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I am no racist, my girlfriend is black, but I haven't heard from her in like... two months! I have ABSOLUTE ZERO tolerance for racism!

And I hate those fucking Nazis! They deserve a whopping taste of their own medicine!
You. We aren't that stupid! You should probably give up.

Erm, racism. Dislike greatly. Although on occasion, jokes that aren't too harsh can be funny if they do not have malicious intent and are just in good humour.
I don't believe that that's a problem, that they want to use that word. That they use it in lieu of "man", "guy", and "dude" is a minor issue.
I think that the real problem is that if anybody who isn't black says the word "nigger", then they're labeled a racist. I don't believe that it's an intrinsically bad word. I think that I'm in the minority here, though, and I'm not in the mood for writing a well worded argument, so I'll just leave it at that.

I personally would be willing to take it a step further and say that this indicates progress, if anything, if a racial slur can become an accepted word amongst the group it refers to.

Now we just have to transform it into a word everyone can use.
There are racists where I am, central London. Most of them are the sort who have a stubborn feeling that black people as a group are intellectually inferior, but who would never make plans to harm them and are not against equal rights. I think they are the commonest sort in Europe. When there is real resentment and spite, in London at least, it is against not black people but Muslims and Hindus and anyone who appears to come from between the Middle East and Bangladesh.
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I hate to be rude. I really do. But.

Do you know anything about evolutionary theory? More specifically, sociobiology? The field of biology that attempts to explain social behaviour in animals, one of the most common and widespread being altruism?

There is nothing more annoying than people with only a cursory understanding of the concepts involved trying to explain things like racism in terms of evolutionary theory. I'm sorry, but please don't make statements like that unless you're immediately ready to back them up.

America != the world.

*hides in corner*
I'll keep that in mind :dead:

New opinion: People are afraid of the unknown and anything that is different. That is all.
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But of course America is the world. Why else do we barge in to other countries for oil and have people in China make our goods?

In all seriousness, with that word, it is progress....but it still bothers me. I'm not really sure why. Maybe it's because I've been raised in such a PC world? '~'
There are racists where I am, central London. Most of them are the sort who have a stubborn feeling that black people as a group are intellectually inferior, but who would never make plans to harm them and are not against equal rights. I think they are the commonest sort in Europe. When there is real resentment and spite, in London at least, it is against not black people but Muslims and Hindus and anyone who appears to come from between the Middle East and Bangladesh.
Pretty much.
People of other races are relatively uncommon in Iceland, so it's always a sort of "whoa" experience to be around one, but that's not quite racism. There is fear of the unfamiliar, but I'd say true racism would be hostility towards races that are familiar, based on actual beliefs about people of those races.

There are a lot of people who are all "DAMN POLES TAKING OUR JOBS" and there is a teensy political party (I don't think they got into parliament at all in the last elections) that advocates a sort of Iceland-is-superior policy, but otherwise I generally don't get the impression there is a lot of that kind of racism around. Then again, the people I hang around with are generally pretty intelligent and multiculturalist. The latter time I went to the IMO, one of my teammates kept cracking racist jokes and they made a lot of comments about how everybody was Asian and stuff, but I've decided to charitably interpret that as just having been tasteless humor more than actual racism so as to preserve my faith in humanity. :/
Racism is stupid, for you evoulotionists out there we have 99% the same DNA as a chimpanzee! Wouldnt that make skin color one or two genes.
. And despite being white I am battered with "Dumb Pollock" Jokes and the worst part of it is my school dosen't care yet if I were to be racist against spanish i would be in ISS and probably jumped! (then again I live in new mexico where whites are the miniorty)
It's ~95% similar DNA and no, I'm pretty sure it actually works in favour of people who believe in evolution since humans evolved features to adapt to their environment?
. And despite being white I am battered with "Dumb Pollock" Jokes and the worst part of it is my school dosen't care yet if I were to be racist against spanish i would be in ISS and probably jumped! (then again I live in new mexico where whites are the miniorty)

the worst part of it is that you sound racist
And despite being white I am battered with "Dumb Pollock" Jokes and the worst part of it is my school dosen't care
if you care all that much about what some dumb kids are saying then do something about it yourself. don't go crying to authority about every bit of tough shit that comes your way.

yet if I were to be racist against spanish i would be in ISS and probably jumped!
then take a lesson from them! hang out with other Poles (I assume you're Polish, since googling "dumb pollack" brings up stuff about racial abuse against Poles) and "jump" people who take the mick out of your race.

or just stop caring? it doesn't sound like you've got it terribly bad. people take the shit out of me for being half-German, but I just laugh it off.

(then again I live in new mexico where whites are the miniorty)
100% guaranteed that this is bullshit.
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