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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Post your voice.

It's on the bottom... it should work. There's a big thing that says DOWNLOAD. Just scroll all the way down... if you still get the picture of the shoe, I'll upload it somewhere else.
Oh yeah, I know~ My voice is actually quite atrocious when I try to sing, weak and underused, haven't really had any sing training or anything, 'tis obvious. But I'm glad you think it's melodious~
So...since everyone was singing, and I had planned on posting here eventually...

I Could Have Danced All Night

Yeah, right now all I have is a video recording thing built into my laptop; if I have a plain sound recorder I haven't found it. Enjoy bright blue hurts-your-eyes screen.

Also, I don't have a british accent. It's easier to sing if I say "dahnced" rather than the american "danced".
I can join too! Me singing "Maybe" from the musical Annie!
EDIT: Once again, nothing works.... here. Final try~Ta-da! It works!
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I can sing betterthan that! It was because I just woke up...and my voice was all frazzled...>|
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