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if the nineth lion ate the sun.
(prelims are like mocks or, er... whatever the generally accepted terminology for 'important practice exams' in your area is.)

MATHS - 41% D
ART - 50% C

I was expecting to fail Maths anyway so a D is actually better, especially seeing as I got a B in the first paper(!!!!!!) and the second paper was NOM YER FACE AND ARSE AFF hard. Goes for Art, too, except I was just thinking I'd fail the fuck out of that shit because I don't like Art at all.

8D So I did pretty well! If I do well in my coursework for Computing I can A that so hard your mum will snap in half. English I just need to not get bored of writing essays and rambling instead and I'll get an A in that too. History... well... I'm kind of right on target for that! |D I'm crashing History so a B after I've not done it for two years is pretty damn good.

So yeah, I'm pleased~~!

I have homework to do BUT LIKE THE GOOD STUDENT THAT I AM I can't really be bothered so I'm going to sleep and I'll do it later.
Well done! Make sure you try and get the same grades in the real thing, or higher! I'm rooting for you!
She lives in Scotland, so it's probably different. (And doesn't it differ from high school to high school?)

Congrats. ^^
I'd never heard of the Boston Tea Party until a recent IRC conversation. You learn something new every day!

> 70% - A
60 - 69% - B
50 - 59% - C
40 - 49% - D [fail]
< 40% - no award

All this 90% FOR AN A LOL, I don't get it.
It doesn't make sense. In the netherlands we grade from one to 10, but a 9 or a 10 is rarely awarded.

Basically what people call an A would be 8 and up
B would be 7-8
C would be 6-7
D would be 5-6
Fail would be everything below
> 70% - A
60 - 69% - B
50 - 59% - C
40 - 49% - D [fail]
< 40% - no award

All this 90% FOR AN A LOL, I don't get it.

That's pretty much how the grade boundaries work at uni, except instead of nice, easy letters like A and B, we get 1st-class and 2-2s. Why, I have no idea.

So yeah; very well done in these, and best of luck with all your courseworks (especially Computing - get that A, dammit!) and the real thing :D
Americans have crazy percentages for their grades. Never understood why it's so high. gogogo tailsy~

you show that maths that it's shit.
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