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Political Music

Moved to Entertainment.

... Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots?


Testament wins.

Also, try Won't Get Fooled Again (The Who) or Peace Sells (Megadeth). Not a huge fan of either, but these songs are pretty chill.
Fuck politically inspired anthems.

Otep is dumb.

I'm sorry, but do you ever actually make any worthwhile posts in this forum? I don't even get it.

...I haven't heard any of these but 'political music' sounds brilliant, so I'm going to go check them out. ;D
Seriously. Political music is dumb 99% of the time. Or at least the lyrics are. I don't need anyone else to tell me what political agenda I should be adhering to. I like my lyrics free of proselytism, thank you. That's why I hate it when bands like U2 and Bruce Springsteen and whoever use their music to transcribe a message for others - I honestly don't want to know whether I should support the Tories or the Labour Party. I can figure out for myself whether I will vote Obama or abstain.

Of course lyrics can contain a social critique - but that is something far, far removed from a political critique. Ex: "Zombie" by the Cranberries. Is it a horrific tale of the social state that the Troubles caused in Northern Ireland? It definitely is, super-evocative and whatnot. But it's not political. It's not taking sides. It's not saying it supports Protestants or Catholics. It is merely describing how an event like that is a social tragedy.

Put this in contrast to the fuelled agendas of Christian rock bands, eco-hippie veganists, etc. - it boils down to one thing - I don't want to be told what to think by these bands. Therefore politics in my music is something that can fuck off supremely.

Another example: Pink Floyd. The Wall is a GIANT critique of society. But it's still not telling me to do this or that. Y'understand? If you read Waters' lyrics carefully - describing rockstardom, educational misfiring, father dying in the war, overprotective mother etc etc. - it's still not doing it under a flag of SUPPORT THE LIB DEMS or SUPPORT THE ANARCHISTS or SUPPORT THE SAVING THE COWS MOVEMENT.

This is why I don't like RATM, U2, Bruce Springsteen et al. They all have political agendas and things behind their music. There's a message they want EVERYONE ELSE to believe in. I do not want to be told by some asshole that I should believe in xyz. If I believe in xyz I am capable enough of making the decision on my own.
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agreeing with watershed here. music doesn't become better just because it's political, and often there's a significant overlap between shite music and politics (see: RatM). I mean I guess at least some of the stuff I listen to has some kind of message, but I don't really give a shit because the songs just sound nice~

shallow? eh sure, but if I want social critiques or politics or whatever then I can go read a damn book.
This affects my posts in this thread because if a song is too overtly political I won't like it.

But if you want a song that I consider political that is good, then I suggest you take a listen to Bob Dylan or Pink Floyd.
This affects my posts in this thread because if a song is too overtly political I won't like it.

Protip: Don't be in this thread

It's lovely to know that you don't want politics in "your music", but get it out of your head that you deserve to own the Entertainment forum or that your opinion is necessary on every single music thread.
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Protip: since when can't my opinion on political music be heard just because it doesn't agree with the rest of you
oh no opinions D:

get off watershed's back, jesus christ

relevantly: i enjoy anti-christian anthems, if that counts as political.
you have every right to not give a shit.

my comment was really rather more pointed at cirrus.
Let's see... Off the top of my head:

Dear God-XTC (Okay, this one's religious.)
Jesus Was a Democrat-Everclear
Fake Plastic Trees-Radiohead (Yeah, yeah, it's more social commentary.)

...And that's it, because I know I'll get odd looks for saying I love American Idiot (the entire album, that is.
"'You're not the Jesus of Suburbia!
The St. Jimmy is a figment of
Your father's rage and your mother's love!'
Made me the idiot America!"
That's because a lot of music is fucken hideous. Sorry for having standards now.

As for bands with political lyrics I like - System of a Down is the only thing that comes to mind, and I like them more because they are fucking wackos rather than actually caring about their message.
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