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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
(this is indeed why!)(I really don't know why you guys are capitalizing the D btw, but I'm assuming it's to differentiate in-game days from real days?)
In general, I ask questions either for the obvious reason (because I want to know the answer) or to try to provoke a response that's alignment-indicative in some way. I expect Keldeo's attitude is very similar.BTW Koko and keldeo, you don't have to answer right now but what's the point of these qs? Specifically the one about what I do as town and what I would do as maf? Not to discredit them, but I could be lying or withholding information.
hopelessly pocketed by her RP tbqhwhere are people’s heads at on skylar rn?
extremely pocketed by snom legs artWhile I’m here and thinking about it: where are people’s heads at on skylar rn? Just to see thoughts on this when I read up
given how cats went (ie no one else ever objected to hypocopping/thought of this drawback) i think it was maybe unnecessary for w!keldeo to have said this here, though it's probably not especially AII won't be doing hypocop, because without role reveals, we get the drawbacks (it can tell the mafia who isn't the cop) without much of the benefits. I don't actually know whether roles are revealed upon death, but I'm assuming they are not.
- i am kind of obsessed with skylar's legsnom and it feels like the fuckery that she did as town last gameI feel like the flavor text indicates some kind of power role that can drag peopleI'd assume such a thing would be a wolf power, so maybe for now we can assume kyeugh is innocent? Just the target of mean gossip LOL
i am still curious about why this was asked! maybe i'm just not following something thoIs there a mafia role that uhhh traps/yeets anyone who targets you at night?
i am reading this as more towny than not tbh.given how cats went (ie no one else ever objected to hypocopping/thought of this drawback) i think it was maybe unnecessary for w!keldeo to have said this here, though it's probably not especially AI)