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Open Save the Underlings

Hyacinth fake-pouted, then went into a freefall. She caught herself just before hitting the ground and zoomed parallel to the earth. She noticed she was hurdling straight towards the Heatran's face. She just barely missed a direct collision with his head.

"Sorry!" she shouted back at him as she continued her acrobatics.
Storm laughed and flew back up. She shot across the sky and nearly slammed into the forcefield, but stopped in time.
"Okay, deal!" Storm touched down at the edge of the island, looking up expectantly at her brother.
Storm blinked when Latios turned invisible, but pushed herself to speed forwards. The edge of the island was getting closer, and she sped towards it.
If I can still join:

Name: Alderam
Species: Celebi
Gender Preference: Male
Personality: Caring, playful.
Special Appearance?: Nope.
Other: Is obsessed with Nanab berries.
Kokaze attempted an Ice Beam at the thing, but it did not shatter, and she bumped into it, scarring it with her claws, but she did not leave a scratch. Sighing, she attempted to hang upside down on it, but failed, and aimlessly glided around. The wind cheered her a bit, though, and she enjoyed the feeling of it on her feathers.
@Echo: accepted.

Yor swiftly became conscious and roared, swiftly climbing the air towards the force field again.

Yor, came a voice. His thoughts were trying to persuade him... what were they saying? He couldn't quite make it out.
Don't... hurt... death...

He linked the words together. Don't try to break it. You'll hurt yourself and it could lead to your death.

He swerved in midair and shot down to the earth, the island surface. His tail brushed the surface of the field and sent a small pulse through it, which quickly faded.

Arceus' metallic roar swept over the island. "We can't sit here and do nothing. Our world is in peril. We have to find a way to get out of here."
Brenton sent a blast of fire directly forward into the force field.

"Nothing. Oh well we tried," he said with an utter lack of concern.
"It is beyond my power," said Arceus, shaking his head. "But there is a way through everything. We must take time to think."

Miteyor sighed. He knew that. "Maybe if we combined our attacks... but we've already tried strong attacks, and they did absolutely nothing. Do you think the field goes underwater?
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