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Sinnoh Choice Pokemafia [Game Thread]

Everyone else has form changes and me, having the one with the most formes (discounting Unown but those aren't formes), can't change. There's just not any mention of it in my PM. So I have no idea what this forme stuff is about
I'm out running errands I didn't expect to have to do today and posting this from my phone to announce the day phase will end in a few hours whenever I get home (probably in the ballpark of 2-3 hours). If anybody else wants to vote on anybody else, now's the time.
Well, more discussion time is always a good thing. Voting Mawile, in accordance with my earlier suspicions.

Okay, I managed to word my explanation earlier way wrong. ?_? I can't voluntarily switch forms either (I got the same "you don't know how to switch forms" message Altissimo talked about); what I was trying to say was just that I do know what they are and what powers they have beforehand. I was also told what form I was in in my initial role PM, and was then informed at the end of the night that my form had changed (or rather, that I was now holding a Dawn Stone). If others with similar descriptions haven't changed forms, presumably I was specifically targeted with some sort of form-changing action?

Maybe the forme-changing action targets everyone? Because I started as normal Garchomp but was changed to my Mega forme last night. I don't know whether I can get back, though, and while everyone else's flavor implies that they could switch, Mega Evolution in the games is irreversible, so...

Also, I think Wargle maybe doesn't have formes because her Pokemon has too many formes? Everyone so far who's claimed a role with formes - except Mawile, which is telling - has only two: Butterfree has Dawn Stone/NeverMeltIce, I have normal/Mega, Altissimo has Origin/Altered, Eifie has Sky/Land. And as Wargle says, Superbird doesn't really count since Unown's form is immutable.
Maaan I won't be home until after the day ends and I don't have time to reread. :( To answer Keldeo, I think, I got switched to Land Forme at the end of last night.

I dunno, something is very strange about Mawile and I really don't think it's just ignorance. Whatever, though, I guess.
Through the window, the Trainers can see the sun begin to set on the horizon before two voices speak up, pointing the finger at Mawile, who had been so generously sharing of information earlier. With no other leads, they strap him into the Pokemon League's electric chair (why do the Elite Four have this?) and throw the switch, but don't notice him begin to smirk until a split second too late. The energy surges... and is diverted by Mawile's faithful Rotom, who redirects it in massive bolts at everyone else in the room in turn. As the only Trainer left standing, Mawile unstraps himself and exits the room, casually explaining, "I killed the mafia..." as he makes his way to challenge the Champion.

Mawile was lynched!
Mawile wins!

Full game logs and role PMs coming momentarily!

(Well, that ended faster than I expected...)
The best part is that I only lied about not knowing what powers my other forms had!

....I seriously was not expecting that, though.
I have to agree that I'd be a little wary of inspection results in this game. Apparently there is both one dedicated inspector and multiple people with some inspection powers; in a game with such a low mafia/innocent ratio, that would just be plain broken if there weren't enough undetectable redirection/scrambling to introduce quite a bit of misdirection.

You'll see why in the logs below, but when this was posted, my immediate thought was, You don't know the half of how unintentionally broken the inspections in this game are. And you guys still didn't manage to take advantage of them.


So yeah. Alien victory. I wasn't expecting that after just one night.

I admit I made this pretty bastard-y without even thinking about it until too late, since midway through the signups you guys had selected so many Pokemon with multiple formes that I decided to make the formes a key gimmick of the game. But I do think that, if Mawile hadn't played you guys like an orchestra, you would've probably been able to pool enough information to figure out how the formes work without too much trouble by mid-to-late game.

The biggest bastard piece of information about the formes was that, because Rayquaza radiates Mega Evolution energy like a rainbow, every time Metallica Fanboy used his voluntary forme change, it also changed everybody else's formes. When MF died, everyone else would have gotten the items necessary to change their formes at will.

I said toward the start of the thread, "I had most of the roles in mind, and those were randomized and then flavored based on the choices y'all made in the signup thread. A small number of others have roles for which I picked the flavor and then the role." This was a necessary lie so you guys wouldn't be able to immediately figure out everything without any effort. I actually had most of the roles in mind, then assigned them based on which roles could best fit the flavor of the signup thread choices.

I did randomize who was and wasn't mafia (excluding roles that were definitely innocent, like the inspectors and freemason), but otherwise everything was chosen based on flavor, not randomized.


Mawile, obviously, was the alien.

Eifie and VM were mafia. Butterfree was wannabe mafia.

Everyone else was innocent.

Role PMs and other role details:
[hide=Keldeo/Garchomp (innocent)]Keldeo, who caught her Garchomp at Wayward Cave
You are innocent!

You have two formes: regular Garchomp and Mega Garchomp. You start out as regular Garchomp. You don’t know how to switch between formes. You will be notified when your forme changes.

Both of your formes have the following power:
SAND ATTACK: Once per night, you may select a target. Their night action for this night is redirected to a random other target. This power may not be used two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.

Your regular forme has the following power:
DRAGON TAIL: Once per night, you may select a target. One of their night actions, chosen at random, will be swapped with a random night action for any other living player (except you). This power may not be used two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.

Your Mega forme has the following power:
DRAGON CLAW: Once per night, you may target a player to kill. This power may not be used two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.


After Metallica Fanboy died, Keldeo would have received the following power:
GARCHOMPITE: Once per night, before or after you use a power, you may change your forme. This forme change does not count against powers that specify you may not use another power on the same night.
Altissimo, who caught her Giratina at the Distortion World
You are innocent!

You have two formes: Origin Forme and Altered Forme. You start out in Origin Forme. You don’t know how to switch between formes. You will be notified when your forme changes.

Both of your formes have the following power:
DESTINY BOND: Once per night, you may select a target. By the end of the night, if you are alive, your target cannot have been killed by any night action. On the other hand, if you are dead, your target will automatically die.

Your Origin Forme has the following power:
SHADOW FORCE: Once per night, you may target a player and negate their night action against anyone but you, as well as make both them and yourself immune to other players’ night actions. (That player may still successfully hit you with a night action, if they happened to target you.) This power may not be used two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.

Your Altered Forme has the following power:
OMINOUS WIND: Once per night, you may choose anything that might come up in day phase discussion. This can be as broad as whether a lie exists in the post, as narrow as a specific person posting, or even something like a mafia member posting. Whenever the thing you selected happens during the next day phase, I will quote the post in question and give the message An ominous wind is blowing… with no other context. However, depending on how ridiculous/overpowered the thing you select is, the messages may stop after you can reasonably be expected to have perceived a certain amount of information from them at my discretion. For instance, if you choose to have an ominous wind blow whenever a mafia member posts, the wind will only blow once. This power may not be used two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.


After Metallica Fanboy died, Altissimo would have received the following power:
GRISEOUS ORB: Once per night, before or after you use a power, you may change your forme. This forme change does not count against powers that specify you may not use another power on the same night.
Eifie, who caught her Shaymin at the Flower Paradise
You are mafia!
The mafia faction’s Quicktopic is here. Your fellow mafioso is Vipera Magnifica.

You have two formes: Land Forme and Sky Forme. You start out in Land Forme. You don’t know how to switch between formes. You will be notified when your forme changes.

Both of your formes have the following powers:
HYPER BEAM: As part of the Mafia, your group has the power to kill one player per night. There is no don/grunt hierarchy in this mafia; you’re both equal. If you both agree on who to kill, whoever sends me the decision will perform the kill; if you disagree, you can both send me your choice and I will randomize which one of you actually performs the kill (the other will not go through).

Your Land Forme has the following power:
WORRY SEED: Once per night, if you are not using another power, you may plant a Worry Seed on another player. This prevents their night action from happening during this night. This power may not be used two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.

Your Sky Forme has the following power:
SEED FLARE: Once per night, you may select a target and send out a flare to attract their attention and become the target of their night actions instead of who they actually chose. This power may not be used two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.


After Metallica Fanboy died, Eifie would have received the following power:
GRACIDEA FLOWER: Once per night, before or after you use a power, you may change your forme. This forme change does not count against powers that specify you may not use another power on the same night.
Vipera Magnifica, who caught his Dialga at the Spear Pillar
You are mafia!
The mafia faction’s Quicktopic is here. Your fellow mafioso is Eifie.

You have two formes: regular Dialga and Primal Dialga. You start out as regular Dialga. You don’t know how to switch between formes. You will be notified when your forme changes.

Both of your formes have the following power:
HYPER BEAM: As part of the Mafia, your group has the power to kill one player per night. There is no don/grunt hierarchy in this mafia; you’re both equal. If you both agree on who to kill, whoever sends me the decision will perform the kill; if you disagree, you can both send me your choice and I will randomize which one of you actually performs the kill (the other will not go through).

Your regular forme has the following power:
METAL BURST: Once per night, you may shield yourself such that all night actions aimed at you are redirected at their user. (Inforoles will get a garbled result.) This power may not be used two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.

Your Primal forme has the following power:
ROAR OF TIME: Once per night, you may select a target and one of the previous nights. If they performed a night action during that night, it will be re-performed on you this night. They will not be informed that their action was used again, but inforoles will get a garbled result (with no context). This power may not be used two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.


After Metallica Fanboy died, VM would have received the following power:
TEMPORAL SHIFT: Once per night, before or after you use a power, you may change your forme. This forme change does not count against powers that specify you may not use another power on the same night.
Superbird, who caught his Unown at Solaceon Ruins
You are innocent!

Your power is HIDDEN POWER. Each night phase, you are to select a different letter of the alphabet (! and ? included) (you may not select the same letter more than once). I will then send you a one-use-only night action based on that letter.

F — FRIENDLINESS: You may inspect a target of your choice to discover their alignment.

R — REDIRECT: You will be given a list of every time so far in the game a night action has been redirected.

I — INNOCENT: You may inspect a target of your choice to discover their alignment.

E — EVOLUTION: You may inspect a target of your choice to discover their current forme. If the target doesn’t have multiple formes, your inspection fails.

N — NIGHT ACTION: You may inspect a target of your choice to discover the text of all of their night actions (which will be edited as not to give away their alignment).

D — DISCUSSION: You may inspect a target of your choice to discover whether they have access to out-of-thread discussion with other players, and if so, how many.

! or ? — SURPRISE: You may use any night action you have already used during the game. (If you have not used any, then instead you may inspect a target of your choice to discover their alignment.)

O, C, T — DOCTOR: You may heal a target of your choice. That target will not be killed if they are targeted by a killing night action.

H, A, L — HEALER: You may heal a target of your choice. That target will not be killed if they are targeted by a killing night action.

U — NURSE: You may heal a target of your choice. That target will not be killed if they are targeted by a killing night action.

P — COP: You may inspect a target of your choice to discover their alignment.

S — INSPECTOR: You may inspect a target of your choice to discover their alignment.

V — DETECTIVE: You may inspect a target of your choice to discover their alignment.

M, K — SCUM TRACKER: You may inspect a target of your choice to discover their alignment.

B, G, J, Q, W, X, Y, Z — flip a coin and give one of the options below:

HEADS: You may inspect a target of your choice to discover their alignment.

TAILS: You may heal a target of your choice. That target will not be killed if they are targeted by a killing night action.
Metallica Fanboy, who caught his Rayquaza at Pal Park
You are innocent!
What? You don’t belong in Sinnoh! Silly Rayquaza.

You have two formes: regular Rayquaza and Mega Rayquaza. You start out as regular Rayquaza.

Both of your formes have the following powers:
DRAGON ASCENT: Once per night, before or after you use a power, you may change your forme. This forme change does not count against powers that specify you may not use another power on the same night.
DRAGON DANCE: Once per night, if you are not using another power, you may inspect a player and find out a basic description of the effects of all the powers they can currently perform. Because this arcane Draconid ritual is tied to the energy of your Mega Evolution, you can only perform this power during a night in which you are changing your forme. (It doesn’t matter which of your formes you’re starting and ending in.)

Your regular forme has the following power:
SCARY FACE: Once per night, you may target a player and negate their night action. This power may not be used two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.

Your Mega forme has the following power:
FLY: Once per night, you may target a player and negate their night action against anyone but you, as well as make both them and yourself immune to other players’ night actions. (That player may still successfully hit you with a night action, if they happened to target you.) This power may not be used two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.
(Metallica Fanboy doesn’t know this, but because of the sheer energy of Rayquaza’s Mega Evolution, every time he changes his forme, he involuntarily changes everyone else’s forme, too, if applicable. This change applies at the end of the night, so people’s selected night actions don’t get messed up. Once he dies, everyone else with formes gains the power to change their own forme at will.)
Zero Moment, who caught his Jynx at Snowpoint Temple
You are innocent!

You have the following powers:
LOVELY KISS: Sometimes, you want a friend. Once per night, if you are not using another power, you may target a player to join your innocent-aligned freemason cult group of friends. If your target is innocent, you succeed; if your target is mafia, you fail and die. Anyone still living in your group of friends can talk privately with each other in this Quicktopic thread, even if you yourself are dead.

PERISH SONG: Sometimes, you just give up on finding the right friend. Once per night, if you are not using another power, you may target another player. If your target is innocent, nothing happens. If your target is mafia, you and your target both die.
Wargle, who caught her Arceus at the Hall of Origin
You are innocent!

You have the following powers:
FUTURE SIGHT: Once per night, if you are not using another power, you may inspect another player and find out their alignment.

JUDGMENT: During the day phase, your vote counts double toward anyone you have not inspected, but it counts zero toward anyone you have inspected. This power is always on and cannot be deactivated. It does not count against powers that specify you may not use another power on the same night.
I liek Squirtles, who caught his ??? at the Global Trade Station
You are innocent!

During Night Zero, you head to the GTS and offer up your last Pokemon. To your astonishment, you get plenty of remarkable offers! Choose one and that will be your partner Pokemon for the rest of the game.

mew celebi jirachi manaphy victini
Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy, or Victini?

All of these Pokemon have the following power:
PROTECT: Once per night, you may choose to protect yourself from all actions. Nothing that targets you will affect you. (Inforoles will get a garbled response.) This power may not be used two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.

Mew has the following power:
TRANSFORM: Once per night, you may select one target and transform into their Pokemon, giving you the option of all the night actions they have available to them. (The text of these actions will be edited, if applicable, to avoid giving away alignments.) This power may not be used simultaneously with any other power except those you are transforming into.

Celebi has the following power:
HEAL BELL: Once per night, you may select a target. That target will not be killed if they are targeted by a killing night action. This power may not be used simultaneously with any other power.

Jirachi has the following power:
DOOM DESIRE: Once per night, you may select a target to kill. The target will die at the end of the following day phase, concurrently with the day’s lynch. No night action can block this kill. This power may not be used simultaneously with any other power.

Manaphy has the following power:
HEART SWAP: Once per night, you may select a target in order to trade Pokemon and all night actions with them. You will no longer have access to Manaphy and Heart Swap. Your target will, in the future, be able in turn to Heart Swap with other players. This power may not be used simultaneously with any other power.

Victini has the following power:
V-CREATE: Once per night, you may select a target. By igniting a flame on your head, you attract their attention and become the target of their night actions instead of who they actually chose. This power may not be used simultaneously with any other power.
Mawile, who caught his Rotom at the Old Chateau
You are self-aligned!

You win when you are lynched in your Normal Rotom forme. You may also win with the innocents if you are in one of your appliance formes. You start out in your choice of appliance formes: Heat, Wash, Frost, Fan or Mow. You cannot start out in Normal forme.

When you are in one of your appliance formes, you are immune to being killed during the night because any night action that would kill you will target your appliance instead. When this happens, that appliance is destroyed and you revert to your Normal forme. At the beginning of any night when you are in your Normal forme, you may choose to take the forme of one of your remaining appliances. You can’t return to the forme of any destroyed appliance. If you run out of appliances, you’re stuck in your Normal forme.

In your Normal forme, you are vulnerable to being killed during the night. In all of your appliance formes, you are vulnerable to being lynched.

Your forme may also change in other circumstances that you don’t know the details of. Your appliance won’t be destroyed in these circumstances, so it’s possible you will return to it. These circumstances can force you from Normal Forme into an appliance forme unless you are using Charge (see below).

All of your formes have the following power:
DISCHARGE: Once per night, you may choose to use this power. If so, I will provide you with the names of three random night actions that exist in this game. (They may or may not be actions someone is using this night or even that someone is currently unable to use at all.) You may choose zero or one of them to disable for as long as you are still alive in the game. This power may not be used simultaneously with any other power.

Your Normal Rotom forme has the following power:
CHARGE: Once per night, you may choose to charge up enough power to stop yourself from being forced into an appliance forme. (You are still vulnerable to being killed as well as the effects of any other night action.) This power may not be used simultaneously with any other power.

Your Heat forme has the following power:
HEAT WAVE: Once per night, you may target a player and produce a wave of heat so strong that all other night actions targeting them fail. This power may not be used two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.

Your Wash forme has the following power:
HYDRO PUMP: Once per night, you may target a player and douse them with water down to their very soul, garbling anything an inforole tries to inspect them to find out. This power may not be used two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.

Your Frost forme has the following power:
BLIZZARD: Once per night, you may target a player and freeze them, preventing their night action. This power may not be used two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.

Your Fan forme has the following power:
AIR SLASH: Once per night, you may target a player for death by wind, killing them in a way nothing can block. This power may not be used two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.

Your Mow forme has the following power:
LEAF STORM: Once in the game, you may summon a fearsome storm of greenery to shuffle all other players’ night actions. This power may not be used simultaneously with any other power.
(In addition to having his appliances killed instead of himself during the night, Mawile could be forced out of his forme and into a random one of the others by MF/Rayquaza's forme change. It was sheer luck that this randomly put Mawile into his activated-alien Normal Forme so early in the game.)
Butterfree, who caught her Snorunt at Route 217
You are wannabe mafia!

You know who the mafia are, but they don’t know who you are. You have access to their Quicktopic to see what they’re saying, but you must not post to it or otherwise contact them on penalty of immediate modkill. You win if the mafia wins; you lose if the town wins. You flip innocent to inforoles, and the town is not required to kill you to win if they have killed the true mafia members.

The mafia are Eifie and Vipera Magnifica and the mafia faction’s Quicktopic is here. Remember, don’t post to it!

You have two hold items: a Nevermeltice and a Dawn Stone. These items allow you to borrow some of the abilities of your evolutions. You start out holding Nevermeltice. You don’t know how to switch items. You will be notified when your item changes.

Both of your items let you have the following power:
HAIL: Once in the game, you may summon a fearsome hailstorm to shuffle all other players’ night actions. This power may not be used simultaneously with any other power.

Your Nevermeltice gives you the following power:
SHEER COLD: Once per night, you may select a target to freeze solid so thoroughly that they can neither use their night action nor participate in the next day’s discussion. At the beginning of the following night, they will thaw out. (Nonparticipation will not count against them for modkilling purposes while they are frozen solid.) This power may not be used on the same target any two times, nor for two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.

Your Dawn Stone gives you the following power:
ICY WIND: Once per night, you may choose anything that might come up in day phase discussion. This can be as broad as whether a lie exists in the post, as narrow as a specific person posting, or even something like a certain power role posting. Whenever the thing you selected happens during the next day phase, I will quote the post in question and give the message An icy wind is blowing… with no other context. However, depending on how ridiculous/overpowered the thing you select is, the messages may stop after you can reasonably be expected to have perceived a certain amount of information from them at my discretion, or they may not come at all. For instance, if you choose to have an icy wind blow whenever someone with inspection powers posts, the wind will only blow once; and if you choose to have an icy wind blow when the dedicated inspector posts, the wind will not blow. This power may not be used two nights in a row, nor simultaneously with any other power.


After Metallica Fanboy died, Butterfree would have received the following power:
TWO HELD ITEM SLOTS: Once per night, before or after you use a power, you may change your forme. This forme change does not count against powers that specify you may not use another power on the same night.[/hide]

Night actions:


Eifie/Shaymin uses the mafia kill on Zero Moment
Vipera Magnifica/Dialga uses Metal Burst (shield)
Butterfree/Snorunt abstains from using actions

Keldeo/Garchomp abstains from using actions
Altissimo/Giratina uses Shadow Force (jailkeeper) on VM
Superbird/Unown selects I (inspection) and inspects Eifie
Metallica Fanboy/Rayquaza forme-changes (which changes all formes) and inspects Zero Moment’s powers
Zero Moment/Jynx tries to recruit MF
Wargle/Arceus inspects Metallica Fanboy
I liek Squirtles selects Mew
I liek Squirtles transforms into Wargle/Arceus, inspects Superbird
Mawile selects Wash Forme
Mawile uses Discharge to disable VM’s Roar of Time (other options: Hidden Power, Heart Swap)


Zero Moment dies

Superbird inspects Eifie, result: mafia
Wargle inspects Metallica Fanboy, result: innocent
I liek Squirtles inspects Superbird, result: innocent
Metallica Fanboy inspects Zero Moment, result: recruiting freemason

Metallica Fanboy is recruited into the freemasons
Altissimo jailkeeps herself
Mawile’s Discharge is reflected back at himself but since Mawile doesn’t have a move called Roar of Time, it does nothing

Forme changes:
Keldeo -> Mega Garchomp
Altissimo -> Altered Forme Giratina
Eifie -> Sky Forme Shaymin
VM -> Primal Dialga
Metallica Fanboy -> Mega Rayquaza
Mawile -> random number generator picks Normal Rotom
Butterfree -> Dawn Stone

Final thoughts

I do regret not mentioning the forme change mechanic; I will totally own up to that being bastardy of me. My other mistake, I think, was making Rotom change formes in the same way as everyone else on top of its own special forme change mechanic. That was a natural instinctive choice to make, but it also made it really easy for Mawile to get activated without anybody realizing it was a possibility. Either I should've made Rotom immune to Rayquaza's forme change domino effect, or I should've made Rotom change only into an appliance form and not be able to be activated by that effect.
Well, I stand by the claim that there was more ignorance than malice going about, albeit not to the expected result.

I also can't believe I was the freakin' forme change key all along. That was not in my PM, to say the least.

I was also so going to inspect Eifie if Mawile had turned up innocent, so I guess the best way to put this whole situation is, I would have ensured Eifie's defeat no matter what.
But I do think that, if Mawile hadn't played you guys like an orchestra, you would've probably been able to pool enough information to figure out how the formes work without too much trouble by mid-to-late game.
I didn't even consider that other people might have formes like I did, really. I think that the whole "7 abilities and no way to change formes" thing was just suspicious enough to make people suspicious of me the entire time, but I wasn't expecting a day 1 lynch. All I wanted was to make people a little suspicious of me, but then Butterfree and Eifie went and basically pointed out all the flaws in my posts and got all of two people to lynch me. It all worked out in the end, though!

(In addition to having his appliances killed instead of himself during the night, Mawile could be forced out of his forme and into a random one of the others by MF/Rayquaza's forme change. It was sheer luck that this randomly put Mawile into his activated-alien Normal Forme so early in the game.)
...This whole time, I thought that I automatically went into Normal forme if I got kicked out of my appliance. I had no clue that I was at risk of being sent into one of my appliance formes, but I guess I got awfully lucky there. If the game continued further, though, then I probably would have used my Fan forme and killed off some people just to raise even more suspicion.

I also can't believe I was the freakin' forme change key all along.
Thank you for helping me win :D Also, well played, everyone! (even though you all didn't get to play very much because of me)
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