINK about everything i did there... too embarrassing. x.x
Ooooh, tailsy. I remember you. I have stories that could make your hair curl. >D
Damn, PK! I don't remember you being around that long, certainly not you being around before I was (which was at least like five years, I think I was 12 because I was still into Shadow the Hedgehog and urk I was terrible). The farthest back I can remember knowing you is, like... that time you had the Peasant's Quest thing for your avatar. Something. How did we meet, anyway ; ;

I really don't like thinking about how I was when I first registered. Or when I first got onto the internet, period. It was just.... nng!
Damn, PK! I don't remember you being around that long, certainly not you being around before I was (which was at least like five years, I think I was 12 because I was still into Shadow the Hedgehog and urk I was terrible). The farthest back I can remember knowing you is, like... that time you had the Peasant's Quest thing for your avatar. Something. How did we meet, anyway ; ;

I really don't like thinking about how I was when I first registered. Or when I first got onto the internet, period. It was just.... nng!

I'm like 90% sure it was the peasant's quest thing. You sent me a PM or something about how awesome it was and then i added you on msn and the rest is history

EDIT: i totally remember you registering, too. I feel so old.
Holy crap! PK I REMEMBER YOU! Ok that's funny! I think we joined around the same time!

My initial self title was "Charizard Master"

Opaltiger responded to my introduction post, of which I got yelled at by Butterfree for double posting, and he "ignores the bad things". http://z8.invisionfree.com/tcodboard/index.php?showtopic=3739

I posted a Charizard in my posts because I didn't know how to use a siggy.

Also I wrote this story and posted it about a whipped cream snowman..... holy crap.
Holy crap! PK I REMEMBER YOU! Ok that's funny! I think we joined around the same time!

My initial self title was "Charizard Master"

Opaltiger responded to my introduction post, of which I got yelled at by Butterfree for double posting, and he "ignores the bad things". http://z8.invisionfree.com/tcodboard/index.php?showtopic=3739

I posted a Charizard in my posts because I didn't know how to use a siggy.

Also I wrote this story and posted it about a whipped cream snowman..... holy crap.


EDIT: i love your avatar by the way
I haven't been here very long on this forum, but I have noticed this when going through some of my first posts on other forums. It seems I have very random and stupid posts whenever I join just about any forum.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if most of you here still hate me. :P
I got in so much trouble when I was new, Butterfree most likely wanted to kill me. JK.

I used to double post a lot and remake the same threads, it was rather sad.... I also PMed Butterfree on a regular basis.
Ho hum. My first time on the internet... I got banned from Smogon... failed at Shoddy... Banned myself for 42 years... Made horrinly ahort posts.

Good times. Good times.

By 'fail' at shoddy I mean, a team of a lv 27 Squirtle, level 32 Golem, 17 Spearow, and others. I didn't want all lv 100s because that would have been 'unfair' in my eyes back then.
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