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100% guaranteed that this is bullshit.

wiki said:
According to estimates from the United States Census Bureau's Population Estimate Program, on July 1, 2007 the population of New Mexico was 1,969,915, and the number of New Mexicans of these single races were: White, 1,663,821 (84.46%); Black, 56,083 (2.85%); American Indian or Alaskan Native, 186,256 (9.46%); Asian, 27,722 (1.41%); and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, 2,787 (0.14%). There were 33,246 (1.69%) of two or more races. Whites are broken into Hispanic and non-Hispanic. There were 874,688 (44.40%) Hispanics. White persons not Hispanic 833,274 (42.3%).

Close, but whites are the minority.
100% guaranteed that this is bullshit.

New Mexico actually is a minority-majority state, though, which means that non-Hispanic whites actually are the minority. Same situation in Texas and California, and it's pretty much always been the case in Hawaii.

At least, that's an estimation the US census bureau made. We have another census coming up next year and it really wouldn't surprise me if it were confirmed. Not to mention that plenty of non-nationals don't get counted.

Recall that the last census was 2000, demographics have changed greatly since then.

Actually, if you really want to feel right, then whites are the majority in a way, just that a large section of them, maybe most, identify as Hispanic as well, which may throw you off.
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Well, Im slight tan, so some people call me 'go work slave' or 'you come from africa don't you?', although im really not that tan. Its only slight. Anyway, since im half german, lots of people call me 'nazy scum', 'german scum', or pesk around me like pests, saying that either 'you nazy/german scum must be tortured to purify the world', or 'nazy/german scum must be destroyed!'.

Anyway, vIm against rasicm, and some male racists found out that they're private place was missing after saying it... okay, that's a little too far, but they did feel my wrath.
((that's what comes when I dont wash my docks for 2 months))
Well, Im slight tan, so some people call me 'go work slave' or 'you come from africa don't you?', although im really not that tan. Its only slight. Anyway, since im half german, lots of people call me 'nazy scum', 'german scum', or pesk around me like pests, saying that either 'you nazy/german scum must be tortured to purify the world', or 'nazy/german scum must be destroyed!'.
good god what kind of messed-up people do you know.
People of other races are relatively uncommon in Iceland, so it's always a sort of "whoa" experience to be around one, but that's not quite racism.

Pretty much the exact same in Devon (and pretty much the whole South-West of the Uk in my experience); racial minorities aren't discriminated against as much as they tend to get second glances because they're unexpected. There's an aging population that mostly reads the Daily Mail, so there's a bit of "them foreigners stealing our jobs" going on, but I've heard people called out on it a few times - my favourite time being when a friend of mine said it and before I could say anything, my mother (who he likes more than his own mother) sharply told him that both her parents were immigrants to the country.

Kent is the only British university, so I am told, that takes in enough international students (somewhere between a quarter and a half of the students are from overseas) to truly call itself "multicultural", which I think is pretty nifty. If there's any racism on campus, I haven't seen it, and given nearly half of Canterbury's population are students, I haven't seen/heard any racism on the streets in town, either.
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