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Open Save the Underlings

"Wait a minute," said Arceus. "In case the force field blocks teleportation as well, I need one of you to teleport first. We might land in the middle of the water, and those of us who couldn't swim would drown. I need someone who can swim to be teleported so that we don't die trying to get out of here."
Storm perked up.
"I'll go," she agreed. "I can swim, err, water doesn't hurt me."
((Just a thought, if we teleported just outside the forcefield, won't we end up in the water anyways? Or would we teleport to land?))
"I can fly too, Maya. And I came up with the idea. Well, based off of what another person said. But they didn't suggest it. I should be the tester." Masquerade crossed his arms.
((Storm is Psychic type.. can she teleport?))
"Why don't you both try?" Storm suggested. "And anyone else who wants to?"
"That's nice," said Arceus. "But we can't risk losing many members. One of us at a time."

Yor yawned again. "I'll scout the island for any possible hideouts of an enemy."

The silver-and-gold horse nodded.
"Allright. I go first, then," Masquerade nodded to the group. He flew into the air and disappeared((I needed something to get me to the second line. Also, do I say if I land near the water, land, whatever?))
"I'll go check on that," Alderam sighed, creating a portal to the future to see what the results of the experiment were.

Several seconds later, a second portal appeared, making way for a rather disappointed Alderam.
"The experiment was a failure."
Latios went underwater at top speed, and then used a Dragon Claw on the field. It made a small hole that soon resealed.

A hole appeared in the field, but it soon resealed.

"If we all attack it at once, it could work," said Arceus.

Yor returned. "I've found a hole. It has suction in it. Could this be one of the--"

Arceus cut him off. "Yes, but it is very dangerous down there. We'll all die within a period of four days. If you really think we should... fine. It's worth it."

He looked down at the crowd. "Yor will lead us to a hole in the ground of great importance. Chances are there is a generator down there that is keeping the field up."
Kokaze nodded and gave a small cry. She was flying gracefully in the air, out of happiness. The cold air around her, she thought, might have made the field brittle. It was worth a try.
Hyacinth landed. "We have to go underground? Well, that's safer for all of us than underwater..."

She took a deep breath and began to shrink. As much as she loved the freedom of the air, the additional stamina her Land Form allowed would be very useful if the environment was as dangerous as Arceus claimed.
Storm nodded, and levitated in a circle.
"So, we're all going to die? That sounds slightly interesting."
((Wow, Arceus is such a *insertwordhere*))
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