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Open Save the Underlings

Hey, across Lake Ontario friend! Uh, welcome back to the land of the psychotically inclined! ^^;

Wait, that doesn't make sense.
Sorry it took so long, my dad had to use the computer for a while.

Name: Hyacinth
Species: Shaymin
Gender Preference: Female
Personality: A little on the rash and stubborn side, but overall friendly. Mostly unaware of her small size.
Special Appearance?: Shiny. That is all.
Other: Can become Sky-Form during the day.
Accepted. We can start.


The sun peeked over the horizon with nervous eyes. The moon had not yet set, challenging the sun from its height in the sky. The stars had faded most of the way, and only the brightest ones could still be seen circling the earth in a hurried panic.

Miteyor's head nodded, and his yellow eyes blinked into view. Immediately, he rocketed into the air, swirling above the island. He zoomed straight up like a bullet shot at a pigeon from afar. It was coming closer... it would only be a few hundred feet away by now.

A split second later, his head hunched over, and a low donk resounded through the area. He opened his jaws in a pain-stricken cry, and plumetted to the ground, unconscious.
Kokaze swooped up and grabbed the pigeon, then let Miteyor land on her back. She brought him safely to the ground, and placed his pigeon in front of his mouth. Meanwhile, she scanned the skies for any prey that she could hunt.

Kokaze caught Miteyor on her pack and placed him on the ground. She looked at the sky and fearfully gazed at it.
((This might be fun, considering everyone but me can fly, but still))

Brenton sat on the ground, watching Miteyor being brought down, and others cruise around the sky.
Why am I here now? Oh yes stupid forcefields. Right.
((I'm back!))
Storm did a back flip in the air, and spiraled down to touch the edge of the island. She pushed off and flew back up.
Hyacinth's eyes creaked open in time to catch the first rays of the morning sun. She awoke, stretching her tiny limbs and standing up with a yawn. She looked up to see Miteyor bonk his head on the edge of their enclosure and fall to the ground as Kokaze broke his fall. Laughing a bit to herself, she ate a berry until the sun had fully risen.

Finally! She jumped out into the sun and began to transform. She felt her body stretch and reform into her lithe, graceful Sky Form. With a grin, she flew above the two.

"Having a little trouble down there?" she said, giggling. "Kind of funny that'd you would forget there was a forcefield trapping us in here."
"No I don't want your stupid lift, kid," retorted Brenton. "Now go off and do your stupid flying tricks and leave me alone."
"Well, I apologize, but with you being the only land-based Pokemon here, I thought that you might want a lift." And with that he was off at mach 5. He had done 10 laps arund the island in 5 minutes.
Storm flew up to Hyacinth and grinned.
"We all want to forget, though." She reminded her. "Come on, let's play!" Storm ducked under Hyacinth and nudged her with her fin.
"Yeah..." she said sadly, but it didn't last as her smile returned and she zipped past Storm.

"Can't catch me!" she teased, bobbing and weaving through the air.
Storm grinned, and shot forwards. She twisted under Hyacinth and tapped her shoulder.
"Can't catch me," she shot back, and spiraled back down to the island.
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