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Rate the Signature above you!


I like the links, and the squirtles...but....there something about it that doesnt seem.....good.
It's simple and small, and therefore unobtrusive. I like that. You could have put them both on one line, though. Also, it's sort of boring. 7/10.

What you said about Lord of the Fireflies applies to your own too. Minus the "one line" part.
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For some reason random, different text colors in signatures really irritate me. Maybe it looks better in a style other than Roar Of Time.

(Because I have like five different signatures, it'll be interesting to see what rating I get!)

Eh, I don't really like your picture choices and am not one for gifs because they slow down the loading. Also, I think the purple one makes a scrollbar, and that's no good.

I like the different images (keeps it interesting), but there are some I like better than others. Also, some create a scrollbar, which is annoying.

I like the animated variaty of Pokemon. it seems nice to me.

(also, how do i make more than one siginature?)

Scrollbar. I don't particularly find the picture amusing either. And the multiple amounts of Furrets seems kind of obnoxious.

It's certainly creative, and nice and clean, but I do get tired of seeing the same image day after day after day.
(The absol one.)


It's pretty good. I like the picture and it's simplistic in a good way, so. Not amazing, though.
(rippling fingers)

It's hilarous, especially with the hair and horns. But! Scrollbar. Grr...

I'm not really fond of signatures with multiple pictures all over the place on random. I think it makes things a little too inconsistent. (And certainly makes my rating harder.) The images themselves are all decent and don't appear to create a scrollbar. It is also nicely organized, but I don't like the o_0 one since I don't like that emoticon. Also, coloured text on these forums is a HUGE no-no due to the different styles. And I don't really get the text itself anyway. Also, I don't believe in "if you do blah blah blah, put this in your sig" I'd have to give the one with the wings though, the one I like the most, a 8/10, a seperate rating from the others.

(I am such a tough customer to please.)

It's very pretty! The banner itself, even though it's not a GIF or random, is complex and amazing enough to make it easy to just look at for a while and not get bored with while viewing your posts. Not a ten because I don't know why, but it's a really good signature.

((Also, the scrollbar irritates me too. The problem is I can't find a GIF that doesn't have it...))
9/10 because the purple banner in your sig is pretty stylin' there ;D

aaaaand i just know someone's going to go "OMG scrollbars therefore your sig has lost 20% of its coolness" which i will dislike. :x
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