i knew i was forgetting something and this couldn't be possible haaa
Erm.. give me a second you guys >_>
Scyther said:
3 vs. 3
Single Battle
DQ: 3 days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Area: Simple Stage
Just a plain, clay arena. It has a small pool for water-only Pokemon.
ROUND 23.14
Zangoose (M) <Immunity>
Health: 76%
Energy: 71%
Counter x3
- Not impressed with Cicada.
+1 Def
Cicada (F) <Swarm>
Health: 78%
Energy: 12%
Brick Break/Air Slash ~ Brick Break/Air Slash ~ Brick Break/Air Slash
- In a blind rage, though obviously tired.. Paralyzed (light) Taunted (1 more round)
+4 Atk, -1 Satk, +1 Def
It seems to be past noon now at the arena, and the sun is less powerful as the battle seems to start to wind down. Waving to the Trainers, the referee once again gives them permission to continue as they command their Pokemon, and with another wave, the referee realizes she needs to think of something more interesting to record for the opening sentences as the Pokemon leap at each others' throats, bloodlust in their eyes and claws sharp!
Well, not really. Zangoose slowly moves into a taunting pose, only serving to infuriate Cicada as she screeches once more and dashes towards him, scythes raised and at the ready. Zangoose has prepared himself for this, however, and quickly steps forward so his pose changes from something ridiculous to something useful, purely defensive. With a screech, Cicada turns her scythe dull end down and slams it into Zangoose's crossed arms, earning a grunt and wince from him for a moment, before a light appears in his eyes.
Growling, Zangoose twists and slams his foot into Cicada's side, using the momentum from her own attack to fuel his own hate and adrenaline driven attack, lashing out with the contempt he has for her. Cicada is thrown back a good distance with a cry, and both Pokemon take a few moments to nurse their wounds, each glaring at the other. Zangoose chuckles under his breath, wincing as he looks at his claws. The stupid Scyther might've broken a bone or two, what was with the crazy attack?
Standing suddenly, Cicada jumps forwards and breaks into a run, scythe raised once again. Zangoose barely has time to leap up and into a defensive stance to partially block the solid, momentum powered scythe, which leaves him ringing for a second. The power behind those blows, he thinks, before grabbing Cicada above the scythes and slamming her to the ground, and pushing backwards off her chest, moving away from the somewhat crazed Scyther. Cicada huffs as the wind is knocked out of her, and she gets up again, rather shakily. She's dead on her feet, with not much left to knock her down..
Valiantly summoning up the last of her energy to
rip the throat out of Zangoose, Cicada cries a final battle cry and jumps forwards, rushing towards Zangoose. Her mad dash is clearly slow than her best, and Zangoose smirks as he stands up, once again going into a defensive stance.. The blow slams into his side, catching him unaware for a second. His eyes widen as Cicada's scythe slams into a pressure point, and knocks the air out of him for a moment, before the referee says something under her breath and Zangoose's wounds are somewhat healed, along with Cicada's.
Zangoose bunches up his fists and is about to land a few heavy blows on Cicada, when he freezes up at the words of the referee, saying something unintelligible again about the damage cap. Zangoose glares at Cicada, he's so close, just one more blow, and he'd have brought her down.. and to his surprise, Cicada falls over, completely drained. Darksong hurriedly recalls her, where the Scyther will be able to get some real rest until the Trainer and her Pokemon can get them some proper attention. Zangoose turns to Scyther, who nods approvingly to the Pokemon, grinning. This round was some serious shit.
ROUND 23.14
Zangoose (M) <Immunity>
Health: 36% (capped)
Energy: 57%
- Surprised at the force of Cicada's blows and in rather bad condition, though happy for the moment.
+1 Def
Cicada (F) <Swarm>
Health: 38% (capped)
Energy: 0%
- Knocked out!
+4 Atk, -1 Satk, +1 Def
Terrain Notes
-There are still a bunch of rocks around the arena.
Referee Notes
-..Oops. Nothing really changed except for the fact that Zangoose has some more health now. And that's both a good and bad thing.
-Darksong sends out
-Scyther attacks
-Darksong attacks