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Rate the Signature above you!

I know you have it on random, so I'll just go on your profile and look at it there
*goes to Richie's profile*
8/10 res reference! VM's greeting! Dragon Quest-eque character! Wierd ghost thing pulling poses! I don't give a f*ck about XBOX achievements either! FJ adoptables! Another Dragon Quest-esque character! Kuriboh and Raichu! Gym Leader Shizui's greeting! Animals and mermaids! *out of breath* I'm sorry if I've done this wrong, this is my first time rating somebody's sig who I know has it on random. =P
7/10 nice, but It's very hard to see on default dewgong style. (yes, that's what I call it. I know what it really is, I just prefer that.)
I've only read the first Artemis Fowl book, so none of that makes sense to me. Which is fine! You lose points for "head not being visible in the Minimal Dewgong style.
Nice Lapras you got there.
Herbasaur looks so koot :D
It's just that GENERATION X thing bugs me. A lot.
9/10 Egyptian Yu-Gi-Oh?! At least that's what it makes me think of, that and a Yu-Gi-Oh GBA game which I forgot the title of. =P *sigh* Childhood memories. =P
LoZ song and an amazing banner. So much win :D
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