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Proof that Wolves CAN sprite

My worst revamp yet: Yellow Bulbasaur.
I sorta like it... I always thought Bulbasuar was pretty cute, and I like that it was revamped. Do you could do a recoulor and overshade please?

Pokemon: Zangoose
Pokemon Color: Umbreon

Pokemon: Lugia

You can take your time, and if you don't want to do both, you can just do either one. Thank you and good day.
can you do my Pokesona?

details:Lighter shade of purple on the tail,and blue eyes.Also,if you can,can you not make it a game sprite?if you can't,i hate the d/p mewtwo sprite
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Krissa, I'll do the recolour and revamp for you. G/S Lugia?

Mewtwo, I pixelled-over a Pikachu before using it as a Pokésona. I could do that for your Mewtwo, but it will take a while. Give me two or three days.
Kriisa, I hope this is okay. The original Umbreon pallet made a mess of Zangoose, so I had to do a bit of jiggery-pokery.

EDIT: Here's the Lugia. The spines were very difficult, but at least it went better than the Zangoose.
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ok,just use a cool picture to pixel over :P
and just take your time.i dont care when i get it as long as I get it!^.^
Kriisa, I hope this is okay. The original Umbreon pallet made a mess of Zangoose, so I had to do a bit of jiggery-pokery.

EDIT: Here's the Lugia. The spines were very difficult, but at least it went better than the Zangoose.
That's perfect! Thank you! Sorry that I forgot to tell you which Lugia I wanted, but I like it! So, again THANK YOU!
ok,just use a cool picture to pixel over :P
and just take your time.i dont care when i get it as long as I get it!^.^

In that case, time will be taken. I'll find a cool picture on dA - that's normally a good source.

That's perfect! Thank you! Sorry that I forgot to tell you which Lugia I wanted, but I like it! So, again THANK YOU!

You're welcome. ^_^ Are you sure the Zangoose is alright?
Um, Pokesona, please? A Ralts with a Navy Blue horn, and his cloth-thingy is tinged slightly blue. His helmet is about 5% bigger than normal. Take your time!
I should point out that, unless otherwise specified in the request, Pokésonas will be game sprites.

Shiny Eevee, since it was such an easy request, I broke my own rule.
Blastoise428, I hope this is what you meant. (I seem to be going LIFO instead of FIFO today).

Mewtwo, you're up next.
Kai, here's your Vileplume.

A non-overshaded version is available if you prefer.
ok,just use a cool picture to pixel over :P
and just take your time.i dont care when i get it as long as I get it!^.^

Right. I'll do this picture. Obviously, I'll have to scratch the toes.

Here it is! Sorry the toes are so bad.

Incidentally, when I do Pokésonas, I save them on my computer as [name] the [Pokémon], so I've got "Mewtwo the Mewtwo" on my computer.


*Changes it to "Mewtwo (TCoD) the Mewtwo".
ZOMG the pic is just like i imagined it!i forgot to mention i wanted a psychic ball inbetween the hands,but it's there!!!THANKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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May I have a gothic edit of this sprite please?:

Make her hair an unnatural color, like a bright teal, or whatever catches your interest, maybe even make it longer, since long attention-grabbing hair is awesome. Don't make her emo, but gothic, meaning, no tears. Erika doesn't cry of the utmost dispair, she prefers just get vengeful. >:D
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