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Pokemon Island

"That's okay, we just have to wait for Mr. Mark to wake up." Creme said, then flopped down on the sand and closed her eyes, the sound of the waves comforting her.
Marks eyes popped open, not that anybody could tell. Sitting up, he pulled a Watmel berry out of the pouch on his waist. "Anybody want a piece?" he asked, chopping up wedges with his Psycho Cut. Pulling a slice out for himself, Mark said,"Did anybody else think those guys were crazy? 'Specially the Munchlax. Hope you guys don't mind that I teleported you." Seeing the map, he asked,"What's that?"
"Well then," Blaziking said, "over the night I've given much thought about the nicknames I gave to Bobo, Obscene, and Squishy, thus I decided that I will change them. Bobo, you will be known as Bobobo-bo-bobo, Obscene, you will be known as Obese, and Squishy shall be known as REALLY SQUISHY!!! Oh, and ze Dragonair shall be known as Rat Face. You have all signed legal documents and are all bound to your nicknames. See?" Blaziking held up a fancy legal document with everyone else's names on it. "So, anyways, who wants treasure??"
"I want a piece please" Evan said happily

"I Don't mind, I was headed here anyway"

"Oh I found a tresure map on the seashore, it's leading to the mountins! Cream and I where wating for you to wake up but it looks like she is relaxing so I don't want to bother him" Evan Said
"Wait, Watmel berry?" Blaziking asked. He saw Really Squishy with one, cut into pieces. "IT'S MINE ALL MINE MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Blaziking lunged at Really Squishy and sat on him, taking the Watmel berry and eating it. "Yum yum yum."
Nidoking slapped himself on the forehead, careful to avoid his thorns. He ran over to Blaziking, who was sitting on "Really Squishy," and picked him up once again. "OBESE?! That is IT, Blaziking!" He lost his temper and aimed a Megahorn right in the middle of the Munchlax's torso.
Nidoking growled. "How do I get you to STOP CALLING ME THAT NAME!?" Nidoking thought of something that might work. He set the Munchlax on the ground, pinpointed his target and aimed a double kick more toward Blaziking's neck.
Dragonair jetted out of the waves once more, and sang her morning song. It was really just a bunch of Latias-like sounds, but she still called it her morning song. But then, when she heard what Blaziking was going to call her, she flitted over. RAT FACE!? She gasped when she saw the contract thing. "But I never signed anything! Besides, I can't write!" It was the only thing she could think of to defend herself.
(Hem, Hem: Blaziking, Mark, Creme, and Evan were teleported to the beach. You guys are in the FOREST. I'll just ignore the post where you stole my Watmelly goodness.)

Mark handed out the slices, took the remaining parts of the berry, and squeezed the juice out into a big canteen. He placed what was left on the sand. Pulling out some Pecha Berry powder, he poured water and the powder into the canteen. He replaced the cap, then shook the canteen. As a Wingull swooped down to pick up the remains of the berry, Mark jumped up into a tree. "Tell me when you two are ready to go. By the way, I can cook pretty well, and would like to know if you two are allergic to anything."
Blaziking held up the document that had everyone's signatures. "You did too sign it! And here it says that you must obey the nicknames and they will be your nicknames forever. I asked you all to sign it last night when you were sleeping!"
((I know. Dragonair came out of the ocean after sleeping there.))
"That doesn't make sense," Dragonair commented. "I sleep at the bottom of the ocean. If you went underwater, that paper would get too soggy to sign. Plus, the sea-floor is too deep for anyone to go because no one can hold their breath for that long [Dragonair can breathe in the water, I think]! Besides, if you did manage to get to the bottom of the ocean, you couldn't drag me back up because my weight combined with yours would make us sink back to the bottom!"
Ha, she thought, no loopholes. At least she hoped that was true.
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Nidoking remembered the contract, and was frustrated how none of his attacks could work on Blaziking. "I never signed any contract. There's nothing to write with in this forest, and there's nowhere to get paper. Besides, my hands are too big to grip anything to write with. Not to mention the fact that YOU CAN'T WRITE WHILE YOU'RE ASLEEP." Grr... stupid Munchlax...
Blaziking laughed. "I have photo evidence though!" Blaziking took out pictures of Obscene and Rat Face signing the contract. "See? You signed it! And I don't have a computer so they weren't photoshopped!"
Nidoking growled again. He began to activate Earth Power underneath where Blaziking was sitting. "Hey, Blaziking! Obese says that there's buried food just under your feet!"
"That's great! But I've had nausea, dirarhea, heartburn, and indigestion all morning, so I'm not really in the mood for food," Blaziking said, sadly. "But hey! Here's the camera!" Blaziking took out a large, old fashioned camera. "See? I bought it on E-Bay!"
It was Dragonair's turn to be annoying. "What's eBay? Are we standing on it? But no, this is a beach, not a bay. Oh well. Yay, we're on eBay!" She used her tail as a pogo stick to jump around in circles. "eBay, eBay, eBay... Oh, wait, what about YayBay? I like YayBay!"
At this pace, this whole island will be full of crazy Pokemon!
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