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Pokemon Mafia!


어떤 계절도 영원할 순 없으니까
I hope everyone got their roles all A-OK. So, it's now time to start the Mafia game! Squee!
As all the Pokemon, floating and walking and slithering, wake up, they gather around the main square to discuss the killings and who they should lynch.
And guys, if you're unsure about your roles, tell me and I will PM you sooner or later. YAY
...guys, I swear that this thread got broken. Before the style change it said it was day. And a few minutes later, it's night. Edit: It's day.
Ask the mafia machinery stuffs. It says it's day. EDIT: So 48 hours until nighttime. Might be cut short if everyone gets in their day actions before then.
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Okay then. I got an action from one player, that's it so far. You have a while, though.
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Sorry, I was distracted when I typed that (I was talking to someone in real life.) I meant votes. AND other actions, like roleblocking and other stuff.
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Oof, sorry. Only voting. I'm just...really off. Sorry. Yes, when everyone has their votes in for the day.
Why would we have any votes? The reason that most mafia games start at night is so that the mafia get a kill, inspectors get a result, healers possibly save someone, etc. It's so that there is even something to do at all during the next day.
XD I'll turn it to night. From this post on out, 48 hours for night choices guys. EDIT: Daytime! Next post containing flavor text!
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As everyone in the land woke up, they gathered around the square. Another Pokemon, a Pidgey, flew by telling everyone "A death! A death! But the body was gone, and we don't know whether she was innocent or not..."

Glace is dead. It is left unknown if she was mafia or innocent.

48 hours for night phase, day phase skipped.
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The night has lifted, and once again everyone wakes up.

Hey, where's Wargle? She's gone missing!!!

The same Pidgey flies by, telling everyone that Wargle has died, but, like Glace, we don't know if she was mafia or not....

48 hours for day phase.
What? Seriously? There are other people that are inactive. Now, my mafia smarts aren't the best,*flashback to ToS Mafia* but they are improving. The gods of the RNG have chosen Eifie.
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