• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Rate the Signature above you!

3/10 That is confusing.

Put this in your signature if you have too many things in your signature!

(but that's the only thing in that signature)
[but not in the others]
Sprite looks awkward, don't like the song, but MAJOR points for surskitty vs. surskitty :D
(Mine was Made by Espy!)

It's super effective.


Yes. Just, yes.
It's quite long, I must say. The lyrics don't interest me much, but the banner is very cool. The userbar is also quite spiffy, especially the colors.
Blug, I know it's long, but I cannot shorten it! >=U


Those lyrics are simply divine! =D
(Not Amused)
5/10 Silleh smiley ish silleh. And Twilight vs. Viki got locked.
Meh, I don't believe in "Whee let's take a bunch of quizzes and put the results in our siggy in such a way that they create a scrollbar!" (<-- Not awkwardly worded at all.)

Dammit you guys.

Purple geysers are great and all, but it's kind of huge.
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