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Sherlock Club

Oh, good, because the RDJ movie was about all I knew, too (though I did know enough to figure that it wasn't going to be very accurate). I think I've read Hound of the Baskervilles and possibly whatever that one about the "carbuncle" was, but both of those were forever ago and at least one was probably a dumbed-down kiddy adaptation, so. :B
(also there is going to be a Hobbit movie what since when? no one tells me anything! orrr maybe I just avoid celebrity and entertainment news like the plague but)

Since two minutes after it become apparent Fellowship of the Ring was going to make shitloads of money.
US Site! Which is pretty lulzy at times ("united by ADVENTURE!"), but has some good interviews and such, plus the dates/times when it'll be airing.

One thing I am wondering about the US version - it'll be broken up by ads, won't it? When Spooks (MI-5) airs in the US, not only is it split up for ad breaks, they actually cut each episode down by 10-15 minutes to accomodate ads and keep the whole thing an hour long. I really hope they don't cut any of Sherlock when they air it ><

I remember when opal first mentioned to me they were thinking of getting Martin to be Bilbo in the film, I pretty much died laughing, but the more I think about it, the more sense it makes. It's been confirmed by Mark Gatiss on Twitter that it won't interfere with Sherlock filming (I think that was one of Martin's conditions should he take the role), but I'm worried about what it'll mean for series 3 D:
So I was shopping at the local nerd shop and found they had the DVD! About to watch the pilot now. :D
One thing I am wondering about the US version - it'll be broken up by ads, won't it? When Spooks (MI-5) airs in the US, not only is it split up for ad breaks, they actually cut each episode down by 10-15 minutes to accomodate ads and keep the whole thing an hour long. I really hope they don't cut any of Sherlock when they air it ><

Depends on the channel that airs it. This is PBS, which is public broadcasting and doesn't air actual commercials, so if it's interrupted by anything it won't be much at all. Wikipedia says that PBS's airings of MI-5 (whatever that is) are uninterrupted, but other commercial networks attempted to run it previously and those are probably what you're thinking of. I'm pretty sure it'll be fine.

If I watch this thing tonight and can't concentrate on the homework I need to do, I blame all of you here for my poor grade and my teammates getting mad at me. >| You'd better hope I can finish it this afternoon.
I ended up watching the first episode on the PBS website, since I missed it yesterday.

All I can say is...it's freaking amazing so far. :3 So, I am joining this club.
I watched it when it aired last night, since I did in fact manage to finish that homework. It was good! I don't know that I've yet reached the point where I'm babbling hopelessly over it like the rest of you, but the rest of the series will probably rectify that!

(The best part is, now all those out-of-context quotes you keep plastering in your sigs actually make sense! :D "Three-patch problem wtf?")

Now I just have to get my mom to watch it. She's a stickler and she pretty much hates everything based on a book if the show/movie doesn't match the book exactly, and she sets herself up for disappointment all the time even when she can admit that she'd have loved it if she weren't such a purist. HOW DO I CONVINCE HER, YOU GUYS
Fratice, the BBC Sherlock really does follow the book. That is, in a modern setting. But most purists, from what I've heard, really really love it, and the writers (aside from the second episode writer, of whom I'm not sure) are purists themselves, which is why they chose to make the show. They're literally obsessed with it. Sooo your mom will probably love it, and if not, well, her loss!
It was good! I don't know that I've yet reached the point where I'm babbling hopelessly over it like the rest of you, but the rest of the series will probably rectify that!

Warning: the middle episode is not nearly as good (it's not written by Moffat/Gatiss).
But I keep telling her that it's supposed to be story-accurate, and she just gets hung up on "...but Sherlock texts people?" Though she did mention that what she liked about Jeremy Brett (from older Sherlock TV shows and apparently the Sean Connery of Sherlock Holmeses) was the way he portrayed Sherlock's character, and when I told her how Cumberbatch acted in part of the show she said that that was exactly what Brett would've done. So.

I will keep trying!
*performs CPR on thread*

So! I think the last episode aired in the US today! Or possibly later tonight, I don't keep track of these things. Thinking about it, I bet loads of people missed TBB because it was Halloween and unless my sources are very wrong, that's a big deal for USians?

I think the DVD's availiable in R1 format now. I wonder how it'll do, sales-wise? I know it topped Amazon UK's bestseller list for a couple of days.

Anyways, I've been browsing the brilliance that is tumblr and I'll picspam in a bit, when my computer doesn't feel like crashing. For now:

John Watson


* Shooting through open windows
* Shouting at old ladies
* Blinking morse code
* Seducing Consulting Detectives


* Distinguishing between Chinese takeaway delivery men and members of an underground crime syndicate

Other strengths:

* is not afraid of big BAMF brothers who own the country
* doesn’t flinch when faced with severed heads in the fridge
* does the shopping

Other weakness:

* tries in vain to teach Consulting Detectives about the solar system
It hasn't aired here yet; starts in ~three hours. I did see The Blind Banker, though. It wasn't too bad, I thought.

What exactly is that you just posted, out of curiosity? Obviously it's a list of John's strengths and weaknesses, but did you just find that somewhere, or...? And are there some for anyone else?
I've just finished this first series. And well....


I feel so bouncy and amazed when watching it. Of course, it had to end with a cliffhanger, but I was like "What?" near the end with the swimming pool. I mean, it was a surprised what. I did NOT see that coming.

Well, I found another thing to get all fangirly about. :3
See, and I actually did suspect him of being involved in some way when he first showed up (my brain is constantly on auto-Chekhov's gun when it comes to mysteries), but then I got distracted and completely forgot about him until my mom said
"The gay guy?"
, and then I got mad at myself for not remembering. :p

Speaking of which, I got my mom to watch it with me! She was still sort of "...but he texts people D:", but she said that as long as she could push that out of her mind she found it enjoyable and she'll probably catch up on the other two when she has time. So yay!

Also, hahaha lol Jim from IT.
"Jim from IT" will never not be hilarious. Especially when said in an Irish accent, all I can think of is some kind of evil Roy from the IT Crowd XD

...oh god, what wouldn't I give for some kind of hilarious Channel 4 version of Sherlock with Roy as Moriarty and Bernard from Black Books as Sherlock.

I think A Study in Pink has the most canonical references (it was the one that had my inner Holmes fangirl squeeing the most, but that could've just been the novelty), and also is directly based on an actual case, rather than a mishmash of them. Glad she enjoyed it, though :D I made my mother watch my favourite bits and she seemed to like it, but it's hard to make her sit down and properly watch anything. She did manage to confuse Benedict Cumberbatch with Ben 10 the other day, though, which sent my sister and I into peals of uncontrollable laughter.

Anyways. The list of John's skills above was from tumblr. It's been reblogged (retumbled?) so many times I have no idea who made the original, but if you good "Sherlock tumblr" and jump from account to account you'll find it eventually X3

Speaking of tumblr, how about a picspam?

Let's start with the riding crop my favourite motivational poster.

I will actually love forever the person with an art programme/skills good enough to edit Sherlock into a blue suit and John into a magenta one with frills here...

The way he says this makes me laugh every damn time X3

Because we all need Martin Freeman in a tree in our lives.

The Moff providing insight into Sherlock and The Doctor. I love this <33

What an absolutely amazing cast :) I love Una and Mark so much, they're wonderful. Also, hello there, Molly. Here's hoping we get to see more of you sans labcoat in S2.

Actually, I'd settle for seeing more of any of the Sherlockian ladies. They don't get enough screentime (I want Harry to exist exactly like this)

More John being adorable.

This tops the cuteness of even the above picture <3

Aaaand this is the Sherlock fandom we're talking about, so let's end with some crack.

(no images are mine, all are from various tumblrs. Mostly from here and those it rebloggs from, I think?)
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The Pooh and Piglet one may just be the single most adorable thing I've ever seen.

I also like Mr. and Mrs. Holmes--not even so much for how hilariously wrong John looks but for how natural Sherlock looks.
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