Arena Desciption:
2 vs 2
One out at a time
DQ: Three days
Ref DQ: One week
Restrictions: No OHKO moves
Damage Caps: None
Arena: Chrysanthi Hotel
Begins in the lobby. Fountains and [genuine] potted plants a-plenty dot classy marble floors and not-so-classy gold-lacquered furniture. Chandeliers hang from virtually every open space on the ceiling, tinkling their crystalized song. Guests murmur, checking in, checking out, toting baggage and meeting for dinner. Security guards might just be inclined to relegate the battlers to the basement holding cell. Heaven knows why two young ruffians would be making a ruckus in such a high-end place, but they are.
Pre-Round Stats
Scourge of Amaranth

Nix [Gengar] (F) <Levitate>
Health: 66%
Energy: 43%
Status: Tired but satisfied with the events of the round and feeling as though she has the upper hand. Attack and Special Attack boosted (+3). Substitute remaining at 4% health.
Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball ~ Protect

Arcee [Arcanine] (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 47%
Energy: 44%
Status: Feeling a lot worse for the wear and very tired. Hoping to turn the tables soon, or face having his trainer having a major disadvantage in this battle. Confused (15% this round; 10% next round), has Crunch Disabled (3 more actions) and Badly Poisoned (-6% health this round; -8% health next round).
Substitute (20%)/Bite ~ Will-o-Wisp/Flamethrower ~ Swagger/Flamethrower
The referee swept down the red flag from his place on a marble balcony about ten feet up; trainers yelling their orders instantly. Arcee, the Arcanine, gathered a fairly large portion of his energy into a ball, letting it float beside him. The ball steadily grew larger, changing it’s shape progressively, molding itself into the shape of an Arcanine, slowly turning shades of orange, black and cream, and after finishing, standing there was another Arcanine, being a dead-ringer of Arcee’s looks. Arcee looked pretty satisfied with himself; this baby was ready to roll.
Opposing the canine were two ghosts; Nix and her ever present Substitute, who seemed to be establishing a rivalry with Arcee’s Substitute already. Oh dear.
Nix the Gengar really wasn’t fazed—if that dog wanted to make a copy of his hideous self, so be it; she’d blow it up happily anyway. Charging up a dark, pulsing ball of dark energy, she though of how much she would like to blow that little bastard and his clone away—and now was the perfect time to do so. Setting her sights on the nearest Arcee, the Substitute, she held back the dark energy for just a couple more seconds to charge it fully, and then let it fly. It struck the clone of Arcee right in the chest, knocking him straight into the side of the fountain. Whew, luckily not into the water. That was a close call.
Damage and Energy calculations:
Health: Arcee lost 10% health in creating his Substitute. His Substitute absorbed the damage from Nix’s Shadow Ball completely.
Energy: In creating the substitute, I counted the energy loss at a solid 5%, I would think ¼ of the Substitute’s health would be about right.
(Arcee) Substitute: Nix’s Shadow Ball dealt a massive 16% damage, after the STAB and counting the large increase in Special Attack. The Substitute currently has a total of 4% health left.
Health: Nix lost no health this action as no attacks were directed at him.
Energy: Nix lost a meager 1% energy this round; Shadow Ball has a base energy loss of 3%, then the STAB bonus takes a 1% off of that, then as Gengar is the last of a three-stage evolution line, it took yet another 1% off of the energy loss.
Damage dealt:
Arcee’s Substitute: Gengar dealt a whopping 16% damage with one Shadow Ball; Shadow Ball has a base power of 8%, then the STAB bonus adds an additional 1% to the total, and Gengar is the last of a three-stage evolution line, adding another 1%. On top of that, Nix has +3 on her Special Attack, and I count an extra two damage for every stat increase.
Arcee: The Substitute blocked the Shadow Ball fully, shielding Arcee from any harm.
Arcee’s Substitute stood back up, wearing the same expression as Arcee; ready to fight back with a certain, horribly satisfying vengeance. The canine opened his mouth wide, bright blue flames already forming in his mouth. Feeling them get hotter and hotter, he threw his head back, roaring. He snapped his head forward quickly, shooting a cluster of fire towards the opposing ghost, but his aim proved to be off. But, not noticing this yet, Nix number two jumped in front of the real Nix, just in case, and he calmly watched the flames roll by, making a comment about how the dog should work on his aim.
Perhaps style wasn’t quite as necessary as accuracy in the heat of battle, or even during practice. “Style? Style is for simpletons who do nothing but contests, sacrificing power to dress up their Pokémon,” as his trainer always told him. Nix just smirked: that Arcanine really did suck, didn’t he? Why a Magikarp could best him! Charging up another ball of evil matter, the ghostly figure stuck his big tongue out at Arcee’s Substitute; this would be very enjoyable, just blowing little fiery hounds up. Arcee’s clone moved closer, giving Nix the perfect opportunity; letting loose, Nix blew the second Arcee to bits, hearing a great roar as the beautiful canine faded, leaving his maker a bit surprised at Gengar’s power, and angry that he didn’t enjoy two of him as much as Arcee.
Damage and Energy Calculations:
Health: The Substitute took the whole of the Shadow Ball, but was destroyed in the process. The Substitute has faded, and Arcee lost no health this action.
Energy: Arcee lost only 2% energy this action, being last of a two-part evolution line, it cut 1% of the base 4%, then the STAB bonus took another 1% off of the total.
Health: Nix lost no health this action, and a burn was not inflicted; Arcee’s Will-O-Wisp missed, and Nix has a Substitute anyway.
Energy: Nix lost 1% energy this round; Shadow Ball has a base energy loss of 3%, then the STAB bonus takes a 1% off of that, then as Gengar is the last of a three-stage evolution line, it took yet another 1% off of the energy loss.
Damage dealt: Not that it matters extremely, as Arcee wasn’t damaged, but Gengar’s Shadow Ball dealt the regular 16%, and here come the explanation again; Gengar dealt a whopping 16% damage with one Shadow Ball; Shadow Ball has a base power of 8%, then the STAB bonus adds an additional 1% to the total, and Gengar is the last of a three-stage evolution line, adding another 1%. On top of that, Nix has +3 on her Special Attack, and I count an extra two damage for every stat increase.)
Arcee was supposed to brag, right? Oh, what to brag about… There was that time he helped take Team Rocket out of town, but that was no big deal, a lot of Pokémon have had an experience or two with Team Rocket. Guess he’d just have to lie. What about talking about how he was the one who stopped Kyogre and Groudon from fighting?! He was sure a creepy, purple Ghost wouldn’t study up on the Hoenn times; he was probably busy freaking kids out or gobbling up dreams at the time. The fiery wolf straightened his back, held his chin up high and almost on cue, the air conditioning turned on in the hotel, blowing the dog’s mane, making it look even more valiant. He began strutting with energy and passion, ego flowing stronger and stronger. Nix and her clone didn’t even want to hear what he had to say; it was going to be a lie anyway. Summoning a shiny, protective green wall around herself, Nix chuckled at how bad Arcee was doing; at this rate, Scourge would have his victory in no time. Arcee looked a little disappointed that no one wanted to hear him brag, and he felt something stinging inside of him. Oh, right, the poison, he had forgotten about that in the midst of all that adrenaline he had gained from the battle. Whimpering as he felt the poison draining his energy, he gave a miserable look to his trainer, who gave him a reassuring glance.
Damage and Energy Calculations:
Health: Arcee took, yet again, no damage this action, putting him t a total of 16% health lost this round, counting the poison.
Energy: Just the 4% for the Swagger was lost. The Swagger was protected against, however.
Health: Nix has lost no health this action, or the entire round, in fact.
Energy: Nix lost 4% energy this round; 3% base for Protect, + 1% for protecting against Swagger.)
Scourge of Amaranth

Nix [Gengar] (F) <Levitate>
Health: 66%
Energy: 37%
Status: Feeling very warm and cozy inside about Arcee’s failed attempts at attacking. Attack and Special Attack +3. Substitute remaining at 4% health.
Commands Used:
Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball ~ Protect

Arcee [Arcanine] (M) <Flash Fire>
Health: 31%
Energy: 33%
Status: “You killed my clone AND don’t want to listen to me brag!” ;_; 15% chance of hurting self in confusion this round, 10% next. Crunch is no longer disabled. Took 6% damage from being badly poisoned this round; 8% next.
Commands Used:
Substitute (20%)/Bite ~ Will-o-Wisp/Flamethrower ~ Swagger/Flamethrower
Terrain Notes
-None, just a small singe on a plant from the Will-O-Wisp missing.
Final Notes
- I spaced Nix having a Substitute until I was finished writing the second action, and as you can see, I did a bad job putting it in.
- Nix’s ability wasn’t specified, and as far as I know, the ionly ability Gengar has is Levitate, so I put that in.
- I’m not expecting to pass.
- Thanks to Negrek for fixing the little bug with me not being able to see the mock.
- Scourge of Amaranth attacks first next round.
- Please point out any errors I made, so I can get better and maybe be a ref someday.
- Poor Arcee.
- I hope I got all the 'he's' and changed them to 'she's'.
- Wwll, thankls for pointing out the little mistake there Summergale.