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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Rate the Signature above you!

9/10 Nice little poem

Dammit spunky!

0.1/10 The fish juping is a terrible forced meme. It doesnt make sense.

(And what Myst said about the scyther gif, she means, by it doesnt flow, is that it seems....more like a slideshow. Take for instance her Rainbow Dash tail whip. It looks like it goes on and on, when it's really a loop. Yours looks like a slideshow, and not a good one)

(And when someone rates my signature, dont say anything about the length, because i know about that)
(spunky, you have to give a reason why you hate mine. Are you just giving that score cause i said that i hate the fish jumping meme? If you are, then thats a terrible excuse to rate low)


Umm.....those lyrics.......are too random. (You are supposed to be not as random arctica! Why You no that? >=U)



Ever does not make funnyness when she is psychic. Psychic people take away all the fucking punch lines! >=U
5/10 (Mewtwo)
I don't think this totally fits you...

Dammit you guys D:

4/10 because I don't like quotes.
Ground typeness

Erm,ok? You can just compile all your personality test stuff into one random section. d:
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