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Closed Pokemorph Hunters

"Well, that's what my head tells me." He said with a chuckle to try and lighten the mood.

"And, as for knowing you, I just kinda saw your face and got a huge headache as millions of pictures and words flew into my head..." Nato started to wonder something, so he had to say it.

"Umm... Do you feel like your mind's completely blank? Cause, that's what I'm feeling. Heck, I didn't even know what creature I looked like until a few seconds ago."

Nato oddly started feeling guilty about something, but he didn't know what. Had he done something to this girl in the past? He didn't know, but there was that odd pang of guilt.
"I can't remember anything really...just my name, your name...and that's it." she couldn't understand this. 'Why does he seem familiar? Yet he doesn't seem...hostile.' she thought. She looked around at the group of people who were either waking up or just plain confused. She laid on the grass thinking over what could have happened to her. 'I wish I was psychic...' she thought closing her eyes. Her body started to feel weird, as if something was moving around on her.

She opened her eyes quickly to see a glowing out of the corner of her eye. Her tail seemed to be slowly changing shape and her skin now seemed to have a green color. 'Wha...?' she thought looking at her skin. 'What's happening?'
((I did this so people somewhat know how to change form.))
Following the sound of the water, leon encountere a riverbank, where he could see a few others. They all looked like pokemon for some reason.

This all seems familiar for some reason. But I have no idea how I would know any of these people.

Leon walked over to them and sat down on the grass, not saying anything. He needed to clear his mind and find out what was going on.
Alcott opened his eyes, squinting up at the sun, which was shining down almost directly on top of him. Awakened by the feeling of soreness in his skin, in a drowsy state he stood up and shuffled into the shadows. His skin feeling much better almost immediately. Perhaps suggesting that he had caught a little sunburn? Glancing down at one of his arms to check if it had been burned or not - he let out a startled croak of surprise. Since when did sunburns turn your skin blue?


His cheeks inflating in surprise, he reached up and touched them with his hands, which were now black with his middle finger on each a violent red. Looking down at his body, he knew that something was wrong. He didn't know much at all, but a lingering mental picture in his head told him that this was not what he used to look like. There was a name for what he looked like now. What was it? Croagunk! Yes! He was part pokemon!

Searching his memories for any apparent explanation to this, he found nothing that would satisfy him. While he still remembered the names of things, himself, and how to speak, the memories of how he had obtained such information were long gone. Leaving only rain, the sound of rain, a feeling of perfect calm a few scattered experiences that had somehow escaped whatever wave of amnesia had apparently overcome him.

His new skin chafing against the clothing he was currently wearing, he removed his shirt and shoes, leaving on nothing but a black vest along with a pair of matching black bed shorts. As he attempted to fold them away for later use, he discovered that there were strange oozing burn marks in the fabric, as though it had been partially eaten away. He soon found the culprit, staring down at his feet which had started to sweat in the heat, secreting a deep purple ooze that had caused all the grass around them to wither and die.

Hearing voices nearby, cautiously at first, he stood up and crept through the shadows towards the source. His yellow eyes gleaming as he spotted people, others like him who had features belonging to pokemon. Fearful to leave the safety of the shade, for the sake of his sensitive skin, he tried to re-create the sound he'd managed to make before. His cheeks inflating until they were almost the same size as his head.


Smiling as the bulge in his cheeks deflated to nothing, Alcott stood up and motioned for one of them to come over. Although, not too close. mind. Something in the back of his mind told him that only other poison-types would be able to touch him without risk.
Bijou had heard the startling coaking sounds from behind and turned on her heel to take a look. Another one? Oh but this one was...

She gasped a bit shocked by his appearance and stumbled back a bit. When he gestured for someone to come closer she felt her heart in her throat. She would have to get close to that?! Since when did she take orders from strangers?

Regardless...maybe he would have useful information. After a bit of thought the Mareep rose to her feet and cautiously approached the male character.
Nodding his head, Alcott continued to beckon towards her with his black hands reaching out from the gloom of the forest... until it occurred to him how frightening he must look. His alarming markings making stand out as though he were decorated in some kind of venomous tribal body paint. Holding out his palm to her, gesturing for her to stop where she was, he quickly appraised the distance between them. A few meters away? Yes, she would be able to hear him and still be safe from the poison there. Ideal!

"So sorry to suddenly startle you, sweetheart."

He spoke in a deep melodic bass, his own eyes glazing over somewhat with surprise at just how greatly his body had been affected by whatever had happened. He also found that he had a strange fondness for letters like never before! Who knew how wonderful the letter "S" was?

"My sublime salutations! I suppose our situation is somewhat the same?"

Bowing his head to her in a gentlemanly manner in a somewhat formal greeting, hoping to make up somewhat for the fact that she seemed naked apart from her own hair, and that he wasn't wearing much at all, Alcott smiled at her from out of the shadows of the forest. The girl who was... a... Mareep? Indeed! She was standing on the other side of the line between light and dark. Even if he had been in possession of malicious intentions towards her, she could rest assured that he would not venture out into the blistering heat without ample protection.

"Do not succumb to shyness. The scorching sun holds no sympathy for my new skin, I shall squat in the shade until such time as a shield from the sky is summoned. Saying such, stay back for safety. My skin secretes a most sinister slime."

To demonstrate, he simply drew a line in the ground with one of his crimson fingers, his touch causing death to the grass and clearly giving the Mareep maiden a line over which not to cross. His corrosive touch surprising even him with its frightening potency. Whatever was responsible for causing this change in him, what possible reason might there be in giving him such deadly venom?

"See? A more startling sight have you seen since? Sadly, I know but scarce scraps of the story surrounding this shocking scenario. Say, might you shed some light on this most surreptitious subject?"
"L-Liza!" He stuttered as he watched this odd transformation. It was like she was changing into something completely different. Three words came into his head. Those being evolution, Shiny and Espeon... Nato then ran over to her.

"Are you Okay? You're changing completely... But what does that have to do with being Psychic?" But that's when Nato's mind told him something. Psychic pokemon, such as Espeon, have many moves involving confusing opponents or lifting them with their mental abilities. They are weak to the Dark type but can deal great damage to Poison types. They also damage Steel types very little.

This little phrase confused him greatly. Weak? Type? Dark? Pokemon? What did it all mean? maybe Lisa could help out after this wierd shift. But as soon as he thought that, he got another wave of guilt, so he sat down beside her, making sure that the change wasn't causing damage.
Bijou blinked bewildered by his form of speech. Never had she felt so illiterate. Was this what was meant by blonde or typical model? She didn't even know where such conclusions came from!

As he drew a line between them she shuddered. The ooze had her hair stand on end clearly intimidated by it all.

"Uh...I..." Her eyes appeared to be blank as she searched for words to answer him. Instead she gave a small "hymph" and turned her head away from the Croagunk she still could barely make out (though she saw enough to get the chills).

"I'm not sure what's going on but I don't suppose you have a clue either." Her gaze fell to the line drawn between them. "I also feel I have somehow...forgotten about what happened before this."

She raised her faintly blue hand to her face and muttered, "I...know who I am...don't I?"
Dian watched the others with a mild air of amusement, not moving from her perch except to face them. The fire over her head flickered as if it was laughing, and she smiled. Such silly people, fretting over their new changes. They didn't seem to understand that they were probably much better, much stronger and more durable this way.

She reached up and scooped the little flame from her head and passed it between her hands, the purple flame not hurting her at all. It was warm, comfortingly so. She let it hover over her chest for a moment, between her hands, before letting it go. It returned over her head almost instantly.

She wished for a moment that she could speak, say something to these silly children, but the desire faded quickly. She didn't mind being mute, and now she had all this cool stuff to make up for it. She didn't even mind not remembering much of anything, either. A new beginning.

She extended a leg and picked up her underwear with a toe, still watching the not too far off group. She didn't even seem to care if anyone saw her naked. It was a natural state of being, she figured, and now she wasn't human, so she figured it didn't matter any longer.
"Uh, yeah, I think I'm okay..." Liza said as Nato sat next to her. She examined her new tail. It was split into a "V" shape at the very end of it. It looked as though it could it could be an Espeon's tail, but it was green instead of purple. 'So, I have a shiny Espeon tail...so I must have the ears!' She reached up on her forehead and felt something protruding from it. She then felt her ears were at the top of her head, and she had two tufts somewhat below them.

'So...can we really change form?' she thought as she looked at her new skin. 'Green, ears, tails, and a...jewel, on my head...'
The girl nearby seemed to shift suddenly and her form was suddenly much different from before, now her tail split at one end. In the shade there was someone else that he had failed to notice before. The boy drew his finger across the ground and Allum's interpretation of that part of the clearing changed slightly. He turned from the lake and strolled over to the boy in the shade. He stood just beyond the line, "I take it the sun is harsh for you? Anyway, would you mind telling me what time it is? or at least where the sun is in the sky." he shifted his gaze endlessly, despite the lack of good it did.
Hilao had been sitting behind the rock for a while now. It wasn't until he caught the smell of burning grass that he realised others were awake. He rolled over and stood up. He picked up his trainers and socks, which he had long-since abandoned, and threw them in the river. No need to carry more baggage, right? As he looked around, he saw a Mareep-girl and several others who appeared to be bonded with Pokémon. "Pokémorphs" he told himself. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't draw his eyes away from the Mareep-girl for more than a few seconds.
He was so hungry...
"I'm sorry, but I'm really confused.." Nato said to Liza. Sure, these things popped into his head, but that doesn't mean he understood them.

"What exactly is a Shiny Espeon? And form changing? What the heck is going on?" He asked. He felt like he should know what was going on, but he really had no idea. This whole thing was confusing him, although something deep inside him said it was out of character.
Shaking his head sadly, Alcott smiled at the girl sympathetically, resisting the urge to give her a hug or pat her on the shoulder. Such normally comforting gestures being now somewhat counter-productive in the effect that they would have upon his fellow... what would the appropriate term be... pokemorph? Eureka! Another such person approaching him with the most humble, abiet curious, of requests.

"Surely I will. The sun squanders across the sky sinking slowly to the west. Suggesting the hour to be sometime early afternoon."

Observing the newcomer's curious features, his blind eyes striking Alcott as particularly noteworthy, the name of a species of poisonous bat entered his mind unbidden, and he stood up. His cheeks inflating somewhat in joy that he had found a being who might prove immune to his toxic touch.

"Success! Sir, I do suspect we share a similar typing. My name is Alcott."

He declared, holding out a poisonous hand for the Zubat morph to shake. As he did so, he felt a shudder of anticipation run through him. The knowledge that the Zubat's secondary typing was superior to his also resurfacing from the depths of his mind like a nagging memory. Not that he had any intentions of fighting anyone. At least, not yet.
Bijou sensed the danger of the younger individual watching her. This made her turn and throw him a look of irritation. Her perfectly shaped face now slightly distorted as she pouted.

"What are you looking at me for? I'm not the only one who looks weird ya' know, hymph!" Clearly she had no idea of his hunger, nor did she care. She just wanted to figure out what to do with herself and where to find answers.

The Croagunk was speaking out of a dictionary, the Poochyena was making her uncomfortable and the others just kept getting closer as they too sought answers.

Bijou saw Alcott's attention was off of her so she decided she was not wanted anymore. This was an opportunity to wander off and away from the increasing number of morphs.

Quickly and quietly she tiptoed away, following the stream of water in the opposite direction of the others to see if she recognized anything.
He felt cold. Where was he?

'I am dead. I know it.' he thought as he felt the cold come over him and fill his mouth and seep into his lungs. He couldn't feel his arms or his legs so he agreed he had died.
But then there was wet with the cold. There was breath in his lungs and he felt his body swaying, being pushed.

'Where am I if I am not dead?' he thought and forced open his eyes. He saw bright light and movements.

The sun.

'I'm alive. But I'm drowning.' he thought as he blew out bubbles of breath. When he went to breathe in, he felt air come to his lungs anyway.

Wesley reached out and tried to swim, but his legs were still numb. He looked down at them and almost screamed when he saw fins attached to his legs. He would have continued his discoveries, but was suddenly thrown onto a bed of rock and sand.

"H-help!"he choked out.
Bijou heard splashing sounds nearby before she caught sight of a helpless figure writhing on the ground. As she crept closer she squinted and made a look of amusement when she realized what lay on the ground.

"No, you can't be a Magikarp. That's just too lame." The girl squatted beside him and rested a hand on his head to open his eyes.

"Wake up."
Allum took the boy's hand and shook, "Nice to meet you, Alcott. Thank you for telling me what time it is, in case you didn't notice..." He waved his hand in front of his face as if to indicate his lack of sight, "...I'm blind. None the less I find my way around easily enough." He released his companions hand and stepped into the shade nearby, "I can't say why, but I really look forward to night fall." He felt his thoughts calm down the second he left the sunlight, he let out a soft sigh, the shade was much nicer than the sun.
"Don't you remember that it's a Pokemon?" she said to him. "I don't know what it means to change form...this is new to me too..." she looked and saw the boy who was leaning againest the tree was now conversing with someone in the shadows. There was also a boy with two 'horns' that were coming out of his head. For some reason she felt herself blushing, so she turned her head away.
Nato blinked awkwardly several times. "A... Pokemon?" Then, like everything else, he remembered all that there was to know about pokemon. Moves.. Species names. It all hit him at the same time. He fell over from the stress and clutched his head.
"Ow... That's a lot of information.." He managed to groan.
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