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Open Save the Underlings

Masuqerade psychically packed some Berries and water into a tight ball, to carry safely. "I can make these grow whenever I want." He thought twice about the water, then put it in a container. "This way, we can take more food.
Brenton's method of picking berries so far had been rip up a bush, chew it up, and spit out the stem, a method which meant he was now very full. Now he took greater care, and pulled some individual berries, collecting them into a pile.
"Any of you smart Pokémon got ideas about how I carry this stuff?" he asked.
((That's what I was going to do just about now.))

Arceus nodded. "Everyone is here. Follow Miteyor."

"How come I'm the leader?" Yor began to ask, but thought twice about it. One would not want to get into an argument with Arceus. Shaking his head ever so slightly, he led the way towards the hole in the ground at a slow enough pace so that everyone could follow.

Not long after that, there it was. In the middle of a clearing, the sides sloping down and fading into blackness and out of sight. It was large enough for any legendary to fit through, let alone single file.

"I'll go last," said Arceus. Yor didn't know why or what he was thinking, but he nodded and slithered across the air and into the hole.

Suddenly, his vision flashed and he appeared on the ground in a forest. The sky was dark and filled with stars, and the trees had a mysterious aura about them.
((I was gonna ask if you based it off of the Place of No Stars, but with stars, if that makes any sense to anyone else. And then I realized you said it was based off of Firewing. Or both?))
Storm flew into the hole after Yor, and appeared in a dark forest. She looked around.
"This place is cool," she whispered, and floated above the trees.
"Wait!" cried Nafter, intending to talk about the Enigma berries.
Too late. As always, no one had waited for her even though they're perfectly capable of reading that I was waiting to make an announcement.
Sighing, she put her berries in Maya's basket and followed the others.
"So far so good, no extra Alderam's!" the Celebi cried cheerfully.

His expression suddenly darkened, "Unless I'm dead...".
"We are not dead," Yor explained. "But the food and water down here is all fake. I'm not sure whether your berries are... but let's not find out until we're hungry. No need to waste a perfectly good berry if it does turn out to be real."
Kokaze fearfully went in last. She hesitated before sticking close to Yor. "Are we doomed?" she asked, suddenly revealing her soft side. "Is this how we get out? To find another hole in the... sky?" She looked up just before the last word. The Articuno's tail stopped moving because of intense emotion, and her eyes wavered with fear and worry.
"Humph," muttered Brenton, who, with no way to carry them, scooped up and devoured his berries, before following the others.
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Hyacinth slunk low to the ground, keeping well away from Nafter's flames. Being so small, she was fine with enclosed spaces like this, but she felt a bit sorry for the birds, them being so far out of their element.
Maya looked quizzically at the Celebi.

"Of course not, sillyface." she said, playfully nudging the Celebi.
Alderam laughed at the randomness of the nickname.

"I guess so. Maybe I just can't time travel back into the field. Still, we need to stay on our toes... unless we're flying, then stay on our... wing tips? But you don't have wi-- Ahh, this is confusing."
Storm floated back down to the others.
"So, let's get moving?" She suggested. "If we only have limited time..." Storm shivered, and looked into the forest.
"It's limited by our hunger and thirst," said Yor. "At the time we would normally die of hunger or thirst, we can't go back up from here."
Several Celebi came from the past to join in on the fun. Within seconds, maya looked like a noisy, green blob.
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