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Rate the Avatar Above You~

Kind of bland, but I'm pretty sure it was custom made, so I think that deserves a bit of credit.
7/10 The Cubone is pretty awesome, but I have so strange aversion to horizontal avatars. *shrug*
I second the above statement.

Anyway, 3/10. It doesn't suit you as much as the Chibi Dragon.
(Chibi dragon was getting old)

Creepy skele-dude is creepy -_-
And again, For some reason I don't like horizontal avatars. Guess I'm just weird that way.
6/10 I like that fact that it's round, and I s'pose the girl's cute enough.
Dundundundundundundunuh. Congradulations, Snorunt looking at snow evolved into a froslass in the dark snow.

6.5/10 Raichu = cool

I... think I've seen that avatar on Titress before, and it makes me sad because he just disappeared a while ago. :( I never knew him personally, but he was a fun roleplayer.
A pretty basic picture of druddgion (probably spelled that wrong), but cool nonetheless.
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