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Pokemon Rainbow

Steel Scyther

Scyther Variant #32
This roleplay is about the adventures of various Pokemon, who basically live peaceful lives until mysterious trainers in black masks invade their homes. In case you were wondering, the title will be explained later, although with some decree of mysticism.

Rules: Please try to abide to these.
1. Pokemon are allowed to be predatory, but please do not post graphic descriptions of violence.
2. Don't swear.
3. Do not do something just to change the story because you don't like the current story.
4. Do not kill another roleplayer purely to annoy them.

Characters: These characters are ones I created. Feel free to add others, but do not add ridiculous ones, eg a Lucario called Sonic the Hedgehog. You can have up to three characters.

2 Riolu
A Staraptor with a grudge against Flash
Samuel, a trainer
Adam, a trainer
2 Black Masks

To choose a character, say which one you are being and provide a name (unless you are Samuel or Adam), a short description and any other relevant information.

My characters:
Flash: A Riolu with a grudge against Staraptor, who has tried to eat him several times.
A Mysterious Shadow: The name says it all.
Several Mysterious Pokemon: See above
Bystanders: See above.
I think I'll take the roles of Plusle and Minun.
Minnie: A young female Minun. She hates to be called Minnie by anyone and demands that she be called Min instead. Minnie is rash, but also quite friendly, and a bit short tempered.
Max: A young male Minun. He's the only one who ever calls his Plusle friend Minnie. He's very calm, normally, and also quiet. However, he's also more wise than his sister, and a great deal more patient.

This sounds fun; using pre-made characters is a new experience for me.
This could be interesting. Torchic and Treecko are mine.

Terry: A male Torchic who was raised with a Treecko family. He and Gaea are rivals, and pretty much total opposites. Terry is warm, friendly, hyperactive, and passionate about what he feels. Like most fire types, actually.

Gaea: A female Treecko who was raised with a Torchic family. She and Terry are rivals, in addition to total opposites, although Gaea harbors a secret crush on Terry, something she won't ever admit without extreme threats. Gaea is as calm and down-to-Earth as her name would suggest, though she has a fiery temper that is most often unleashed against Terry to hide her feelings.
Can I reserve as the Charmander and Hoppip, Please?

Nathan-A Charmander raised peculiarly high up on a volcano. For this reason, he has a blue-flame tail. He resided near the hot springs where he met a group of Hoppip that flew there on occasion. If you didn't figure it out yet, that's where he met Tomodachi. He is protectful of Tomodachi, and wants no harm to come to the Hoppip.

Tomodachi- A Hoppip raised in its clan........ of other Hoppip. When she was about 3, Tomodachi's clan was invaded by Scyther. One of her leaves was cut off. She then met Nathan, realizing that he was different than most, also. She is quite intelligent but relies on Nathan in high-pressure-situations.
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I just noticed I made a mistake with my forms. May I please fix them? I accidentally switched the genders and names around.

Max: A young male Plusle. He's the only one who ever calls his Minun friend Minnie, and even then, it's only occasional. He's very calm, normally, and also quiet. However, he's also more wise than his sister, and a great deal more patient.
Minnie: A young female Minun. She hates to be called Minnie by anyone and demands that she be called Min instead. Minnie is rash, but also quite friendly, and a bit short tempered.
I'll be one of the Riolu.

Spike: A young Riolu with strong willpower. He loves to train and spar against other Pokemon, but is slightly timid. If there's no one to spar with within a half-mile radius, he'll probably start kicking trees.
Ok lets begin the roleplay. Post whenever you are logged on. Post in third or first person. I'm posting in first person.

I walked through the calm forest, thinking. What was my destiny? My life had begun at the Pokemon Daycare. The whim of a trainer, attempting to create the perfect Lucario. But something about me was wrong, so the trainer cast me away.
I saw the inhabitants of the forest as I walked past. A Riolu appeared to bee kicking trees. I laughed, then thought "That could have been me..." This thought brought back painful memories...
"Great!" the trainer exclaimed angrily, looking down at a Riolu, surrounded by pieces of eggshell. "It's got all the wrong stats! Oh well, maybe I can use it anyway..."
Two trainers faced off. The first released a Machoke. The second brutally hurled a Pokeball to the ground, releasing a Riolu. The Riolu trembled as it looked up at its opponent. "Karate Chop, Machoke," shouted one trainer...
I looked up at the attack heading towards my head. "Quick attack, Riolu," the angry shout came. I panicked. What was I supposed to do? Acting on impulse, I began pumping my legs rapidly. What was this? I was moving so fast that I became a white streak! Suddenly, I was hit by something rock-hard, and everything went black
[Please use paragraphs in one post, rather than a post for every paragraph. It keeps the board looking neater.]
A small rodent-like Pokémon with large ears crept out of a small burrow in the ground, at the base of a tree and constructed within its roots. Its huge, oval-shaped ears were colored almost all red, except for a small white circle at each base that blended into the Pokémon's body color. For a moment, he turned around and looked through the hole out of which he had climbed, watching a second Pokémon exit. This Pokémon was almost just like him, except her ears were bright sky blue, and her tail was shaped like a minus sign, not a cross.

"I smell something weird," the red Pokémon commented, looking over his shoulder before turning around. "What do you think it is?"

The blue Pokémon behind him twitched her nose side to side for a moment, her blue ears lying down against her head as she did so. But they pricked again as she gasped, and her cyan eyes grew wide, as if she were remembering something. For a moment, she seemed in a trance. As a matter of fact, she was remembering the horrors of her childhood before she had ever met Max. Those humans, and their stench, everywhere, making loud noises like shouts, and lots of metallic sounds... the crying out, a constant wave of enthusiasm, and cheering.

"Minnie, are you all right?" She heard Max's voice from beside her, and that brought her to reality. Quickly, she shook her head, partially to say no and partially to clear the haunting thoughts.

"That scent is.... humans," Min breathed.
From a nearby tree, a Treecko was watching the battle with disinterest, noting how stupid the thing with the tiny round spheres was. That Riolu probably just hatched.


"Yes, Terry?" she asked, annoyed already. If I'm annoyed, why can't I stop blushing?

"Are you watching the fight?"

"Yes, Terry. Of course I am."

"I think we should go help out that Riolu."

"How, exactly, would we do that?"

"We could take down that Machoke!"

"...Terry, that Machoke is probably several years older than us, and it's certainly significantly stronger than us. And you don't exactly have a type advantage."

"That's true... but you do!"

"I do what?"

"You have a type advantage!"

"...No. No I do not. Do I look like a Psychic to you?"

"Well... maybe we can break those shiny metal spheres the people have!"

"And what would that do?"

"It might free the Pokemon!"

"...I'll think about it. For now, though, I'll just watch." And pray... that Riolu doesn't deserve this...
Nathan watched the battle unfold. Ooh, he thought while making an odd face. That was quite a hit.

"Hey, Tomodachi, you seein' this?" The Charmander asked. "Tomodachi?" He repeated. "To-mo-da-CHI!" He was getting worried. And then he saw her; she was floating over to the battlefield! He had to stop her. "TOMODACHI!" he screamed once more while running; she turned.

"WHAT?!" she yelled back at Nathan. "That poor Riolu is getting hurt!"

"But we can't take on that Machoke by ourselves!" he said, finally catching up to her.

"But we can if they help." Tomodachi retorted, spying a Treeko and Torchic perched in a tree.

"Fine......" Nathan responded while running towards the tree.
"Alright, alright, I'll help. Now stop bugging me, Terry!"


Gaea sighed, and tail thwacked the annoying Torchic in the back of the head. "Come on. Or do you want to be late?" She asked, jumping down from the tree, where she noticed the Charmander running toward her. "Let me guess. You want us to help save the Riolu? Come on then! We might as well get this over with..."
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