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Proof that Wolves CAN sprite

Glad you like them Mewtwo. ^_^
Chaos, your Umbreon/Mew is in the making.
Here be Umbrew!
Certainly. (Nice name.)

Nate, is this the kind of thing you're after? (Her name's Kia, isn't it?)
Thank you, I love her. <3 Awesome job.

My next request is a Pokesana...Sakuran. Before I was Nate Skywolf, I sorta used this as me. >>; There's a version of her that I made in one of my albums in my profile somewhere, so feel free to use that as another reference. I think she's in the Edits/Scratch/Recolor section. Good luck. =D
Right. I'll try to splice an Umbreon with a trainer sprite and recolour it. Sound good?
Sorry this took two days.

I chose this trainer, out of lazyness. Less to edit.

Here, finally, is the result. I hope it's okay. It's as close as I could get her to the reference you gave me without making it an over-complicated mess.
Can you make stuff transparent AND animate? Cuz if you do I've got a job for you. (Can I also have a rainbow Murkrow and Candy Cane Ninetales overshade?)
I can do both. Although, I should warn you, if you want me to actually make the animations rather than just animate the frames, I wont' be very good.

I'm on the Murkrow and Ninetales.
No, animate the frames is fine. I'd like you to animate all of the sprites in my signature - the Houndoom, Eevee, Luxio, Purugly, Leafeon, Lucario, Flareon, Ninetales...you get the idea. =3 And make it transparent plz. Thanks for everything! <3
Yes. Problem is, they're 16 different images. I'm trying to get them to do as close as the real thing as possible without giving one of my eggs the boot - in one image.
Well, here's the Murkrow but I have to go now, so I'll do the rest tomorrow.
You're welcome. I was afraid the Spraylet came out retarded, but now that I look at it again, it's not that bad. XD

Right. Candy overshade next (I actually named the Ninetales Candy).
Sorry this took two days.

I chose this trainer, out of lazyness. Less to edit.

Here, finally, is the result. I hope it's okay. It's as close as I could get her to the reference you gave me without making it an over-complicated mess.

<3 Thank you.
Here is the big many-icon image.

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