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Planned Teams for Platinum?

Well, I think I've finally worked out my Platinum team.

Torterra For Earthquakan and Wood Hammeran
Houndoom Let's face it, he's awesome.
Lickilicky Because I adore that thing. <3
Vaporeon Best Eon ever.
Rotom Ghost and Electric. And the new forms make me love him even more.
Toxicroak What more do I need to say?

It covers my bases, allows me to use the best of the new Sinnoh Dex additions, and it includes my favorite Pokemon.

Also, I might substitute Torterra for a different Pokemon, maybe a Psychic or Ice type. Possibly a bug.

this is only my wifi team i'm posting, my in-game team is different
Something with Pokémon.

But seriously, I would have Pikachu, Houndoom, Darkrai, and some others... maybe Scyther in the mix. I'm undecided on the rest.
I'll be having my usual team of:


That's about it. I don't train Pokemon, only catch then Exp. Share evolve them.
After a while, I set out to get every_single_one and put them in my Boxes
I think I will change my planned team

Cherrim/Leafeon (Leafeon has better stats, but Cherrim learns attacks sooner. Honestly, Leaf Blade at level 72!? What the hell!? Anyways, which one would be better?)
Floatzel/Manaphy (Not quite sure. Can somebody pick for me? :D?)
Bibarel (No need for Mew when Bibarel can learn the HM's that Mew would have learned anyways)
I have no plans for a "perfect" team, I just want a team with pokémon I like, really.


Also, gardevoir and Absol is in the Sdex in Platinum, so I don't have to wait for swarms/use poké radar to get them, yay.
My Team:

Rotom (easier to use than you'd think)
Blaziken (Migrate or trade)
Mightyena or Drapion
i haven't started with a turtwig, so i know i'll have that as my starter. c:

otherwise..i pretty much make up my own team on the way...:0 i do know these pokemon should be on it:

buizel, shinx and possibly an eevee evolution. c:
I always plan my Elite Four team before I even get my starter or even the game.

-Close Combat - Lv 41
-Flare Blitz - Lv 57
-Swords Dance - TM 75
-Will-o-wisp - TM 61

-Thunder Fang - Lv 35
-Crunch - Lv 42
-Return - TM 27
-Thunder Wave - TM 73

-Recover - Lv 45
-Surf - HM 03
-Ice Beam - TM 13
-Earthquake - TM 26

Honchkrow(only if traded)
-Fly - HM 02
-Night Slash - Lv 45
-Ominous Wind - Plat Move Tutor
-Roost - TM 51

-Shadow Force - Lv 40
-Dragon Claw - Lv 30
-Aura Sphere - Lv 90
-Stone Edge - TM 71

-Psychic - Lv 33
-Magical Leaf - Lv 22
-Calm Mind - Lv 25
-Shadow Ball - TM 30

Well well well...I am one of those people who HAS to be prepared.
Hm...I'm not sure. If I find a way for the gts to work again...

Gastrodon/floatzel (I ditched floatzel in my other game)

Not sure about the others, I only tend to train 3 or 4 pokemon. Probably stuff the last gaps with legandaries.
I've redesigned my team like a million times, but I finally decided what will hopefully be my final main team.

Empoleon(M) Nicknamed Napoleon.
Gengar(M) Nicknamed Russ.
Gallade(M) Nicknamed Bedivere.
Glaceon(F) Nicknamed Delia
Porygon-Z(X) Nicknamed Linus
Tangrowth(M) Nicknamed Wilhelm.
Russ, Delia and Wilhelm was just names I decided I wanted, Napoleon is a bit obvious what it's based on. Bedivere was one of the knights of round table, and Linus come from the creator of Linux(My dad suggested that)
Aw crap, I forgot about nicknames! I think I'll call my Torterra Rithite, my Jolteon Thenos, my Gallade Archos, my Scyther either Sythos or Sythi (depending on gender), my Mantine Artinos or Artina (also depending on gender), and my Weavile Lusan or Lusanna.
I've redesigned AGAIN.

-Close Combat
-Flare Blitz
-Swords Dance

-Thunder Fang
-Thunder Wave


-Shadow Ball
-Leafstorm / Overheat
-Thunder Wave

-Ice Beam

-Night Slash

-Stone Edge
-Dragon Pulse
-Iron Tail
-Swords Dance


I'm deciding to go with Pokemon from the Ruby/Sapphire Pokedex.
- Infernape
- Toxicroak (always)
- Vaporeon
- Yanmega
- Luxray/Electabuzz (Electivire is still ugly :\)
- Mismagius (looks like I'll have to trade for this one though >:|)

Most of this I'm still planning on, although I've now decided on Luxray and ditching Mismagius for Drifblim. Something bothers me about not having a flyer on my main team. D:
Think I want to change mine.

-Shadow Claw
-Flamethrower (Chimchar learns it by level)
-Close Combat
-Rock Slide

-Brick Break/Revenge
-Poison Jab
-Faint Attack/Sucker Punch
-Mud Bomb/???

Carnivine[aww its so cute]
-Wring Out
-Power Whip (but Vine Whip meanwhile)
-Grass Knot

-Ice Fang

Rhydon (I actually like Rhyperior but prefer Rhydon's looks)
-Hammer Arm
-Stone Edge

Espeon (even though I like Umbreon better, I already have Umbreon in Diamond)
-Last Resort
-Morning Sun
-Shadow Ball


EV training might be hard to keep track of, though.
Well, I did an all-male team in Pearl, so naturally, I'll do an all-female team in Platinum. =D
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