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Open Save the Underlings

Alderam woke up, hearing Arceus's booming voice nearby.
"Guess they're thinking of a new plan," he yawned.
He jumped into the air, and flew towards the sound of the conversation.

"Got a new plan yet?" he asked, flying towards the group.
"I think that underwater might work. And, if it doesn't end underwater, the pressure could be enough that are attacks could punch through it." Latios said.
((Sorry, narrowly avoided a virus killing my compy))

Hyacinth flew towards the others, cursing herself mentally for getting too caught up in play. She listened intently to Arceus's words, and began brainstorming a way to get out.
Storm sighed, and decided to listen to Arceus for once. She drifted in a circle around the talking Legendaries.
Maya flew towards Arceus.

"Can ride you, Arcy?" Maya squealed, using her pet name for Arceus.

(Yeah, she is oblivious)
(D: Christ get a Sunday life)

Nafter had absolutely no idea what was going on because none of the other people had had anything to do all day.
"Good thinking," said Arceus. He was being a bit lowly right now...

Yor yawned. "Sorry, just tired."
Jira flew up from behind Arceus, he was a bit late, but had heard the entire thing. "What if you all wish the shield was gone? I can grant wishes, you know.."
Storm shook her head.
"If that worked, we'd already be out, don't you think? We wish it every day."
Masquerade leaned against a tree. "Wishes never come true. Wishes are phony. Unless Jira is nearby, I guess..."
"But wouldn't going underwater be dangerous for some of us?" Hyacinth said, motioning towards Brenton and Nafter. "How would we get them out?"
"Maybe," said Yor, "If we attacked the shield from underwater, it would be a chain reaction and destroy the whole thing. Or is there someone on the islan who's keeping it up...?"
Storm stopped at Yor's words.
"But we all want to get out," she argued. "None of us want to be here... right?"
"We can't assume that. There may be a traitor among us," Alderam said casually, examining a leaf.
"But there is a possibility that there's someone underground," Yor replied. "And the force field didn't appear until before we were banished here. Some sort of one-way teleportation, maybe?"
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