shy ♡
whispers in gay
something that i've noticed while on deployments and actually traveling around the world and experiencing is that being P.C. just makes things worse. it's actually more racist to be publicly correct than not. you're stating "hey, i'm aware that you're different, and i'm gonna treat you special for some reason, because being nice to you will make me feel better"
which is a ton of bull. once you stop caring about that, i mean seriously, i've been places where a white guy called a black guy "nigger" and not be offended (both american). once we don't care about our differences, i think we'll be capable of seeing each other for who we really are.
This line of arguing is very uneasy for me. Firstly, there is the fact that I assume you are a white person saying this. Now yes, of course you can have your opinion, but realize that you are privileged in that you do not face the discrimination black people or any other person of colour does, so you have very little basis for saying what you are saying. If you are not white, I apologize for making this assumption.
As for "hey, i'm aware that you're different, and i'm gonna treat you special for some reason, because being nice to you will make me feel better"? You don't have to treat anyone special. Treat people with respect. Treat a black person with the same respect you'd treat a white person by not using words that would insult a black person. How is that special treatment?
Second, your first-hand-experience ("i've been places where a white guy called a black guy "n*" and not be offended (both american)"): means nothing. This is a case of one person reacting one way. It does not negate other people reacting another way.
And not caring about our differences: again I am going to assume you are white. It is very hard for a minority to stop caring about said minority when they are constantly being erased. If they stop caring, everybody else already doesn't care - then who does care? No one. Thus, the minority has to fight to be seen, and that means not ignoring their differences. Because, you know what? We are different. And that should be acknowledged, because sometimes what makes you different is a good thing! Why ignore that?
For example: if gay people ignored the fact they were gay, we would never have gotten gay marriage in NY, or stopped DADT. In fact, ignoring it is the entire point of DADT.