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Open Save the Underlings

"Psychicness?" Storm asked. "...I don't think that's a word, I have another idea. All together, we might get enough power to blast a hole again, and some of us could teleport out of that."
"Possibly," said Yor. "But is teleporting completely transferring yourself or moving through an actual space in which there is no solid material?"
"Uhm, completely tranferring ourselves, I think. Or maybe a combination of both, we could just give it a try?"
"Possibly. It would take a lot of energy, though, and most of us already need to recharge for awhile." Arceus sat down.
Storm nodded, and floated around the area lazily. She went up to the forcefield, and hit it with a Dragon Claw experimentally.
((;_; Will we end up having to go underground? Or are you just not going to tell us?))
Storm sighed, and went back over to the other Legendaries. This might be a while...
((The purpose was to have to go underground, yes. The characters won't die immediately, though.))

"If we do have to go to the Lower World, make sure you fill up on food and water first," said Arceus. "There will be none down there."
((Yay, will this be based off Firewing?))

Kokaze nodded, searching for berries. She found an Aspear, which was delicious with its unique flavor. She fluttered off in search of more.
"Looks like we're deciding on going to the Lower World," Arceus commented. He stepped away from the group to look for berries. Miteyor, having had a huge dinner the night before, was already full.
Kokaze sat down, her feathers slightly fluffed up in alarm. She didn't like going underground...

The Articuno sighed. She could only hope for the best.
Nafter also went searching for berries, staying clear of Rawst and Occa berries. One wouldn't hurt her too much, as she had too much firepower (literally), but too much could make her weak, even put out her ever-burning flames and killing her. They didn't taste too good anyway; they were too hard, and Rawst berries were bitter anyway, while Occa berries tasted odd with a mix of spicy and sweet.
One berry she did gorge herself on, though, was the Pecha berry. It was soft, so she could crush the skin with her tongue against the roof of her beak, as she didn't have teeth to chew with, and the sweet flavor was pleasing. She didn't need toxins to survive, indeed they were bad for her, so she was not in danger.
While Passho and Wacan berries didn't taste too good, she also ate a lot of those. They would strengthen her against Water and Electric attacks, which she didn't do too well with. She ate double the amount of Charti berries, because of her double weakness to Rock attacks, despite their odd flavor. She plucked a few of each of these berries to take with her, whether for a Natural Gift attack or to eat in an emergency.
And then she found a berry bush that everyone always looked out for, for it was extremely rare: an Enigma berry bush.
(Hope I'm not godmodding here)
Marking down the location in her navigational mind, she rushed back to where the others had been and waited for them all to return.
Alderam flew back to his lake to get berries and water.

After he had finished eating and packing what little was left, he returned to where they planned to meet.

"Already done, Nafter?"
"You'll see," she laconically explained, although still excited. "We have to wait for the others to get back first."
Hyacinth transformed back into her Land Form and filled herself on berries. Gathering as many as she could find in a woven grass sack, she ran back to meet the others.
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