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  • I am heterosexual.

    Votes: 99 44.8%
  • I am homosexual.

    Votes: 21 9.5%
  • I am bisexual.

    Votes: 42 19.0%
  • I am pansexual.

    Votes: 11 5.0%
  • I am asexual.

    Votes: 15 6.8%
  • I don't know.

    Votes: 33 14.9%

  • Total voters
Most likely since no matter how much you change your body you're still he same gender/sex you were born as.
You really have no idea, do you.

A transgender person is the gender they identify as, not the one they were born as.

Though, as a cisgendered female, I should probably let someone who knows a little better than I do take over.
Pwnemon said:
Why am I always talked down to as if I don't know that 2+2=4?
no offence dude but you kind of have a track record of saying incredibly offensive things which makes it look like (to me) that you don't know what you're talking about; like when you said that bisexuals only had sex with 'hot' people/pansexuals have sex with anybody or somesuch. since I honestly think you didn't mean to be offensive (because you don't strike me as someone who'd say something that horrible if you understood how offensive it was) I'm more likely to default to thinking that you don't understand too well.

But Jolty was hardly talking down to you anyway, so um ?_?

ALSO EVERYONE who is misunderstanding sex vs. gender, this is a great article

actually scarleteen is a great site for most sex questions
Most likely since no matter how much you change your body you're still he same gender/sex you were born as.
I am a guy now, I always have been and I always will be. I may have only realised I was male just over a year ago, and I may still look and sound feminine at times but my gender is NOT the same as the sex I was born as.

I don't even get your post man
so like... if a transgendered person did hormone treatment AND did several surgeries, including on their genitals, does that mean they are still the sex they were born as? even though they have the RIGHT set of bits now???
Where are you even getting all of this?

Experience, anecdotal evidence, pretty much. It is, of course, dependent on the person, but most guys don't just go into a bar and pick up a girl just like that. Some do, but most people actually don't do that.

Gays and lesbians, however, go into a gay bar and have a much easier time of it. And this makes a lot of sense, biologically speaking.

See, the thing is: If a guy courts a girl, and they want to have recreational sex, there can be a lot of implications there. First of all, they need contraceptives because obviously you run a risk of getting the girl pregnant (not what you want). Second of all, there is the risk of STDs - and if you're picking up a girl in a seedy bar, what are the odds she's carrying gonorrhoea or chlamydia? Pretty fucken high, I'd wager.

In other words, if you're a guy fucking a girl, and you would just pick them up, you are potentially risking a) AIDS b) other STDs c) knocking up somebody and then having to care for a child, d) actually having commitment to a sexual partner.

D) isn't necessarily an issue of course, but if you are looking for commitment you shouldn't be at a seedy bar anyway.

Now suppose you're a woman at a lesbian bar.

A) the prevalence of STDs among lesbians is the lowest for any sexual subgroup. You are risking much less in terms of health than you are if you were a guy fucking a girl. B) You can't just randomly knock somebody up. Sure, lesbians can have kids, but it's a time-consuming process that doesn't come from general sexual intercourse between the two. C) this means you also do not need to have any commitment to a partner if you don't want it.

It simply makes life a lot easier.

Gay men obviously still have a higher risk of STDs. But they also lack any form of pregnancy stuff. It means that the risk of having random sex with a stranger is much reduced, because you're much less bound to consequences.

In the western world, knowledge about AIDS is quite prevalent, and most guys will routinely carry condoms on them, removing the STD problem.

(I'm not going to get into the trans debate here).

This of course doesn't stop lesbian or gay couples from having a good long solid fulfulling relationship, but a lot of gays enjoy this lack of commitment casually and I do not see why not, as sex is fun as much as it is procreative. And different sexual partners open up a lot of different sexual avenues to explore, ones that you might not try when you're stuck to a single partner because every person simply has their own sexual preferences.


It's a general trend. It makes perfect biological sense.

And I am pretty sure that guys pick up a lot of other guys at gay bars. Some guys even have 100+ guys a year, and this is all fairly normal. Straight couples just don't get that usually.

The fact that gays don't need to commit and don't need as much courtship if they want sex is a perfectly rational biological phenomenon. This, of course, doesn't stop a lot of gays wanting that commitment and trust and loyalty from a partner, which is also a justified claim, but in that case, I do not think they are the type that frequents gay bars often.
that and most straight couples go through a lot of courtship. gays seem to just skip the step and get down to the sex a lot easier

The fact that gays don't need to commit and don't need as much courtship if they want sex is a perfectly rational biological phenomenon. This, of course, doesn't stop a lot of gays wanting that commitment and trust and loyalty from a partner, which is also a justified claim, but in that case, I do not think they are the type that frequents gay bars often.

First you're talking about couples, relationships, like everyone else was - and now you're going on a schpiel about how much ~biological sense~ there is in gay people picking other gay people in bars easier.

If I'm honest, I wouldn't say many people go through much courtship if they're looking in bars because they want sex, regardless of their sexuality.
First you're talking about couples, relationships, like everyone else was - and now you're going on a schpiel about how much ~biological sense~ there is in gay people picking other gay people in bars easier.

If I'm honest, I wouldn't say many people go through much courtship if they're looking in bars because they want sex, regardless of their sexuality.

Yeah but some people actually pick up other guys in bars, y'know. Go to a straight bar and pick a girl up and you need something really good.
I am a guy now, I always have been and I always will be. I may have only realised I was male just over a year ago, and I may still look and sound feminine at times but my gender is NOT the same as the sex I was born as.

Okkay, well, that's your belief which you're entitled to, just as I'm entitled to believe otherwise.
"ok you want to be referred to as he and him and wish to be known as a guy BUT I'M STILL GONNA CALL YOU A GIRL BECAUSE I BELIEVE YOU ARE ONE"

why do people keep pulling this on me, man
Except it's not a belief. It's a fact.

Your sex is the genitals you had when you were born. Your gender is what gender you identify as.

More specifically, gender refers to the norms and stereotypes society places on you. Little girls like pink, dresses, dolls, and frills. Little boys like blue, shorts, footballs, and mud. Women care about being pretty, crave emotional support, and have next to no sex drive but need one all at the same time. Men want to be manly and tough, are only in for the sex, and did I mention only in it for the sex?

So gender is both stereotypes and what you feel you are.

Seriously Jason-Kun, you come off as very homophobic and transphobic to me some times.
Men want to be manly and tough, are only in for the sex, and did I mention only in it for the sex?

I've never once liked a girl for sexual appeal.

Don't tell Jason not to be a stereotypical ass then go be a stereotypical ass. Do you realize just how offensive that is?
I know Ketsu said, "The stereotypes society places on you," but still. It's goddamn offensive when anyone says that, even as a joke.
I know Ketsu said, "The stereotypes society places on you," but still. It's goddamn offensive when anyone says that, even as a joke.

She was saying that those stereotypes are very rarely true. It wasn't a joke at all.Pwnemon, you can be pretty cool at times but other times you tend to be a bit....oblivious, I guess?

Relating to that whole stereotype thing, my friends (hell, everyone at my school for the most part, though there aren't any guys in my school so maybe that has something to do with it) don't really scare whether they look pretty or not. And my best friend hates pink, and by the way, is a blackbelt and could probably kick anybody's ass.
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