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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
oh god no I wasn't trying to say you shouldn't solve! I was making a joke that that's what Eifie would say since she has (memetically recently) infamously been against speculation about how games are set up. I'm personally all for solving, I just was commenting that I wasn't sure that was a particular avenue that would be fruitful for solving. I'm sorry my joke was clumsy and hurt your feelings!Wow, I love trying to make an honest attempt at playing the game and have it called "stop trying to solve."
if the bet was hinging on mafia winning, all your thanks are belong to qenya tbhalso Keldeo owes me a drawing of Barfiethanks MF!
well, in what were perhaps a couple of excessively honest posts back there, I wasn't kidding about the no risk-free choice thing, yeah?oh my GOD it was qenya/M&F scumteam after all. HOW did my stupid brain create a wild hunch at the absolute last minute and have it be CORRECT (but also wrong because qenya's role was infuriatingly closer to what she actually claimed than what my wild hunch was)
if the bet was hinging on mafia winning, all your thanks are belong to qenya tbhalso Keldeo owes me a drawing of Barfiethanks MF!
then thank zori--if the bet was hinging on mafia winning, all your thanks are belong to qenya tbhalso Keldeo owes me a drawing of Barfiethanks MF!
no, the bet was on your alignment!