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Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EX-VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

I don't mind content, so it should be okay. I'll look for it. :D

And yeah, I came up with the "Waiting for Dialga" thing to allow the ex-villains to get integrated easier. Once that's done, we can get back to business.
Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EX-VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

I realize you haven't quite decided yet, but I'll go ahead and post the form for my possible new character.

Name: Galacta Knight
Series: Kirby
Personality: Well, he, as far as I know, never had any dialogue, so. In this RP I'm making him cynical, self-serving, and highly critical of others. I suppose that's fitting.
Other: I haz backstory on how he ends up in the Plains despite being previously sealed away. So yeah. And, uh, this kind of assumes that, when he was defeated, he wasn't actually killed but just sealed away again. Uh-huh.
Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EX-VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

Hmm...because your two characters have a special circumstance, I'll allow it. Accepted.
Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EX-VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

Okay. Let's see if this new character can fit in

Name: Bonecrusher
Series: Transformers (Why yes, I do like the 2007 movie and want to see the sequel. Sue me.)
Personality: I never really did find out what his personality was in the movie, so in this case, I'm making more of a really strong silent type. The only beings he communicates with are the Constructicons (see Here.) Whom he was separated from, and his symbiotic companion, Ravage (A picture of whom can be seen Here.) What is known is that his main reason to stop the dimensional rift is so that he can return to his homeworld and continue work.
Other: His alt-mode is (Or, if you want him to not obtain until after he makes his debut) This vehicle
Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EX-VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

Exo-Raikou: Accepted. (And don't worry, I really liked the 2007 movie and plan to see the sequel too. :D)
Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EX-VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

Good to know I'm not alone.

I'd make my debut post, but It's late and I can't think straight at this hour. I'll do what I can the next time I get on.
Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EX-VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!


I'd like to join as a hero.

Name: Zapp Brannigan
Series: Futurama
Personality:stupid, arrogant, incompetent, cocky, vain,clumsy, quick to blame others and painfully stupid.
Other: Keeps telling Kif to do something and then remembers he is not there. He has the Nimbus (his ship) and crashes it.
Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EX-VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

I'm guessing you're using the term "hero" very loosely.

Anyway, accepted. This should be interesting and hilarious. XD
Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EX-VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

He thinks of himself as a hero. Don't get too excited, I suck at humour.
Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EX-VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

Alright, Quentin/Project#154 left, so now I can sign up as the character I wanted instead of him! :3

Name: Drawcia
Series: Kirby
Personality: Since Drawcia really doesn't have a personality I'd have to make my own, right? But I'd like to PO if I can.
Other: This is the first time I RP as a female character. :3
Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EX-VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

Male Gardevoir: Accepted.

I've got some cameos I'd like to have, but gotta think of a place to put them...
Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EX-VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

Why haven't I joined this earlier?!

Name: Dig Dug
Series: Dig Dug?
Personality: (Making my own one up) Quite weak, likes digging and getting muddy. He is a bit wimpy and doesn't want to be the first one into a battle. He prefers sneaking up on enemies and going through things with friends.
Other: He is short and small, he has a pump that he blows enemies up with and has body armour that lets him go underground.


The guy on the bottom right, except earlier in his life where he has more cartoony eyes.
Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EX-VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

At this point in the RP, you can come in anywhere at anytime.
Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EX-VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

Cool, I might just pop up anywhere. So... So I don't have to do loads of recapping, I know roughly whats going on and I know the situation, what world are we in now?
Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EX-VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

We're in the Endless Plains, AKA the Hub World of this RP. To recap, we went to Kanto, figured out that it was the wrong part of the Pokemon World, met up with Giratina who brought us back to the Plains and is currently on her way to get Palkia to help us stabilize the Pokemon World.
Re: (ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EX-VILLAINS!) Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

Alright, Quentin/Project#154 left, so now I can sign up as the character I wanted instead of him! :3

Name: Drawcia
Series: Kirby
Personality: Since Drawcia really doesn't have a personality I'd have to make my own, right? But I'd like to PO if I can.
Other: This is the first time I RP as a female character. :3

Kirby series Final Boss characters FTW. Now Galacta Knight won't be lonely~
Alrighty, since it's been a bit since our last signup, after DarkArmour shows up, we'll be ready to move on. And I promise it'll be quite a bit more exciting. >:3

And because of this event, I'm temporarily closing signups.
And because of this event,

lol, premonitoriness. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


*coughs* And for random cameos, can we have Ash come and trip into the lake and drown make Agatha come out of nowhere, trip into the lake and drown? She's scary >_>
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