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Open Save the Underlings


Actually more of a harmour fan
The legendaries are a set of several Pokemon who keep the world in balance. They protect it from harm, but others see them as a threat. This has happened.
The lowly Pokemon banished the legendaries from their land. The imperial Pokemon fled to a far-off island, and they knew they could never return to their home.
Then, slowly, the world was falling out of balance. The royal Pokemon tried to escape, but there was a force field surrounding the island... They could arrive, but never leave.
Now the world is more out of balance than ever before, and the legendary Pokemon must find a way to depart from the island and defeat the malicious fiend keeping the world how it is.


1. I'd like this to be at least semi-literate, please.
2. Follow all RP and TCoD rules.
4. Only one character please.
5. Arceus is an NPC in this RP, and he's the leader of the legendaries.

Character Sheet

[B]Name:[/B] What everyone calls you.
[B]Species:[/B] Which legendary Pokemon are you? There can be up to two of each one.
[B]Gender Preference:[/B] What do you like to be referred to as when people bring up your gender?
[B]Personality:[/B] What do you act like?
[B]Special Appearance?:[/B] If there's something special about your appearance, put it here.
[B]Other:[/B] Anything else?

My Character

Name: Miteyor
Species: Rayquaza
Gender Preference: Male
Personality: "Yor" can be reckless, but otherwise he's patient. He acts more lowly than he should; he believes that Groudon, Kyogre and him deserve to be treated as equals; all exactly one-third of the same trio. He's fatherly and doesn't like leaving anyone behind. A natural leader.
Special Appearance?: none.
Other: none.


Cryptica: Miteyor / Rayquaza / Male
Male Gardevoir: Jira / Jirachi / Male
Darksong: Kokaze / Articuno / Female
Shadowstar: Azilia / Azelf / Female
Time Psyduck: Brenton / Heatran / Male
Skymin: Hyacinth / Shaymin / Female
Mewtwo: Masquerade / Mewtwo / Female
Flareth: Maya / Mew / Female
shadow_lugia: Nafter / Moltres / Female
Philly: Latios / Latios / Male
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Name: Jira
Species: Jirachi
Gender Preference: male
Personality: Kind-hearted, sympathetic, wants to help friends as much as possible.
Special Appearance?: none
Other: none
Reserve a spot as Articuno, please? I'll finish later, if you don't mind.

Name: Kokaze
Species: Articuno
Gender Preference: Female
Personality: Very defensive of herself, and easily offended. She tends to be argumentative. Kokaze is wise and likes to solve problems at the same time she likes to argue, which makes her rather ironic. It's easy to make her happy, and she's never been impressed, except at the force field.
Special Appearance?: Her tail is especially long, and her feathers are very soft.
Other: Anything else? No.
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Name: Azilia
Species: Azelf
Gender Preference: Female
Personality: Azilia is very kind and cheerful, but is easly angered. She likes to help others.
Special Appearance?: Eyes are a slightly darker golden yellow.
Other: No, but a pairing could be nice, if we're allowed to have those.
Name: Brenton
Species: Heatran
Gender Preference: Male
Personality: Stubborn, unyielding, emotionally distant and mostly uncaring for others.
Special Appearance?: None
Other: No
Oh yeah, I'm awesome like that because I get to be my username =D ALthough I wish I could be two, because Mew would be fun to do...

Name: Masquerade
Species: Mewtwo
Gender Preference: Female
Personality: Very harsh and uncaring. She is only teaming up with the other legendaries to gain personal profit.
Special Appearance?: Her tail is lighter than normal, and her eyes are light blue.
Name: Maya
Species: Mew
Gender Preference: Female
Personality: Hyper, loves to fly around, is tough
Special Appearance?: Has purple eyes and a tuft of hair at the top of her head.
Other: Nothing
I couldn't decide between a second Rayquaza, or a Latias. Damn having just one character.

Name: Storm
Species: Latias
Personality: She's carefree, and rarely serious. When she is, you know something really bad is happening. Storm's the type that kicks people when they're down, or knocks them down, then kicks them. Watch out for her on bad days.
Special Appearance?: Her red is dark red. The end.
Other: Magikarp is hungry.
D= I know, but still. I love Rayquaza and Latias... and Giratina. Shoot, forgot about Giratina.

Name: Nafter
Species: Moltres
Gender Preference: Female
Personality: Nafter is very proud. She is also tricky, and uses her words to worm her way out of unpleasant scenarios.
Special Appearance?: None
Other: Blah blah blah, mi mi blah, blah blah blah mi mi mi mi.
Name: Latios
Species: Latios
Gender Preference: Male
Personality: Bold and strong, he will do anything to save anyone. He is very chivalrous.
Special Appearance?: None
Other: He is the brother of Latias.
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