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Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

bakuphoon has yet to have sent in his CS. Oh, and I'll probably be making a second and third team (One pokes each) to govern the other two bases.

Edit: Done the teams, and I'll be starting this Tuesday. On extra day everybody. I'll leave it open afterwards of course.
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Team Name: Midnight
Base Location:CrystalPrism Base (Ruinic City, the Sprout Tower)

Name: Katsu
Species: Persian
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Attacks: Thief, Pay Day, Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball
Personality: Katsu very self centred and greedy. He would very easily put his own needs over the needs of his team.
Appearance: He is a very thin and boney persian. His appearence looks as if he had been starved for years. He has a scar across his left eye and wears a sorta mobster hat. He also has bandages on his left front wrist and part of his tail
History: He was born to a Delcatty and a wanderer Persian. He was ignored by everyone but his mother for being the only Persian in the family. He was eventually kicked out and forced to live on the streets. While on the streets, he learned what you would call the tricks of the trade such as conning and cheating. as well he also studied several things and now has about a collage level knowlage.
Rank: Leader

Name: Saien
Species: Weavile
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Attacks: Crush Claw, Ice Beam, Dark Pulse, Icy Wind
Personality: Saien is generally very calm and collected, except when it comes to Violet where he gets more of a protective brother personality.
Appearance: He has three triangular markings under his left eye, and a cresent moon marking with two triangle markings on the outside of his right eye. He wears a scarf with a face mask and bandages around his right hand and leg. He has an earring and a peice missing out of his left ear. Saien also has black bands covering his left arm and leg.
History: Saien lived a fairly normal life. around the age of 6. He found a homeless 3 year old Misdreavus and got his parents to take her in.
Rank: Second-in-Command

Name: Violet
Species: Mismagius
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Attacks: Magical Leaf, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Ominous Wind
Personality: Violet is basiclly an immature child
Appearance: similar to normal mismagius's, but with long violet hair and a spell tag on her forhead. Also her gems are black instead of red
History: Was abandonded as a kid and then raised by Saien's family.
Rank: ??? (Katsu's not even sure why he keeps her on the team, but Saien won't let him kick her off)

Name: Sev
Species: Seviper
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Attacks: Poison Tail, Flamethrower, Poison Fang, Haze
Personality: Sev is very savage. He has little sense of reason and will attack without thinking
Appearance: Several scars across his body and a collor attached to a chain for restraint
History: Sev grew up in a very abusive family and was eventually kicked out of his house. Do to abuse from a certian pokemon, the connect to the reason part of his brain was severed.
Rank: Muscle

Name: Hevont
Species: Noctowl
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Attacks: Hypnosis, Foresight, Confusion, Dream Eater
Personality: Hevont is very wise and knowing. He holds himself at a high level.
Appearance: Basicly the same as most Noctowls, but with two extra long feather on his forehead and tail. He also has long hair-like feathers down his back
History: No one knows because he refuses to tell
Rank: The Information

Name: Genevive
Species: Gardevoir
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Attacks: Psychic, Wish, Confusion, Calm Mind
Personality: She a girly girl. very fusey about her looks
Appearance: A normal gardevoir, but looks like she's wearing a cheerleader's outfit and her .....hair?..... is tinted black
History:....... not sure........

NPC - Raze/IC - Darcy

Raze entered the guild hall after a satisfactory breakfast with a large smile on his face. His goggles were on his forehead and he was ready for anything today. As he looked across the room he only saw two teams there, Team Storm and Team SlipStream. Sighing he looked at the two leaders who were typically there.

"You two again, eh?" Raze said crossly. He hated it when the other teams were out on long missions and that these two were newer to the scene, and were always there. "Well, I guess I'll say what I have to anyways. Last week while gliding over the ocean I cam across an Island. As we all know I've made quite sure that the ocean is completely mapped of all specks of land, no matter how insignificant. This one was new, and large. I've been making preperations since to go on an expedition, and I suppose you two are coming with me, so, uh, get ready quickly wouldn't 'cha?" Raze nodded to himself as he returned to his quarters.

Darcy jumped in glee at the thought of an expedition, and bolted our the door, hoping to get going as soon as possible.

Tag - Feht

NPC - Hallow/IC - Favian

Hallow drifted boredly into the guild hall, and saw that the typical teams were there. Sighing quietly to himself, he began,

"To begin the day. Hmm, Tocsi and Rotation, due to your inexperience, I'd like your teams to work together today, as I'm giving you a, special job. As for the rest of you, please go on and do your average daily missions, I suppose..." As the other teams left the room Hallow drifted over to Favian, Raian, and Jaito. He lifted his arm and bidded the two younger teams to follow him. They arrived in his quarters, and he turned to them, his relativly bored look plain on his face.

"Now, the reason I picked your teams is that the other teams are more experienced, and have had expeditions, and yes, that does include bio-spirit, despite their obvious youth. Now, as you may, or may not be aware, expeditions require a team, or more, to explore a newfound location. Ghira has found that the old mansion south of here has always been inhabited by, less civil pokemon. But now we have reason to believe that there may be a hidden cave somewhere behind the mansion. I'm asking you two to check this out." Hallow smiled as well as he could, though it was somewhat small, to the three pokemon. Favian nodded happily and asked,

"So, you'd be suggesting the stocking up may be a useful idea?" Hallow simply nodded as he drifted to the cieling of his room, where he kept his books, and began to read. Favian turned to Raian and Jaito, smiled, and took her leave.

Tag - Team Bio-Spirit, Team Omega, and Team Rotation

NPC - Xipher and Howtel/IC - Team Hiyashi

Xipher and Howtel entered the guild hall and saw the many teams that were there, including Teams Naturals, Midnight, and Hiyashi. The Ruinic guild hall was well renown for it's massive amount of teams, and those teams having large amounts of members. Xipher took his place at the podium, and began,

"Everyone, if you may, please be quiet. That's better, alright, there are no new announcements today, despite our awareness of Raze's expedition to the south east. Because of this, Howtel and I are asking all of you to go about your daily business. Thank you, and see at dinner." At that both birds returned to their respective quarters.

"Well, come on guys, gotta get the good missions before Katsu does!" Spatz declares as most of the other teams begin to disperse, and bolted off to the bounty board.

"Well, so much for taking it easy today..." Ricolan says.

"Hey, at least we won't be dealing with some new dungeon like the Teams at Island city." Zelx says, crossing her arms. Clyde only nodded, not wishing to deal with any conversation.

Tag - Team Naturals and Team Midnight
Ic - Team Midnight

Katsu sighed as he looked over and saw Spatz dart to the bounty boards. "Saien, get over there and get us some good bountys" He said glacing over at Saien "And make sure it has a decent cash reward"

"Is money all Katsu thinks about" Saien thought as he walked over to the bounty board, dragging Sev behind him by the chain around his neck. Katsu turned his head to look at the other three. "Violet, you go with Saien and Sev just because i don't want to have to deal with you" He said in a bit of a monotone. She smiled as if she was going to go with them anyway and glided over to them.

"Ok, you two are left" He said, turning to Hevont and Genevive "Just do what you want and try not to bother me"

"Want to go on a rescue" Genevive smiled as she say to Hevont. Hevont nodded and the two of them walked off

"Now that i'm done with that, it time to go off to one of the dungeon's and see what i can find to sell" He thought "Green Fields should be simple enough"

Tag: Others
IC - Team Hiyashi

Spatz smiled as he began returning to his team. He had grabbed a handful of missions, and handed out some to Zelx and Clyde, and gave the rest of them to Ricolan. Zelx looked down at the mission sheets and sighed, she and Clyde were always stuck with the more, difficult missions due to mainly Clydes capabilities. She sorted them in order of difficulty and depth per dungeon, and picked the largest group.

"Clyde, we're off to Darklight caverns (Dark Cave) again, amazing how many fools choose to go there..." And with that the two of them were off, nearly supplyless. Ricolan looked at the mission they had and said to Spatz,

"You know, this competition with Team Midnight isn't always necessary." Spatz smiled and retorted,

"Not Midnight, just Katsu." Ricolan sighed as he looked through the bounties, and found that Spatz had taken his time to find good rewards, along with actual rescue missions and Item Deliveries. Sorting them out like Zelx did, he chose a moderatly larger group.

"Spatz, lets go get ready, I've chosen for us to go to Ember Tower (Burned Tower)." Ricolan stated as he saw that Spatz was already heading out the door of the guild.

Impatient as always... Ricolan thought to himself, putting the rest of the missions and bounties in the side pocket of his bag, and took off after the Raichu.

Tag - others
"Okay, we're going to the Lost City of Letters (Ruins Of Alph), to do some recon," Atlas said as he addressed his team. "Titan, fastest route?"

"North-west, then South," Titan replied automatically, next to his leader. "What's the recon for?"

"Apparently, there have been strange sounds from within, and some shadowy things have been spotted." Atlas replied. "Now come on, before the day is lost!"

"Atlas, are you sure it's such a good idea taking Athena? I mean isn't she still a little young for something like this?" Harpy whispered, as she flew to her leaders head.

"If we don't take her now, then we'll be worried about taking her next time, and then the time after. Taking her now means we have a little more power, and we don't have to worry about her as much in the future." Atlas replied. "Athena, don't leave my shell at all, understand?" He added.

"Okay, Atlas," Athena said quietly.
Raian's ear flicked as he swiped at it with a paw. "So we have to go out and find a cave? Usually, caves contain rock and ground-types , so we probably won't survive long." He smoothed out the fur over the lightning pattern on his forehead. "But I'm not complaining. With our matchups, this mission is likely to be a failure."

Jaito shoved him gently. "Don't say that, Rai. You know we can try. We could get experience against our weaknesses if we do this. And we can light up the darkness for the rest of the Pokemon."

Raian nodded. "However, we might also reveal our locations to enemies...."

The Electabuzz crossed his blue-striped arms. Good point... But won't the light be electric? It could at least shock some Pokemon..."
Feht watched Raze quietly for a moment, then trotted off to her room, quickly putting some Berries in the pouch of a harness that she slipped into after a moment. The silver, cat-like Pokemon slipped a Mobile Scarf around her neck, and tucked her Indigo Scarf into her pack as well. It had sentimental value, if no other use to her. She silently slipped through the wall and went to Raze again, looking around and testing the air with a sniff. "Will the island be particularly dangerous?" she asked, voice still quiet.
Ic - Team Midnight

Saien glanced at the bounty boards and grabbed one of the good one's Spatz have missed. He read it out to Violet and Sev. "Catch renegade Poliwrath at Rage Beach (Coastlines of Lake Rage), Reward 500 Poke and ?" Sev seem eager to go and attack something, and Violet seem just excited to be going along with them. "Ok, lets get going before Katsu yells at us" Saien said, turning to the door.

Hevont and Genevive had picked a nice easy rescue because neither of them wanted to have difficulty in completing it. The had pick one at Trickroom Well (Slowpoke Well), thinking that it wouldn't be much of a challange.

As Katsu got the the entrance of Grass Fields, he prepared himself for whatever should attack him once he entered. He glaced around and took a few steps in when he was attacked by a Scyther.
IC - "Fwee"

Favian had stocked up quickly, as she was completely aware of the other two's fears, and had managed to hoard a few Shuca berries. She then put on her Joy Ribbon, and packed her bag with other necessary items. She returned to the base to see that the two were still standing in the hall. Scowling she walked up to them and said,

"Still worried that a ground type'll down you? Don't worry, I managed to get hold of a few Shuca berries, so if there is any ground types we'll be fine." She then smiled brightly and said, "Plus, I'm all packed for the three of us, so we can go now. And hopefully we'll meet some freinds there too!"

Tag - Cryptica

IC - Darcy

Darcy was back before Feht and had equipped himself with a Choice Scarf. He had packed accordingly for himself, a few reviver seeds, a couple of Leppa berries, and a handful of sitrus berries.

"So, Raze, where is this island?" Darcy asked as he arrived. Raze looked to see that Darcy was already back, but Feht was just walking in.

"Uh, I'll tell you on our way there. Now, would you two please get on my back?" Darcy let Feht get on Raze's back first, then followed.

"Alrighty, now hold on, the take off always gives first time riders a head rush, even though you two aren't, but it still will." Raze said with grin and a chuckle. With tremendous force he took off, out through the cieling door, and off towards the Island. Darcy laughed almost painfully during the take off, and was happily seated on Raze's back once flight had started.

"Now, as for your question Darcy, I'm almost ashamed to tell you, almost. We already know about them Sevii's, beautiful Isles they are. I thought I had mapped out the entire chain, but this one actually isn't far from Insect Villa, on the Sixth Isle's chain..." Darcy snickered internally, and watched as Island City faded away behind them.

Tag - ..::Jonalai*Lekraa::..

IC - Spatz/Ricolan

Spatz was already at the Abra Teleport pad, completely stocked and ready by the time Ricolan arrived.

"What took you?" Spatz commented as he recieved the proper teleportation orb. Ricolan sighed, and put his paw on the orb, already knowing that Spatz had gotten the appropriate equipment. In a burst of light the orb dropped to the floor, and the two had teleported.

"...Troublesome..." The Abra commented to himself as he retrieved the orb. He perfered it when teams took more local missions, and didn't require him to retrieve the orb from the floor.

Spatz and Ricolan ended up in front of the remains of the tower. Ricolan looked at the missions and said,

"This first one is to locate a young Magby, apparantly it had strayed from his mother and had ended up here." He looked up to see that Spatz was already entering the Ruins. Impatience, his only export...

Tag - None

IC Zelx/Clyde

Zelx sighed as they came to the gaping hole in the side of the rock formation. They had came to Darklight Caverns so often that it was almost routine that they'd be there twice a week.

"What's the first bounty, Zelx?" Clyde asked, looking down to the Zangoose. Zelx looked at the bounties, and found the closest one.

"Heh, I think it's the last of them Bugs we downed last week, 'parantly we missed one, a Beedrill no less." Clyde snickered, bug types usually were aware of the upper hand they had on Tyranitars and their dark typing, but Clyde had two ways of combating them, three if they were Bug/Poison.

"Well, let's go." Zelx said, entering the hole, and lighting a torch she had grabbed for this mission.

Tag - None

IC - Lori/NPC - Percy

Percy awoke from a good nights rest, and proceeded to the guild hall, he knew everyoned had had their breakfast already, and was waiting on him for the morning announcement. As he entered he noticed that everyone was there, including Team Skyborne's Lori, and Team Mystic Power.

"Er-hem! Good Morning all, I hope you had a good nights sleep and a pleasent breakfast. Now, you may all go on about your, uh, daily routines! Dismissed." Percy nodded to himself, and trapsed away to the dining hall. Lori looked blankly at where Percy had stood, and fluttered down to the bounty board, and took three missions, and left.

Landing on a perch outside of the guild, she looked at the three. She always took higher rank missions in hopes to be strong enough to evolve. The three missions were all to the same dungeon, Overgrown Forest (The Route Southwest of Fortree). Nodding, she took off, already prepared.

Tag - Darksong
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The team were walking to the Lost City of Letters, instead of teleporting, in order to make sure they got some exercise. Harpy was perched in the tree on Atlas's back, Athena was lying in the shade of said tree, and Titan waswalking next to Atlas.

"Okay, there should be a path that cuts off in a minute," Titan said. "There it is!" he said excitedly as they reached the path, which led to the Lost City.

The reached one of the old temples, and Titan poked his head in. "Come on guys, lets see if we can find anything," he said before he walked into the dark temple.
"Average Duties," Krika muttered scornfully, 'It's always 'average duties' with us, isn't it?"

"Quiet," Zrantox muttered, "We'll find a decent rescue job, go to the described dungeon, get the job done, and come back for our reward."

"Ah, the simple and mundane," Malum said, voice thick with sarcasm, "And people always wonder why being part of an exploration team is a bad thing." Seeing that the Dusknoir was forming a Dark Pulse in his hand, Malum quickly added, "Though considering the rewards we reap from this job, I can't see why it is a bad thing."
"It's easy to get lost flying over the sea, even with a good sense of direction," Feht replied to the comment, hanging on to Raze's back carefully. She watched the ocean rushing by beneath them, fur standing on end a little at the thought of falling in. She didn't mind flying at all, it was just that she didn't much like where she could end up. The Espeon glanced at Darcy, seeing that he was far more comfortable than herself, then looked back at Raze.

She didn't like the thought of being so close to Insect Isle, as the pokemon gave her the heebie-jeebies, but she'd had to deal with it just as surely as she had to deal with her strange colors and the stares it often brought her.
OOC: @Storm, look above at the posts for where your team is relatively addressed. Though you may have to wait for MG to post...

IC - Darcy

Darcy laughed internally at Feht's comment to Raze, finding it funny that he was accused of losing his sense of direction.

"Hey, I've kept a map with me at al times, and when I said it was near Insect villa, I meant no less then a mile, and I can see Insect Isle fine from over four miles out." Raze retorted as he spotted the desired Island, the one he hadn't seen before. As they came to a slow descent, Raze checked the ground, and saw a nice patch near the entrance of the only cave on the Isle. He landed with a slight thump and glanced about.

Darcy leaped off of Raze's back, and quickly proceeded to the cave's entrance.

"So, is this where we're exploring?" Darcy asked, looking at Feht and Raze inquisitively.

Tag - Feht
Team Name: Team Helsing

Name: Remus
Species: Umbreon
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Attacks: Toxic, Psychic, Sucker Punch, Iron Tail.
Personality: Remus is kind and caring, though outgoing at times, and is a good friend.
Appearance: Remus looks like a basic Umbreon with a single earring on both ears, purple rings instead of yellow, and a ring on her tail.
History: Remus was raised with her younger twin sisters by their parents in the remains of a trainer’s old secret base southeast of Fortree City. Once the three came of age they heard of Percy’s Guild in Coastal View City, and moved there, bidding their parents a beloved good-bye and thanks for raising them.
Rank: Leader

Name: Kiri
Species: Espeon
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Attacks: Psychic, Attract, Hidden Power (Fighting), Grass Knot
Personality: Kiri is prissy and somewhat fearful of fighting, though she doesn’t realize that she is the strongest member of the team in terms of offensive capability. She believes herself better than Remus at times, and can be found to be quite bossy.
Appearance: Kiri looks like most Espeon, but she has silverish streaks in her fur, and wears a silver stud earring in her left ear.
History: Kiri was raised with her twin sister and older sister by their parents in the remains of a trainer’s old secret base southeast of Fortree City. Once the three came of age they heard of Percy’s Guild in Coastal View City, and moved there, bidding their parents a beloved good-bye and thanks for raising them.
Rank: Sweeper

Name: Serenity
Species: Glaceon
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Attacks: Ice Beam, Signal Beam, Water Pulse, Wish.
Personality: Serenity is the near opposite of her twin, she thinks before acting, she cares little if she’s injured, and listens to the others’ suggestions. She is thought to be even more intelligent then Remus, but willingly follows her, and is aware of the strengths and weaknesses of herself and her sisters.
History: Serenity was raised with her twin sister and older sister by their parents in the remains of a trainer’s old secret base southeast of Fortree City. Once the three came of age they heard of Percy’s Guild in Coastal View City, and moved there, bidding their parents a beloved good-bye and thanks for raising them.
Rank: Strategist

NPC -Percy

Percy sighed in satisfaction after swallowing the last bite of his breakfast. Leaving the dining hall he re-entered the guild hall to get to his quarters, where he saw team Helsing sitting there in confusion.

"Uh, you three can go about average daily business..." Percy said, kinda sad that they had gotten here late. He smiled as well as he could, then left for his quarters.

Tag - walter
The three sisters looked at eachother and smiled. "Alright sisters" said Remus "I have heard that there is a cave a few miles from here" "In that cave is a very valuble item" Kiri smiled "Well How much is it worth?" she asked.

Serenity sighed "Is all you ever think about money?"
"No, I also think about other important things"
"Such as?"
"looks, how clean my fur is, etc."
Storm nodded to Gardean, and whipped her tail anxiously.

"So, do you want to do anything today? We could take a day off now, or do an easy mission.." She sighed. "Personally, I just want to get outside. I'd like to do a simple mission."
IC - Lori

As Lori sailed down to the entrance of Overgrown forest she sighed. The bounties were high ranked, and she was set, but some seemed to be missing. Passing it off as nothing, she proceeded to enter the forest. It was mainly inhabited by bugs, grass types, and the occasional Zagoon evo. Lori made her way past a large handfuls worth of resistance, until she came to her first bounties hiding spot. She had no thought of being stealthy, rathering to ensure she brought the target down quickly. Suddenly a slash of air came across her face, and she winced in pain as she watched were it came from, she was perectly aware of what her target was, just not his capabilities, and apparantly the Scyther ensured it had a ranged attack. Lori smirked internally, and used heat wave, wilting most of the nearby trees and revealing the location of her target.

"Inventive, I like that in those that try to capture me, and may I mention that you're number five. Best watch out." The Scyther commented as he rushed at her, scythes out and ready. Lori smirked and used steel wing, fortifying her wings' defense. The two pokemon collided, and stopped in each others attacks. The Scythers smirk turned to a scowl, and Lori pulsed her wings once, using heat wave again. The Scyther was knocked to the ground in pain, but defiantly stood up.

"I ain't getting caught, but I see that this is a fight I'm npot going to win, so...toodles." And with that the scyther took of away from Lori. Oh no you don't! Lori thought to herself as she used aerial ace, increasing her speed and homing in on the scyther. Hitting the bug directly in the leg forced him to drop to his knees.

"You're coming with me, whether you like it or not." Lori said, holding her badge outwards, teleporting the scther to the holding pen outside of the guild. Fool... Lori thought to herself as she prssed on.

Tag - None

IC - Spatz/Ricolan

After quite a few floors of relativly difficult battles, Ricolan finally saw the Magby with his Aura sense. They approached the little firebreathing pokemon, and presented their badge to him. With a thankful nod he teleported back to the guild. Spatz looked at Ricolan in question for the next Target.

"A few floors down, a...a Camerupt...you really weren't thinking when you chose these missions for us, were you?" Spatz just gave Ricolan a doeful look and started for the stairs. "Of course not..." Ricolan followed, however reluctantly, not truly wishing to fight a pokemon with multiple type trumps on him.

Tag - None

IC - Zelx/Clyde

After watching Clyde punch the Heracross to the far wall, Zelx smiled and held the badge in front of his face saying,

"Oh, and you were so close..." She turned to Clyde as the blue teleportation beam disipated, and said, "Well, that's those two bugs down, lets see..." She held the torch near the next bounty to get a better look. "Hmm, that's odd, there's no stated reward on this one, just the line "you'll see". Stupid Spatz...oh well, lets see, retrieve a Spelon Berry from a, oh fun, it's a Gyarados in the underground lake. Finally, an excuse to utilize thunderpunch." Zelx turned and began walking to the stairs, only to trip over someting. The torch dropped to the floor, and Zelx sat up, looking at where she tripped. There, lying on the ground was an egg.

"Uh, Zelx, I think it'd be best not to leave that there..." Clyde commented, picking it up and placing it in the side pouch of his bag. Zelx sighed at the kindness that Clyde displayed, but nodded, and continued on, retrieving the torch, Clyde close behind.

Tag - None
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