- Pronoun
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Fury Cutter is one of the most useful moves for catching, because it never KOs in one hit. If you're going to get rid of a move, don't let that move be Fury Cutter.
You're thinking of False Swipe.
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Fury Cutter is one of the most useful moves for catching, because it never KOs in one hit. If you're going to get rid of a move, don't let that move be Fury Cutter.
SCREENSHOT TIME! Now, there is only one so far, but meh:
The town you start in :D![]()
There's an option in Advance Map. Click on the thing that shows arrows pointing left, right, up, and down, and you'll see the connections of the map you're currently viewing.Love the screenshot; but, I have a question: How do you make new maps connect to one another?
It has some interesting elements, but it's far too boxy. The top is symmetrical and weird, much of the map is empty, and it's horrendously boxy. Drop the size of the map a bit, fix the awkward symmetry, and make it look a bit more wild.
Beldum/Bagon are version exclusives, meaning each game only has two pseudo legendaries.
Bagon is found in Victory Road, and so is Beldum.
Larvitar CAN be gained relatively early, but is the equivalent of Gible. As in, "WHERE THE FUCK IS THE DAMNED THING!?"
So, it would be harder just to breeze through