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Pikachu's Plaza


Kelp is good! Yum yum!
Well, for a while I was afraid of receiving criticism that would drive one crazy, but I've decided to do it anyway.

Pikachu's Plaza

A fairly new site. Any type of criticism is excepted.
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I would go into detail, but that layout really hurts my eyes after being on your site for 30 seconds. Definitely tone down the red in that background color, and the text color doesn't clash well either. A really light purple or white would work a lot better. :)
The purple-on-yellow layout is kind of eye-hurting; the Shaymin one is okay.

Overall the site is kind of empty, but I think the best thing you have going for you right now is your theory pages (Giovanni's Son, Ash's Father). Admittedly both of those theories are kind of overdone, but analyses like that always tend to be more interesting than the typical Pokemon information pages. Original content is probably the hardest thing to come up with when making a Pokemon site, but it's still the most important. :V

The reviews for the spin-off games are okay - spin-off games are usually games where you get people asking around if they should buy them. I'm not really sure about the D/P one though.

Also, I never really understood why people make things like swearing against the rules with pandorabots. Yes, the conversations are recorded, but they're not out in the open for everyone to see. The only person who has a chance of being offended by it is the administrator of the robot. You can have whatever rules you want, I guess, but it's something I really don't get. :p
Shaymin's Flight looks pretty good. Might want to make another little thing on the sidebar for the styleswitcher though. Love the green gradation around the disclaimer.

Yeah. Nice site, but it's lacking originality... sorta.
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I'm going to ask the stupidest question in this thread.

Why is the site called Pikachu's Plaza when Pikachu itself is nowhere to be found on the site in either style?
I'm going to ask the stupidest question in this thread.

Why is the site called Pikachu's Plaza when Pikachu itself is nowhere to be found on the site in either style?

Well, because when I first tried to make a website, it was the first name that popped in my head. That site idea died, but the name still stayed. That site idea did have a Pikachu style, but I need to redesign it. Yeah, I know that there isn't anything with Pikachu yet, but there will be. Eventually.
Your Pikachu layout is the best one; the Shaymin and Giratina styles have backgrounds that are too bright for my taste... I also like the fading colors on the layout, like the yellow to the orangy red. =3

There's one thing I noticed in your "Giovanni's Son" article - it's all interesting to think about, but what makes you think that Giovanni's kid has to be a boy?

Second to last paragraph said:
Although Gideon only mentions a "son",

No, he doesn't; he only mentions a kid. A kid could be either a boy or a girl. That's the main flaw in the article, the assumtion that his kid is definitely a boy.

Your site looks like it's off to a good start. Right now I'd say it could use some more content; I'd focus on stuff like what's in the Pokémon section - theories and reviews are interesting to read, because everyone has their own opinion. And stuff that's interesting to read is a huge plus for your site. =3 Good luck!
Thanks. I was meaning to rewrite "Giovanni's Son" anyway. Now I feel sexist. :sweatdrop:

Yeah, I need more Pokémon content, but my mind is blank right now.
I like the bot Minun. It's really cool, I find.
In the Pokemon Artwork section, none of the artwork will load. It might be a problem on my computor. Also, the Wordsearch comes up as a red X too.
See any codes that you want a generator for?
I think you might have wanted to type 'See any generator you want codes for?'
But I don't know. I might be wrong.
But otherwise everything seems to be working.
Sorry if I was really nitpicky.
I like the bot Minun. It's really cool, I find.
In the Pokemon Artwork section, none of the artwork will load. It might be a problem on my computor. Also, the Wordsearch comes up as a red X too.

I think you might have wanted to type 'See any generator you want codes for?'
But I don't know. I might be wrong.
But otherwise everything seems to be working.
Sorry if I was really nitpicky.

I think it's your computer, because they seem to work on mine.

Pikachu's Plaza
I've got a new host and a new style. The new style features Darkrai and has a dropdown menu. Criticism? Praise? Give it here.
Utilizes PHP a lot. I know PHP sucks, so I'm learning Python.
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It took me a bit to figure out that there's drop-down navigation; you might want to draw attention to it in some way. Maybe a white border around it or move it below the banner? It's right above the banner and I only look below the banner at first.... I hate drop-down navigation as a rule, preferring some sort of sidebar, but that's more of a personal taste thing. Also, the font that you used for 'menu' is pretty illegible.

You spelled 'grammar' wrong on your affiliation page. Also, do people still do anti-Pokemon sites? I think that's died down, by now. I hate the word "webmistress" (as well as pretty much every other word marked as female) but that's something that just bothers me and I don't think that really matters.

Why do you say your birthdate and location but not your name on the About page and cite security reasons? It's often easier to figure out stuff about a person with a birthdate and location than it is for a full name. I'm not saying give out your name; just ... ditch the bit about security. Also, why do you have a physical description before everything else? I think that's one of the things people care about least.

You wrote 'confned' in the fifth paragraph. Reword "He is the first friend I was able to make him like Pokémon. My other best friends is also a video game fanatic who spends his time moding Half-Life 2 and filming movies." since your grammar there is kind of ... er. Yeah.

Anybody who you need to say "And to clear things up, I am not a terrorist and not all Muslims are terrorists." to is a really special snowflake who needs to be punched in the face. I'd nix that bit.

OKAY looking at the DP Review, I'd like to first say that 'utilize' is the dumbest word ever. Just use 'use'.

"Suprisingly enough, the professor's lab is not in the starting city in Diamond and Pearl. This is one of the best changes in the fourth generation." Why? Wouldn't the gameplay changes be more notable?

"Unlike the previous games, you were not left confused." Pokemon's always been exceedingly linear and pretty obvious about what to do next. Why's DP's more blatant linearity a good thing? Also ... how is the plot well-written? You claim this and go nowhere with it. Also, Pokemon. Pokemon is almost never about plot. Pokemon and plot go together like canned vegetables and tiny bits of rats and bugs: unfortunately, the two meet rather frequently and nobody's very happy about it.

"The problem I had with the training of Pokémon in this game was that Pokémon were easier to train and gained experience points faster than the previous generation. Battling with trainers was also very easy, but in my opinion, gave less experience points than battling wild Pokémon. The Battle Tower in Sinnoh is my favorite tower out of all the Battle Towers. You are allowed to participate in single battles and doubles battles. I liked the double battle feature the most. You are allowed to double battle with a friend over Wi-Fi or with a person you have met in your travels. A feature in Diamond/Pearl allows you to rest after a battle in the Battle Tower. You get to save and shut off your DS to continue your Battle Tower challenge later." ... buh? Battle Tower's been like that for a while. Also, how do you get the idea that trainers give less EXP than wild Pokemon...? There's a 1.5x modifier on trainer Pokemon EXP. o_O

"I know most Pokémon are based on real animals, but Pokémon in Sinnoh bear such a strong resemblance to their animal counterparts that it is hard to say that Sinnoh's Pokémon are "creative."" pidgeot staraptor ... I don't see it.

"unlike the other Champions, used a variety of Pokémon differing from type." This comment makes Blue sad. :(

"It is an unique game because its gameplay is unlike any of the other Pokémon games." No, that makes Dash unique for the Pokemon series. Racing games in general are nothing new. Dash is just the first one with Pokemon characters. It's kind of like saying that Puzzle League, Puzzle Challenge, and Pinball are unique.

Why doesn't your PMD2 review mention roguelikes at all?

"The Mystery Dungeon series is the only Pokémon series to incorporate sleeping. " So what do you do in random people's houses in the main series while healing your Pokemon?

"The only place that you can use Waterfall without the Beacon Badge or the HM08: Waterfall is the Distortion World." I don't think you're using waterfall there, though. Aren't you just swimming up it?

"Chansey and Blissey share the spot for the highest amount of HP at Level 1. Their HP, at Level 1, is 16. The only possible way to have a Level 1 Chansey or Blissy is by hacking." ... or hatching a Chansey from an egg in DP without having given its parents hold the item for Happiny. Also, you spelled 'Blissey' wrong. Why not just say that Chansey and Blissey have the highest base HP out of all Pokemon?

"Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh all end with an "oh" sound. The only region not to follow this pattern is Hoenn." You might as well just mention that they're all based off parts of Japan.

"Celebi is the only event Pokémon that is not obtainable in the English versions of Gold, Silver, and Crystal. The only way to obtain Celebi is by using a Gameshark." ...? Was there no Celebi event?

Sorry about this being pretty negative. :/
Was there no Celebi event?


Ageto Celebi Japan 2003 10
PokéPark Celebi Taiwan 2006 30
Mitsurin Celebi Japan 2006 10
10th Anniversary United States 2006 70

The US one was for Ruby and Sapphire, though.

Also, the drop down menu needs to be more obvious. I seriously thought you didn't have any pages until surskitty mentioned the menu.

Ageto Celebi Japan 2003 10
PokéPark Celebi Taiwan 2006 30
Mitsurin Celebi Japan 2006 10
10th Anniversary United States 2006 70

The US one was for Ruby and Sapphire, though.

Also, the drop down menu needs to be more obvious. I seriously thought you didn't have any pages until surskitty mentioned the menu.
All of those are RS, though. And Bulbapedia doesn't list the RB Mew events...!
surskitty said:
Sorry about this being pretty negative. :/
No, surskitty. It's alright if it's negative. If it makes my site better, then I want that criticism.

surskitty said:
It took me a bit to figure out that there's drop-down navigation; you might want to draw attention to it in some way. Maybe a white border around it or move it below the banner? It's right above the banner and I only look below the banner at first.... I hate drop-down navigation as a rule, preferring some sort of sidebar, but that's more of a personal taste thing. Also, the font that you used for 'menu' is pretty illegible.
I've already finished a new style that has a sidebar, and I just need to add the finishing touches to it.

surskitty said:
You spelled 'grammar' wrong on your affiliation page. Also, do people still do anti-Pokemon sites? I think that's died down, by now. I hate the word "webmistress" (as well as pretty much every other word marked as female) but that's something that just bothers me and I don't think that really matters.
Fixed the spelling, and got rid of the anti-Pokemon thing. Removed webmistress because I think that webmaster applies to male and female.

surskitty said:
Why do you say your birthdate and location but not your name on the About page and cite security reasons? It's often easier to figure out stuff about a person with a birthdate and location than it is for a full name. I'm not saying give out your name; just ... ditch the bit about security. Also, why do you have a physical description before everything else? I think that's one of the things people care about least.

You wrote 'confned' in the fifth paragraph. Reword "He is the first friend I was able to make him like Pokémon. My other best friends is also a video game fanatic who spends his time moding Half-Life 2 and filming movies." since your grammar there is kind of ... er. Yeah.
I fixed the grammar and got rid of confined. That security bit was stupid, so I removed it.

surskitty said:
OKAY looking at the DP Review, I'd like to first say that 'utilize' is the dumbest word ever. Just use 'use'.

"Suprisingly enough, the professor's lab is not in the starting city in Diamond and Pearl. This is one of the best changes in the fourth generation." Why? Wouldn't the gameplay changes be more notable?

"Unlike the previous games, you were not left confused." Pokemon's always been exceedingly linear and pretty obvious about what to do next. Why's DP's more blatant linearity a good thing? Also ... how is the plot well-written? You claim this and go nowhere with it. Also, Pokemon. Pokemon is almost never about plot. Pokemon and plot go together like canned vegetables and tiny bits of rats and bugs: unfortunately, the two meet rather frequently and nobody's very happy about it.

"The problem I had with the training of Pokémon in this game was that Pokémon were easier to train and gained experience points faster than the previous generation. Battling with trainers was also very easy, but in my opinion, gave less experience points than battling wild Pokémon. The Battle Tower in Sinnoh is my favorite tower out of all the Battle Towers. You are allowed to participate in single battles and doubles battles. I liked the double battle feature the most. You are allowed to double battle with a friend over Wi-Fi or with a person you have met in your travels. A feature in Diamond/Pearl allows you to rest after a battle in the Battle Tower. You get to save and shut off your DS to continue your Battle Tower challenge later." ... buh? Battle Tower's been like that for a while. Also, how do you get the idea that trainers give less EXP than wild Pokemon...? There's a 1.5x modifier on trainer Pokemon EXP. o_O

"I know most Pokémon are based on real animals, but Pokémon in Sinnoh bear such a strong resemblance to their animal counterparts that it is hard to say that Sinnoh's Pokémon are "creative."" pidgeot staraptor ... I don't see it.

"unlike the other Champions, used a variety of Pokémon differing from type." This comment makes Blue sad. :(
I'm going to fix the Diamond/Pearl review.

surskitty said:
"It is an unique game because its gameplay is unlike any of the other Pokémon games." No, that makes Dash unique for the Pokemon series. Racing games in general are nothing new. Dash is just the first one with Pokemon characters. It's kind of like saying that Puzzle League, Puzzle Challenge, and Pinball are unique.
Fixed that, too.

surskitty said:
Why doesn't your PMD2 review mention roguelikes at all?
Eh, rougelikes? I looked it up, but I still don't get it. Mind if you explained it to me?

surskitty said:
"The Mystery Dungeon series is the only Pokémon series to incorporate sleeping. " So what do you do in random people's houses in the main series while healing your Pokemon?

"The only place that you can use Waterfall without the Beacon Badge or the HM08: Waterfall is the Distortion World." I don't think you're using waterfall there, though. Aren't you just swimming up it?

"Chansey and Blissey share the spot for the highest amount of HP at Level 1. Their HP, at Level 1, is 16. The only possible way to have a Level 1 Chansey or Blissy is by hacking." ... or hatching a Chansey from an egg in DP without having given its parents hold the item for Happiny. Also, you spelled 'Blissey' wrong. Why not just say that Chansey and Blissey have the highest base HP out of all Pokemon?

"Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh all end with an "oh" sound. The only region not to follow this pattern is Hoenn." You might as well just mention that they're all based off parts of Japan.

"Celebi is the only event Pokémon that is not obtainable in the English versions of Gold, Silver, and Crystal. The only way to obtain Celebi is by using a Gameshark." ...? Was there no Celebi event?
Removed the sleeping and waterfall bit. Edited the Blissey and regions trivia. There wasn't a Celebi event anywhere outside of Japan.
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