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Closed Pokemorph Hunters

Cody cocked an eyebrow at the bird-man talking, apparently, to him. "Hi." He replied simply. "I hope I'm not the only one confused at all this." It was almost a statement to himself, almost a question to the Farfetch'd. "You got any ideas as to what exactly we're doing here? I mean, it's not like it's a coincidence that all these... Half Pokemon woke up here with amnesia. So we're all here, but... why?"

Cody wasn't even sure if he was talking to the other Pokemorph, or if he was thinking out loud. He barely remembered his own name, much less anything recent that could provide clues.
Allum twitched his head up when the branches of a nearby tree shifted. He stood from his seat and walked through the stream and towards the base of the tree. He could sense a short boy sitting on one of the branches in the tree,

"Hey, why bother hiding in this tree? Half the people down here could find you easily enough, were they not involved in pointless fights. That and if flames reach this tree you'd be trapped easily."

Allum stepped away from the tree and moved near silently around the grove and to where Alcott still stood, he sat down in the grass and he felt a twitch at his shoulder and he reached back over his shoulder, thinking his shirt had caught on some loose bark or something similar.

He felt his hair grow, it was an unpleasant sensation but what bothered him more was that his shirt was being stretched against his skin. His bones stretched in his body and he felt something pressed against his back, something a bit like leather. He patted where he could feel it and was surprised to have feeling in whatever was pressed against his back. The shirt was too tight so he pulled it over his head, catching it several times on whatever it was that had grown from behind him.

As soon as he had dropped his shirt on the grass he felt a twitch at his shoulder and some part of him was pressed against the grass. Scanned where he was and to his surprise found two Golbat-like wings hanging out behind him.

"Huh, wings. Interesting." The wings seemed to respond to his commands but they were harder to control than an arm or leg, so many joints made it hard to control them but eventually he got them spread out behind him. They had strong skin stretched between long finger-like bones. He stretched them a bit more and twitched each of the bones as he tried to become more familiar with them.
"Uh, no... I could ask you the same question. I wonder why too... what happened?" he replied. "I don't remember anything either... except... a bunch of flashing lights?"

"Oh, and by the way..." he told the Riolu "...I'm starting to get kind of hungry... Do you know where we can get any food around here? Oh, and... a leek." He still hadn't got one, and still felt the need for one. Probably because of the new Farfetch'd genes. This time, the need for one was even stronger... But there were no leeks around or probalby nearby anywhere, and he had to restrain himself from running around like crazy just to find one. Instead, he picked up a nearby stick of almost the same size. It wasn't much, and it wasn't the same, but it would have to do for now. "...oh, sorry about that" he told the Riolu morph, thinking what he just did looked weird to him. "It's just that... when I'm a Farfetch'd... I need... leeks... yes, leeks, I need them... do you know if there are any leeks nearby?" he said a little too loud and fast, while shaking. The need for one just got stronger.
Kai blinked in surprise. He thought he had chosen his hiding place well, but this... zubat morph, seemed to think otherwise. He carefully lowered himself down, and walked carefully over to where the zubat morph was examining his wings. "I'm sorry for hiding," he said, keeping his head down, "I'm just... shy that's all. And when I heard shouting..." he finished his voice trailing off. For a moment he was silent, but then his head came up slowly. "My name's Kai. Do you have any idea how we got here?" he asked. Somehow he doubted the zubat knew anything, but he had to ask. If everyone else knew as little as he did, there was a good chance that he'd be travelling with them for a while. After all, there was no point in him looking for answers on his own, when there were so many seeking the same answers.
Wesley furrowed his brow and spoke no more. What would he do if he saw someone like this. He'd run screaming probably. Though, there was a chance he'd help the person...pokemon...thing get some real help like a lab or a nurse Joy. They always helped pokemon. They could deal with pokemon humans then right?

He watched her move onto her second berry and offered her another soon as she was done with that one too.

He looked up as he walked. The sky. If only he'd been changed into something like a pidgeot or something. He wouldn't feel so bad about his current situation then.
Bijou shook her head when he offered another berry but accepted it anyways. She wasn't hungry anymore...but he was offering... eh, she'd eat it later anyway.

As they walked further away, the forest seemed to grow darker. The trees were looming closer and closer together creating a more ominous setting. All sounds were magnified under the silence held between the two making her shiver however her expression remained indifferent to the situation.

This is... kinda scary...

"Hey, you. Stand closer to me." Her voice was rigid and her eyes a bit shaky.
Wesley noticed her shiver and his doubts were renewed.

She's probably not the best one to be following around right now.

He obeyed and stood closer, looking around them for any signs of danger.

"E-everything alright?"he asked nervously and squinted into the darkness.
Cody shook his head at the Farfetch'd. "I don't remember any flashing lights. A really long, really boring bus ride to some place, but other than that, I don't remember much at all." He looked at the Bird-Man witha surprise when he began on leeks and food.

"A leek? Why-what do you want a leek for now, of all times? You sound like you've gone cold turkey on meth or something. Calm down. I wouldn't know the first place to look for a leek, I barely know anything about them. But there is a forest around us, which means there's water, which means there's food." Cody glanced at the area around him. "Now that you mention it, I'm a bit hungry myself." He didn't see any fruit or anything, but there was almost certainly some nearby.

"By the way," Cody raised an eyebrow at the Farfetch'd again. "I'm Cody. What about you?"
Allum shook his head, "No, and I'm fairly sure that no one else here knows either."

He gave an experimental flap of his wings and stirred up a bit of dust. A low grumbling came from the bushes on the other side of the clearing. Allum looked over the boys shoulder and he could make out a large shape hunched behind the undergrowth on the other side of the clearing. The fires had begun to die out and this shape was hunched in amongst the burnt remains.

"What the hell is that?" Allum stepped around the boy, accidentally hitting his wing on the trunk of a nearby tree.

"Alcott, can you see that thing over there? In the ashes of that fire." Allum was about to step forward when the shape lunged from the scrub and howled. It was a Houndoom, a collar wrapped aroud its neck. It lowered it's head and slowly advanced on those in the grove, the Eevee and Hitomoshi morphs.

"Hey! Watch out!" The pokemon turned from its prey and once again began to creep forward, although this time towards Allum,

"Okay, not my best move." Allum stepped back a bit, as the hound advanced still. There was a shout from nearby and a man with a large rifle slung over his shoulder stepped from the bushes near where the houndoom had come from.

"That will do, hound. You have been hard to track down, I've been searching for over an hour now." He gave a shrill whistle and two more Houndoom paced from behind him. He made a motion and those two began to creep towards the others.

"Now lets see if I will get any entertainment from this."

"Alcott, Kai, you two should run. I sure plan to. Or at least get out of their reach. The rifle does freak me out a bit, it looks more like a hunting rifle." Allum folded his wings behind him, scooped up his shirt and ran back past Alcott into the scrub, he flapped his wings and managed to get a bit of lift before he grasped a low hanging branch and began to climb to a place where he should be unreachable by the hound pokemon. The rifle, however, would be a problem.
"Oh- I'm Jake. Nice to meet you..." he said to Cody. "And... yeah, I guess I could calm down... it's just that these... new Farfetch'd genes, I think they're what makes me want a leek so much... I'm not used to them. But you say there's food here..." He looked around him, around the forest. Yeah, there probably was some food somewhere. "So... should we go look for some?" He smiled at the Riolu morph, or at least tried his best to smile with the beak.
A soft smile crossed Cody's face. "Well, you definetly have a better chance of finding your stupid leek if you stay calm. Yeah, I need food." Cody took his weight off the tree. "It'd be best if we just got away from the two catfighters anyways." He pointed at the Eeveeloution and the lantern-Girl. "C'mon." He turned and walked, but didn't look to see if Jake was following. Maybe it's just because I'm part canine, but some steak sounds so perfect right now... Wonder if Jake's diet has changed? Most birds are carnivores... Or, omnivores?
Kai was startled by the canine, but not intimidated. His head throbbed, and he remembered...

A dark alley lit only by the lights of the nearby streets. A boy sits up against a garbage can, and looks down at a photograph. The faces are dark and cannot be seen in the dim light, but still the picture is engraved in his mind. The shapes of the people, and their kind smiles. But one face was scratched out. Then, a sudden snarl, and the boy looks up, startled. Just in front of him is a shadowy canine figure. The boy freezes. The figure approaches slowly, cautiously, still snarling. The boy's hands grope around the ground, searching for a weapon to fend off the canine, and, finding nothing, then goes to search his grubby jacket's pocket. He pulls out a large shard of broken glass from the picture's shattered frame, which still resided in his pocket. He slowly got to his feet, and pulled the piece of glass in front of him, backing away slowly. The canine leaps....

And, then, facing the hound, his hands curled into fists, he felt the same need to defend himself. However, the hound was not his main concern. The gun... He knew he needed to take that out, or they'd all be dead. "So you like fire, huh?" Kai muttered under his breath, feeling heat building in his belly. Then he opened his mouth, and shot a small barrage of flames at the human. "Ember!?" he shouted, quite surprised, and delighted, at his own ability. Then he turned to the canine, which had been moving toward the zubat morph, and jumped on its back, grabbing it by the horns, and jerking them backwards, and screamed, "YEEEEEEEEEEEHAW!!!" It was at that time that he admitted to himself that being 4'6" might come in handy now and then.

"RUN? WHY WOULD I RUN? THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!" he shouted back to the zubat morph.
Loud noises... attacking... feel... rage...


Murder... rip... kill... attack...


Shred... rip... tear... blood... kill... kill... kill. Murder. Attack rip shred tear killkillKILLKILL!!!

Shelly snarled at the sudden loud noises that brought her out of the trance. Without noticing, her appearance changed. The feather behind her ear was gone, replaced by pink, pointed years. There was a stripe of pink down the middle of her hair... and her claws were longer. Sharper. Perfect killing weapons.

A shrill howl echoed through the air as her wild, crazed eyes locked onto the nearest target (besides Ghost Boy, Strong Lady and Green Man) and as if a blur, she leaped at them with great speed, taking a mighty slash, aiming to do as much damage to them as she possibly could... taking the limbs would be nice...
Lauren was, once more, thrown completely off guard - everything was happening so fast, all at once. One moment, he was absorbed in the group's energies, the next...

He stumbled backwards, the girl in front of him letting out a fierce howl - he was already somewhat startled by her as a whole, but now she was outright scary, and then he spotted the Houndoom, his vision barely adapted enough to make out the canid figures. Of course, he wasn't sure /what/ they were exactly, but he knew they were bad news - and what's more, their accompaniment. A bulky man who looked to be carrying weapons stepped forwards towards the group, antagonistic feelings abound radiating from him.
Lauren fell backwards, arms still bound down, he had no chance to attempt to balance nor catch himself... Strangely, however, he didn't seem to hit the ground - not so much as he seemed to fall into it. He was in the shade of the trees again.. an in a literal sense - it was almost as if he had fallen into the shadow itself, observing the world from an out-of-body third-person perspective as a darkened glob creeping through the shadowy grass marked little more than his very essence. What was more, he could see clearly, even in the bright sunlight, eyes no longer a factor - albeit a darkened, purplish vignette, it was still clear enough to make out - the man had a rifle. Suddenly, things felt a lot more serious.

Lauren had a lapse of thought - creeping through the shadows around the back, and coming up from behind the man. As he emerged, senses reintegrating with his body, something was... different. His arms were free, and seemed to be... stuffed? His legs, as well, and his nightgown was gone, revealing his patch-covered body in its entirety. Of course.. there wasn't much time to worry about that, at the moment, as he lunged forwards, grabbing for the man, his rifle - anything, trying to hold him back, stop him doing anything drastic...

Lauren's arms seemed to now hold a significant amount of power, and his hold obviously knocked the breath from the man.. however, he was still his light, thin, bony self - and seemed even lighter now that his limbs had taken such new properties. With no idea how to actually restrain someone, he quickly found himself flipped effortlessly off the man's back, leaving him on the ground with a rifle pointed his way. He squeaked fearfully.. that wasn't well thought out..
He moaned as he slowly became conscious. A small island of himself in a sea of unknown. He laid there trying to gather his thoughts, trying to remember. Everything was fuzzy and distorted in his mind. What was his name? Where did he come from? How did he get here? Where was here? He hadn't yet tried to open his eyes yet, he wasn't sure if he could. He felt grass tickling his bare legs and arms and neck. His bare feet were cold and he felt some sort of icy feeling flowing over them. He suddenly realized his feet must be in water.

A stream...He heard birds chirping overhead, singing a light-hearted melody. He heard leaves rustling in a soft breeze and the running of water from the stream as it splashed over rocks, twigs, and his own feet. The scent of smoke was in the air, mingled with the fresh smell of plants and the cold bite of water. He slowly, wearily, opened his eyes, wincing as light poured into his groggy retinas. He looked around, moving only his eyes and not his head. He was in a forest...a crystal clear stream flowed through the underbrush.

Large trees and bushes were everywhere, and it looked like a small wisp of smoke from a long-dead fire was weaving its way through the upper leaves of the trees. He groaned softly as his head pounded with pain, his own groan startling him slightly. He sat up slowly, pulling his knees underneath him until he was sitting on his knees, looking around. He was wearing a light brown t-shirt and cargo shorts. He pushed his sandy brown hair out of his eyes as he tried once again trying to remember who he was. He froze with his hand in his hair, eyes widening slowly. What...? He felt something on the side of his head...something soft and feathery....it felt almost like a...wing?

His other hand shot up to feel the other side of his head. Another small wing?! What...was he? Who was he? Where was he? With all of these questions shooting through his pounding head, he climbed to his feet, his legs almost buckling underneath him. He leaned against a tree for support and waited for the wave of dizziness to pass. What had happened? His body felt heavy and sluggish, but as he moved around and became more awake, it was slowly wearing off. He half-stumbled away from the tree and through the foliage, looking for...something. Anything. He was so confused, and this headache definitely wasn't helping.

What do I know? Well...I'm in a forest. I have clothes. I've lost my memory. So...not much. He was worried, but not overly so. Things would work out. Hopefully. He just needed to find some help, that's all. He heard shouting in the distance and began heading in that direction. Maybe there was someone else here? He began to run, ducking under tree branches and swerving through the thick plants and tree trunks. He leaped over a fallen log and burst into a clearing, skidding to a stop. There were at least a dozen other people, all of them looking strange in one way or another. And there, right in front of him, was a man carrying a gun, with massive houndooms in front of him. The man with the gun was pointing it at a strange patchwork-looking boy on the ground, terror written on the boy's face.

Shouting, he ran forward and tackled the man who looked like a hunter and with a loud BOOM, the gun went off. He hoped that the shot had missed everyone, but he didn't know for sure. He crashed to the ground, carrying the man with him. His face contorted in fury, the hunter grabbed him and hurled him into a tree before looking around for his gun which had been knocked from his grasp. His vision flashed red and pain shot through his body as he slid to the ground, back against the tree which he had collided with. He moaned and pulled himself to his feet slowly. He hoped the boy had gotten away unharmed.

<Heh. Long intro. Sorry. Just trying to get caught up ^^ And yeah...Shock doesn't remember his own name. I hope he remembers soon -.-..>
Things were happening so fast. First, a man with a rifle and Houndooms. These Pokemon were heading to attack her until the Zubat morph had shouted. Then a boy had come out of no where, seeming to be a Pidgey morph, and tackled the man.

The Houndooms had looked back at their master and this had given her the chance. She felt the water move up into her mouth and she shot a big blast of water at them. She had hit the big one in the middle and the other two turned on her. She saw the hunting rifle now on the ground and she dashed for it.

As the Houndoom attempted to attack her she moved out of the way, only getting bitten once. She grabbed the rifle and pointed it towards the man. "I don't see you shooting me now." she growled at him. She glared at him,as she glanced over to the boy who had hit the tree.

((Violence was inevitable, beware the girl with a gun xD))
Jake jumped back as a Houndoom stalked towards him. "Gr..." He dived forward and began running on all fours, mouth wide and ready to bite. The two dogs collided, biting and slashing at each other. The Houndoom managed to push Jake to the ground. Jake tried to push back, but his arms were pinned. Suddenly, a tingling sensation. He felt his limbs expand slightly, and his muscles bulge. He pushed again, and this time, the Houndoom flew into the air at least six feet, and slammed into the ground. Hard. That's gunna leave a mark in the morning! Jake thought as he investigated his new body. Although there were several scratches and bruises, he was mostly unhurt.
There was a tremendous 'Bang' and a shower of stuffing - leaving Lauren's ears ringing, and head spinning something major. He clenched his eyes tightly, anticipation filling his chest as his senses recovered from shock - he knew what just happened, and was just about banking on what would happen next.
And yet, after several agonising moments, he was still there, focus on the outside world returning somewhat, he heard struggling and fighting, but it seemed so distant, anyway. Eyes drifting open, he looked down his form surveying himself - and his heart sunk 6 metres below the ground, his right leg now boasting a gigantic crater of a wound, presumably an oversized hunting bullet lodged somewhere there-within, small bits of the stuffing that had made it up scattered about all over and around him. He didn't really feel it, didn't feel anything, the shock had gotten to him, he was sure - and laying his head back and staring to the sky, he found himself unable to focus even on the tussles now taking place around him.
Nato quickly noticed this strange hunter and dove out of the way.What the..Houndooms?I what the heck's going on?He thought to himself.

He then noticed Liza with a gun. Nato's first immediate thought was to help her, although something inside him told him to stay away. Either way, he needed a way to help. Those Houndooms wouldn't hold out forever.

He dashed towards one, suddenly getting much faster, until he took of like a jet. Water started to trail behind him and eventually coated his body. Aqua Jet? Nice. He smirked, then slammed into one of the Houndooms and landed beside Liza, completely dry.

"You Ok?" He asked her.
"Hmm, I suppose I should help out," Allum stood on the thick branch and almost fell off, only just managing to regain his balance using his wings.

"Okay, not good when I don't know how to fly yet." He paced towards the end and when it began to bend he stopped. He found himself standing a few metres above the startled hunter, attempting to pat out the flames from Kai's ember. He jumped off the end and spread his wings, slowing his decent so he wouldn't harm himself.

He landed on top of the hunter, causing him to collapse under the sudden weight. Allum almost had the man pinned when the hunter grabbed him and threw him off. His spread wings slowed him down but he still landed uncomfortably in the edge of the river.

Allum pulled himself to his feet and ran back toward the hunter who was struggling to get up. Suddenly a bullet whizzed by his face and struck the tree next to him. The hunter had pulled out a smaller gun and was pointing it at him while he stood up,

"Don't move, Boy. This thing will kill you whether you believe it or not." Allum could sense the Hunters increased pulse, he was as unsure of this as Allum was. A smile crossed the boy's face.

"I believe we are at a crossing point. You shoot and someone else will rip you to shreds. You don't shoot and I do. Your choice."
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