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Rate the signature above you!

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Doesn't matter if it doesn't have pictures. Some signatures without pictures and focused on text can be really awesomenocity. But this... ;;Arylett is not amused, I'm afraid;;

This is a great example of what a signature should look like. No scroll bar, one quote, a few small links, a banner, and maybe an adoptable or two. Very clean. The only problem I see is that it gets boring after a while... But that's just me though. Great job~
;;Turns on signatures temporarily, seeing as how random code doesn't work on profiles;;


I like it. Very neatly organized and not at all cluttered~

I don't like forum smilies~ Also, spelling errors and lack of capitalization and punctuation really bring it down.

Also, my signature is not there so you can look at the pretty pictures. It's there so I can inform you about things that you probably don't care about~

Nicely organized, very neat. Banner is also quite good.

(That symbol in my signature is my signature~ It's my symbol, you see. It represents me and all things related to me. I call it the Atnura Mourmedy Charcill, AMC for short. Yes, I have issues of the mind~)
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