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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Pal Park (v 3.0)

...Yes, I got that. But since many grass-types are clearly plants other than grass, and steel-types most likely are not all steel either, yet just the connection between the concepts is enough to count for the names, it seems obvious enough that the connection between birds and migration would be enough to make it on to the type chart too, does it not?
Aron Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt, Lucario (Male), Vanilluxe (Female), Sliggoo (Male), Charcoal, Steel Gem, Picture of a Weavile, Krookodile (Male), Rock Gem, Golurk, Bastiodon (Male), Black Belt, Conkeldurr (Male), Bug Gem, Electric Gem, Hawlucha (Male), Zoroark (Male), Psychic Gem
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 20130
Partner Pokémon: Golem

Natu Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x3, Ludicolo (Male), Azurill (Male), Poliwag (Female), Buizel (Female), Poliwag (Female), Goldeen (Female), Azurill (Female), Politoed (Male), Azurill (Female), Squirtle (Male), Gyarados (Male), Marill (Female), Quagsire (Male), Accelgor (Female), Seaking (Female), Azurill (Female), Slowbro (Male), Poliwhirl (Female), King's Rock, Shellos (East) (Female), Marill (Male), King's Rock, Corphish (Male), Marill (Female), Shuckle (Male), Starly (Female), Bug Gem, Victreebel (Female), Volbeat (Male), Staravia (Male), Caterpie (Male), Butterfree (Male), Duskull (Male), Wurmple (Male), Gastly (Male), Whirlipede (Male), Archeops (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 7620
Partner Pokémon: Mightyena
...Yes, I got that. But since many grass-types are clearly plants other than grass, and steel-types most likely are not all steel either, yet just the connection between the concepts is enough to count for the names, it seems obvious enough that the connection between birds and migration would be enough to make it on to the type chart too, does it not?
Aron Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt, Lucario (Male), Vanilluxe (Female), Sliggoo (Male), Charcoal, Steel Gem, Picture of a Weavile, Krookodile (Male), Rock Gem, Golurk, Bastiodon (Male), Black Belt, Conkeldurr (Male), Bug Gem, Electric Gem, Hawlucha (Male), Zoroark (Male), Psychic Gem
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 20130
Partner Pokémon: Golem

Natu Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x3, Ludicolo (Male), Azurill (Male), Poliwag (Female), Buizel (Female), Poliwag (Female), Goldeen (Female), Azurill (Female), Politoed (Male), Azurill (Female), Squirtle (Male), Gyarados (Male), Marill (Female), Quagsire (Male), Accelgor (Female), Seaking (Female), Azurill (Female), Slowbro (Male), Poliwhirl (Female), King's Rock, Shellos (East) (Female), Marill (Male), King's Rock, Corphish (Male), Marill (Female), Shuckle (Male), Starly (Female), Bug Gem, Victreebel (Female), Volbeat (Male), Staravia (Male), Caterpie (Male), Butterfree (Male), Duskull (Male), Wurmple (Male), Gastly (Male), Whirlipede (Male), Archeops (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 7620
Partner Pokémon: Mightyena
I mean, I don't think it's big enough to be worth being on the type chart. But I guess the type name logic is usable
Well, clearly whomever designed the type chart disagrees with you in that regard.
Abra Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt, Lucario (Male), Vanilluxe (Female), Sliggoo (Male), Charcoal, Steel Gem, Picture of a Weavile, Krookodile (Male), Rock Gem, Golurk, Bastiodon (Male), Black Belt, Conkeldurr (Male), Bug Gem, Electric Gem, Hawlucha (Male), Zoroark (Male), Psychic Gem
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 20175
Partner Pokémon: Golem
Natu Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x3, Ludicolo (Male), Azurill (Male), Poliwag (Female), Buizel (Female), Poliwag (Female), Goldeen (Female), Azurill (Female), Politoed (Male), Azurill (Female), Squirtle (Male), Gyarados (Male), Marill (Female), Quagsire (Male), Accelgor (Female), Seaking (Female), Azurill (Female), Slowbro (Male), Poliwhirl (Female), King's Rock, Shellos (East) (Female), Marill (Male), King's Rock, Corphish (Male), Marill (Female), Shuckle (Male), Starly (Female), Bug Gem, Victreebel (Female), Volbeat (Male), Staravia (Male), Caterpie (Male), Butterfree (Male), Duskull (Male), Wurmple (Male), Gastly (Male), Whirlipede (Male), Archeops (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 7620
Partner Pokémon: Mightyena

Well, clearly whomever designed the type chart disagrees with you in that regard.
Abra Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt, Lucario (Male), Vanilluxe (Female), Sliggoo (Male), Charcoal, Steel Gem, Picture of a Weavile, Krookodile (Male), Rock Gem, Golurk, Bastiodon (Male), Black Belt, Conkeldurr (Male), Bug Gem, Electric Gem, Hawlucha (Male), Zoroark (Male), Psychic Gem
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 20175
Partner Pokémon: Golem
Obviously. And said person also should learn how real world items interact
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x3, Ludicolo (Male), Azurill (Male), Poliwag (Female), Buizel (Female), Poliwag (Female), Goldeen (Female), Azurill (Female), Politoed (Male), Azurill (Female), Squirtle (Male), Gyarados (Male), Marill (Female), Quagsire (Male), Accelgor (Female), Seaking (Female), Azurill (Female), Slowbro (Male), Poliwhirl (Female), King's Rock, Shellos (East) (Female), Marill (Male), King's Rock, Corphish (Male), Marill (Female), Shuckle (Male), Starly (Female), Bug Gem, Victreebel (Female), Volbeat (Male), Staravia (Male), Caterpie (Male), Butterfree (Male), Duskull (Male), Wurmple (Male), Gastly (Male), Whirlipede (Male), Archeops (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 7665
Partner Pokémon: Mightyena

Wynaut Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Fletchinder (Male), Quilladin (Male), Litleo (Male), Lickitung (Female), Floette (Red) (Female)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 630
Partner Pokémon: None

You do realize you're asking for realism in a game featuring little magic creatures that openly defy conservation of energy for sport, right?
Elgyem Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt, Lucario (Male), Vanilluxe (Female), Sliggoo (Male), Charcoal, Steel Gem, Picture of a Weavile, Krookodile (Male), Rock Gem, Golurk, Bastiodon (Male), Black Belt, Conkeldurr (Male), Bug Gem, Electric Gem, Hawlucha (Male), Zoroark (Male), Psychic Gem
Points for Encounter: 60
Total Points: 20235
Partner Pokémon: Golem
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x3, Ludicolo (Male), Azurill (Male), Poliwag (Female), Buizel (Female), Poliwag (Female), Goldeen (Female), Azurill (Female), Politoed (Male), Azurill (Female), Squirtle (Male), Gyarados (Male), Marill (Female), Quagsire (Male), Accelgor (Female), Seaking (Female), Azurill (Female), Slowbro (Male), Poliwhirl (Female), King's Rock, Shellos (East) (Female), Marill (Male), King's Rock, Corphish (Male), Marill (Female), Shuckle (Male), Starly (Female), Bug Gem, Victreebel (Female), Volbeat (Male), Staravia (Male), Caterpie (Male), Butterfree (Male), Duskull (Male), Wurmple (Male), Gastly (Male), Whirlipede (Male), Archeops (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 7665
Partner Pokémon: Mightyena

Wynaut Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Fletchinder (Male), Quilladin (Male), Litleo (Male), Lickitung (Female), Floette (Red) (Female)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 630
Partner Pokémon: None

You do realize you're asking for realism in a game featuring little magic creatures that openly defy conservation of energy for sport, right?
Elgyem Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt, Lucario (Male), Vanilluxe (Female), Sliggoo (Male), Charcoal, Steel Gem, Picture of a Weavile, Krookodile (Male), Rock Gem, Golurk, Bastiodon (Male), Black Belt, Conkeldurr (Male), Bug Gem, Electric Gem, Hawlucha (Male), Zoroark (Male), Psychic Gem
Points for Encounter: 60
Total Points: 20235
Partner Pokémon: Golem
Pfft physics are arbitrary, we care more about type relations
Hariyama Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt, Lucario (Male), Vanilluxe (Female), Sliggoo (Male), Charcoal, Steel Gem, Picture of a Weavile, Krookodile (Male), Rock Gem, Golurk, Bastiodon (Male), Black Belt, Conkeldurr (Male), Bug Gem, Electric Gem, Hawlucha (Male), Zoroark (Male), Psychic Gem
Points for Encounter: 60
Total Points: 20295
Partner Pokémon: Golem
You lost the wrestling match.
Whismur Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt, Lucario (Male), Vanilluxe (Female), Sliggoo (Male), Charcoal, Steel Gem, Picture of a Weavile, Krookodile (Male), Rock Gem, Golurk, Bastiodon (Male), Black Belt, Conkeldurr (Male), Bug Gem, Electric Gem, Hawlucha (Male), Zoroark (Male), Psychic Gem
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 20340
Partner Pokémon: Golem
Wynaut Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Fletchinder (Male), Quilladin (Male), Litleo (Male), Lickitung (Female), Floette (Red) (Female)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 630
Partner Pokémon: None

Catch, and end this round of the Catching Show so I can add my prizes to my PC.

Then start a new Catching Show in the Mountain partnered with the Quilladin I just caught.
You lost the wrestling match.
Whismur Male
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt, Lucario (Male), Vanilluxe (Female), Sliggoo (Male), Charcoal, Steel Gem, Picture of a Weavile, Krookodile (Male), Rock Gem, Golurk, Bastiodon (Male), Black Belt, Conkeldurr (Male), Bug Gem, Electric Gem, Hawlucha (Male), Zoroark (Male), Psychic Gem
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 20340
Partner Pokémon: Golem
Please, I can take a fat guy.
Capture: +45 Points
Inventory: Fletchinder (Male), Quilladin (Male), Litleo (Male), Lickitung (Female), Floette (Red) (Female), Wynaut (Male)
Total Points: 630
You have 630 Points. This makes you eligible for: Aguav, Figy, Iapapa, Mago, or Wiki Berry.
And your total: $7.

Diglett Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x6
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 6345
Partner Pokémon: Quilladin

Saith the Pokédex: "Hariyama's thick body may appear fat, but it is actually a hunk of solid muscle."
Machop Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt, Lucario (Male), Vanilluxe (Female), Sliggoo (Male), Charcoal, Steel Gem, Picture of a Weavile, Krookodile (Male), Rock Gem, Golurk, Bastiodon (Male), Black Belt, Conkeldurr (Male), Bug Gem, Electric Gem, Hawlucha (Male), Zoroark (Male), Psychic Gem
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 20385
Partner Pokémon: Golem
Capture: +45 Points
Inventory: Fletchinder (Male), Quilladin (Male), Litleo (Male), Lickitung (Female), Floette (Red) (Female), Wynaut (Male)
Total Points: 630
You have 630 Points. This makes you eligible for: Aguav, Figy, Iapapa, Mago, or Wiki Berry.
And your total: $7.

Diglett Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x6
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 6345
Partner Pokémon: Quilladin

Saith the Pokédex: "Hariyama's thick body may appear fat, but it is actually a hunk of solid muscle."
Machop Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt, Lucario (Male), Vanilluxe (Female), Sliggoo (Male), Charcoal, Steel Gem, Picture of a Weavile, Krookodile (Male), Rock Gem, Golurk, Bastiodon (Male), Black Belt, Conkeldurr (Male), Bug Gem, Electric Gem, Hawlucha (Male), Zoroark (Male), Psychic Gem
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 20385
Partner Pokémon: Golem
I'll be damned. Did you look that up just to check lol?
Congratulations on completing the Catching Show! You have: Fletchinder (Male), Quilladin (Male), Litleo (Male), Lickitung (Female), Floette (Red) (Female), Wynaut (Male) and a Wiki Berry.

Chimecho Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x6
Points for Encounter: 60
Total Points: 6405
Partner Pokémon: Quilladin

Nope. From memory.
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt, Lucario (Male), Vanilluxe (Female), Sliggoo (Male), Charcoal, Steel Gem, Picture of a Weavile, Krookodile (Male), Rock Gem, Golurk, Bastiodon (Male), Black Belt, Conkeldurr (Male), Bug Gem, Electric Gem, Hawlucha (Male), Zoroark (Male), Psychic Gem
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 20430
Partner Pokémon: Golem
Congratulations on completing the Catching Show! You have: Fletchinder (Male), Quilladin (Male), Litleo (Male), Lickitung (Female), Floette (Red) (Female), Wynaut (Male) and a Wiki Berry.

Chimecho Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x6
Points for Encounter: 60
Total Points: 6405
Partner Pokémon: Quilladin

Nope. From memory.
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt, Lucario (Male), Vanilluxe (Female), Sliggoo (Male), Charcoal, Steel Gem, Picture of a Weavile, Krookodile (Male), Rock Gem, Golurk, Bastiodon (Male), Black Belt, Conkeldurr (Male), Bug Gem, Electric Gem, Hawlucha (Male), Zoroark (Male), Psychic Gem
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 20430
Partner Pokémon: Golem
You randomly remember the Sapphire dex entry of Pokemon? kden.
Capture: +60 Points
Lampent Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x5, Chimecho (Female)
Points for Encounter: 60
Total Points: 6465
Partner Pokémon: Quilladin

I have a very good memory.
Snorunt Female
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt, Lucario (Male), Vanilluxe (Female), Sliggoo (Male), Charcoal, Steel Gem, Picture of a Weavile, Krookodile (Male), Rock Gem, Golurk, Bastiodon (Male), Black Belt, Conkeldurr (Male), Bug Gem, Electric Gem, Hawlucha (Male), Zoroark (Male), Psychic Gem
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 20475
Partner Pokémon: Golem
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