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Rate the Avatar Above You~

8/10 Very cool and shiny, plus Homestuck reference, but the upper torso looks crooked, like someone punching him in the back. I dunno, it's really annoying me.

EDIt: All you ninjas!

6/10 It's kinda small, and dark too. I don't like horizontal avvies, for some reason. But ponies. Ponies I say!
(i'll get another Derpy Avvie. I'm not really fond of how it's horizontal and small either)


So Cute!

I have the same complaints as the others; mine are always the maximum size. It's usually because I need the 120/120.
Angry Derpy is angry.
Edit: Ninja'd.
I have no idea where you got that from,but
jeez it looks awesome
Lux, double rating is pointless. There are other ways to get posts.

7/10 Cute, but mine is still cuter.
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