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Political Compass II

there is nothing intrinsically wrong with authoritarian beliefs. authoritarians have the view that development should be held in a higher regard than the freedom of people. at first glance this may seem like a terrible breach of human rights, but you have to understand that the most incredible economic turnarounds in history came at the helm of authoritarian leadership: soviet russia, nazi germany and communist china. yes, those regions were notorious for grotesque ethical violations but if you look at the countries from a purely economic standpoint then it becomes fully apparent how incredibly these countries had transitioned from being weakened or backward nations into superpowers. russia under the authoritarian leadership of communist leaders like lenin and stalin rose to a world superpower rivaled only by the united states. germany under hitler turned from a country with a broken economy that was utterly disgraced by the treaty of vienna after ww1 into a country that started a NEW world war and held firm against the allied powers in three different fronts. china is the fastest developing nation in the world and is predicted to become a world superpower by as early as 2015.

yes, those leaders winded up killing millions of people on their way to economic salvation, but it could have been avoided and doesnt really prove anything about authoritarianism in general. in fact the only reason authoritarian ideology is associated with so much stigma is because the most prominent leaders who employed authoritarian philosophy were also CRAZY. that doesnt mean its a morally questionable ideology, or that the people who support it are psychopaths.

also, my political compass:


interesting fact: i am almost exactly where gandhi and mandela are on the graph
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Well, I decided to take the test as I would normally take it:


And then I took it imagining a totalitarian state that afforded everyone equality and happiness and freedom at the small price of censorship and harsh punishments, which got me this:


Compare those to my original one:

And here is me (unsuccessfully) trying to mimic Hitler's political beliefs:

The moral of the story: I am Left no matter what, even when I'm trying not to be. xD
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