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Rate the Signature above you!

(Jirachi reach of rhte stars)
Jirachi: Nyah Nyah, I'm an event AND a movie, nyah nyah!~~
It's a wall of text that I don't think anyone is going to read.
You sure? It could lead to a clue. *snicker* It's does actually have something, but unfortunately, I was told to make it shorter. It was supposed to be ironiclly long.


Song lyrics are song lyrics. Meh...
Second Chance=awesome song
Mawile=best banner-maker ever
Tumblr=pretty damn awesome
Zelda=epic ~awesome sauce~

We seem to have similar tastes in music.
I don't believe in siggy quotes (they get really old after a while), the egg is cute, and personality quiz results are meh. Egg ish cute, though ^^!
"In another life, I would be your girl.
We'd keep all our promises, be us against the world."


Nice color choice.
8/10 Well organised, music, song lyrics, a banner from Mawile...
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