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Repeat: Fair enough. I personally base my opinions on experience of the person in question, not their age/race/gender/sexuality/religion and so on.

[/off-topic over, perhaps?]
Repeat: Fair enough. I personally base my opinions on experience of the person in question, not their age/race/gender/sexuality/religion and so on.

[/off-topic over, perhaps?]

Perhaps it is, perhaps it isn't. Depends on whether you decide to attempt a feeble argument again, you know?
So you think. The subconcious hides itself from even yourself, you know.


Of course, if you were truly accepting, you'd accept that I don't believe any member of a religion is an accepting person. Simply by saying what you did, you've helped to prove my point. Don't argue where you can't.

No one's not accepting that you don't believe in a religion, but everyone is disgusted by the way you talk about religious people. It'd be just the same if some Christain guy started talking about how horrible Atheists are. However, Christains (and many other religions) have one thing over you: They would not disown their children if they happen to wander over to another religion. Children are one of the most important things in many people's lives.

As for Flora and Ashes, maybe s/he just happens to have the same thoughts as other people.

Have a day.

No one's not accepting that you don't believe in a religion, but everyone is disgusted by the way you talk about religious people. It'd be just the same if some Christain guy started talking about how horrible Atheists are. However, Christains (and many other religions) have one thing over you: They would not disown their children if they happen to wander over to another religion. Children are one of the most important things in many people's lives.

As for Flora and Ashes, maybe s/he just happens to have the same thoughts as other people.

Have a day.

I've just said I'm equal to them in many aspects yet still different in views. There's no point in telling me this again.
Children are the most important thing in many people's lives - I agree, they are. Not mine, however. What a horror.

Maybe she does, but I haven't actually seen her argue her point other than say something along the lines of 'I agree'. Pretty nice way to go about it, hiding behind someone else rather than stand up for your belief yourself.
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hiding behind someone else rather than stand up for your belief yourself.

Why can't she just agree? o.O

You think digusting? Look at the people you're defending. I may be as bad as them in aspects of tolerance of each other, but at least I'm tolerant of a lot more than them. And at least I'm not a fool.

What are you tolerant of, anyway? Obviously not religion. Or children.
Why can't she just agree? o.O
She can juse agree, but wouldn't you expect someone to argue an opinion instead of just technically spamming with "I agree". Short, pointless and annoying, wouldn't you agree? :0

What are you tolerant of, anyway? Obviously not religion. Or children.
Read the Bible, there are plenty of things that Religion isn't / shouldn't be tolerant of that I can be.
Kiddin', that does seem extreme but seriously the Bible is retarded
Because it's 2000 years old.
plenty of unretarded things are older

I'm Christian. I believe in the teachings of the Bible, etc. But some people don't want to, and it's pointless to try to make them become religious.
this makes me rather doubt that you actually believe your religion, given that it promises we will be tortured forever for not believing the same fairy tale

note: forever

A passage in the BIBLE says "don't cast your pearls before swine". Basically, this means don't give up your valuables (in this case, Christianity) to people who won't use them. What are pigs going to do with pearls?
false analogy, you do not have to give away ideas

also thanks for calling non-Christians pigs but I guess this is pretty typical of the Bible

nice loving religion you have going here

No one's not accepting that you don't believe in a religion, but everyone is disgusted by the way you talk about religious people.
I'm not

However, Christains (and many other religions) have one thing over you: They would not disown their children if they happen to wander over to another religion.
this is much better I guess: http://www.uchc.edu/ocomm/newsarchive/news04/dec04/religiosity.html

also I cannot find them at the moment but I have read more than one story about a theist disowning or killing eir child for converting

religion is an appalling and destructive force in every sector of life and I cannot wait for it to die
Read the Bible, there are plenty of things that Religion isn't / shouldn't be tolerant of that I can be.

This answers not my question.

this is much better I guess: http://www.uchc.edu/ocomm/newsarchiv...ligiosity.html

also I cannot find them at the moment but I have read more than one story about a theist disowning or killing eir child for converting

Well, I stand corrected.

religion is an appalling and destructive force in every sector of life and I cannot wait for it to die

You'll be waiting a while.
This answers not my question.
Then answer it yourself. Homosexuality, fighting for things worth fighting for, disbelief itself etc.
Also "This does not / doesn't answer my question" would be more correct. Leave the cryptic speech to those that can use it well.

You'll be waiting a while.
Haha. Your arrogance in the very manifestation of being humble is striking, I must admit.
Just because I don't try to force others to have the same beliefs as me doesn't mean that I don't care if they get "tortured forever". The bible says that many people know exactly what they're choosing, and will chose it anyway. I don't need to push my beliefs upon others.
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Haha. Your arrogance in the very manifestation of being humble is striking, I must admit.

How is that arrogant? I mean, I doubt every single person in the world will stop believing in their religion suddenly.

entirely possible, but it will be worth the wait to see people no longer pulling the god card on whatever hateful bile they are spewing this week

That's the only reason? o_o
How is that arrogant? I mean, I doubt every single person in the world will stop believing in their religion suddenly.
No, the fact that you expect your religion to last for another age despite the fact that religion now, unlike it has previously, got to deal with people like us who can now be freely accepted.

That's the only reason? o_o
He said one reason, that doesn't make it the only reason. People don't go and play all their cards on the first go, do they?
No, the fact that you expect your religion to last for another age despite the fact that religion now, unlike it has previously, got to deal with people like us who can now be freely accepted.

Yeah, but people will clutch to their religion with their life. They raise their children to follow their religion (yes, children often rebel and turn from their religion, but not in every culture). Religion is not going to go for a long time.
Yeah, but people will clutch to their religion with their life. They raise their children to follow their religion (yes, children often rebel and turn from their religion, but not in every culture). Religion is not going to go for a long time.

Oh yes. That infuriating sense of an obsessive devotion. Yes, they'll cling to it with their life. What would we do? I do wonder.
plenty of unretarded things are older
Yeah, that was a pretty stupid thing to say, sorry everyone :/

However, Christains (and many other religions) have one thing over you: They would not disown their children if they happen to wander over to another religion. Children are one of the most important things in many people's lives.
Just because they're Christian doesn't mean they won't disown their children or kick them out of the house if they do something silly i.e. atheism, homosexuality. It's happened plenty of times.
The Jews do cooler things though, they phisycally rip off a piece of their shirt, yell 'I HAVE NO SON' and then pray.

If they decide to have a gay relationship,
As opposed to a straight relationship for gays
Leave them to it.
Haha. That totally went over your head, didn't it? Oh well. The point I'm trying to make is, there are people who dislike religion, and those who're willing to do something about it. I'm one of those people, and clearly I'm extremist :)
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